“Out with Tanner,” I say, jumping on my bed. “He went all southern on me today. He killed a snake. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

   “Um, why are you still here then?” she asks, glancing up.

   “Austin. He’s in trouble. Mrs. Jones was standing on the porch when we got to Tanner’s cabin.”

   “Ah,” she smiles. “What a pussy blocker. So, you two were going to do it?”

   I roll my eyes and toss a pillow at her. She backhands it into a vase of pink lilies, and it crashes to the floor. “Where did you…” I trail off. The flowers. Pink lilies. No. “Where did you get those?”

   “Holy shit, Aubrey,” she says, pressing her hand to her heart. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?”

   “Where did you get those?”

   “They were on the doorstep when I got here. I assumed they were for one of us. I just…are you okay? You’re shivering.”

   I am. I didn’t even realize. My head is pounding, too. My chest burns. Those are the same flowers he would send to me for every occasion. They were my favorite. Sliding off my bed, I slowly walk toward the window. The blinds are opened, the woods behind the cabin clear. A shadow casts across a few trees, ducking behind them for cover. No, he can’t be here. He isn’t. He’s in jail. I’m hallucinating, again. They went away, the shadows. Why are they back!

   Fire is sliding down my throat to the depth of me. Cassie’s hand wraps around my upper arm and she turns me toward her. Her big blue eyes are wide, scared. “What’s wrong, Aubrey? Tell me. You can trust me.”

   “Cassie. I see him, but it’s not real.”

   “See who?” she asks, shaking me.

   “Sit down. I have a lot to tell you.”

   The entire time I tell Cassie the story, I’m crying, shaking, convulsing. She hugs me close to her, patting my back, and cries with me. I don’t know how long I lay in her lap, or what time it is when I hear someone knock on the door.

   I’m shifted and feel different hands on me. Rough. Hard but gentle. When I open my eyelids Tanner is staring down at me. His eyes are concerned, his body tense. “Let’s get you a shower, you need to cool down. Come on.”

   My feet drag the ground. I feel so useless—ashamed that I’ve turned into this person. Someone full of demons, and lets someone else determine their fate.

   Tanner locks the door behind us and guides me to the closed toilet. “What happened? What did you see?”

   I sniffle, my eyes burn. My throat feels like someone shoved hot coals down there. “Lilies. Cassie had lilies on her nightstand.”

   His brows pull down in the middle, and he strokes my cheek. “What do lilies mean, Aubrey?”

   “They’re the flower he always gave to me. Always. Even after our breakup, he would send them.”

   “Was there a card or…?”

   “No, just the lilies. I—I don’t know who is doing this, but I want them to stop. Just stop. It’s not funny.”

   “No, darlin’, it’s not. Have you talked to your mom recently? Or the detective assigned to your case? Has anyone tried to call you?”

   With shaky hands, I dig my phone out of my pocket. I shake my head. “I haven’t talked to my mom in a few days. She did comment on one of my Facebook posts, but she hasn’t said anything.”

   A tear slips down my cheek and Tanner wipes it away. “Then I’m sure you’re just stressed. You would be the first person to know if he was out, believe me. Just breathe. Calm down and breathe.” I take a steady inhale, and Tanner nods to encourage me. “You want to take a shower?”

   “With you?” I ask.

   The corner of his lip moves slightly. “I’ll sit right here and talk to you, but I won’t take a shower with you. I don’t need any temptations right now, Aubrey. It’s not the right time.”

   I nod, knowing it isn’t. Tanner helps me up and turns around while I undress and hop in the shower. The warm water slides over my skin, all the way down to my toes. “Do you think he could get out?” I ask, through the water on my face.

   “Sure. But, you would know if he’d escaped. They would call you, and it would be on the news.”

   It’s true, yet something doesn’t feel right.

   I finish my shower and wrap a towel around me before I step out. Tanner’s leaning against the cabinet, ankles crossed in front of him. The condensation from my shower has made his face damp. It looks good on him.

   A sexy, easy smile spreads across his jaw. “If we were under different circumstances, I’d ask you to drop that towel.”

   Heat races under my skin, my lower stomach aching with need. Why not? I’m safe. He’s mine. Lifting a brow, I drop my towel. Tanner’s eyes widen, like fucking saucers, and his mouth gapes open. “Aubrey… put your towel back on. Now,” he grits through his teeth.

   I can’t believe I’m doing this. Smiling, I step toward him. His gaze is on my chest, my thighs, my stomach… all of me. I see the temptation in his eyes. His fingers twitch

   “Tanner,” I whisper. “Touch me, please.”

   “Christ,” he hisses through his teeth, gripping my neck and turning me so that I’m sitting on top of the counter. “Aubrey,” he bites my lower lip, “I told you not to do that.” The heat from his mouth is burning me up. I feel like I’m on fire.

   “Why?” I mumble through my teeth. “Don’t you like it?”

   Fingers dig into my ass, and he finds my lips. That’s definitely the answer I was looking for. His growls are coming faster, harder. I’m naked in front of him, and I couldn’t care less. I suck his bottom lip in with my teeth and grab the edge of his camp shirt. Tugging it over his head, he tosses it to the side. “Aubrey,” he moans into my mouth, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth.

   “Touch me,” I beg. I’ve never been so forward, so blunt. But I want—need him. It’s like he was meant to be here with me. For me. Tanner presses his forehead against my own and trails his index finger down to my breast and cups me. I cry out, it’s such a small touch but it lights me on fire. His calloused finger rubs over my nipple, slowly at first, then he speeds up. My back arches, my breasts tender from his firm grip. “You feel so good in my hands, darlin’.”

   Gripping his neck, I move his ear toward my mouth. “More.”

   Tanner cups my other breast, and then takes his index finger and slides it down to my sex. His hands are large, rough but gentle. My heartbeat is pumping harder against my ribs. My eyes roll back in my head. I feel his finger slide against me until it’s circling my clit. “Ah,” I cry out in his ear, wrapping my hands into his hair. The contrast between his rough finger and my soft folds is heaven. He slides against me harder, quicker.

“Fuck, Aubrey.” His fingers inch lower, slowly entering me. I tighten my thighs, leaning my head against his broad shoulder. “You’re so fuckin’ wet for me, baby.”

   I’m soaking. I can’t help it; I want him so bad it hurts. “Please, don’t stop this time. I want it. I want you.”

   He presses his head against my shoulder and starts to move his fingers quicker. I’m shivering against him, my body hungry for more. “You like that?” he whispers, his voice low and deep. “Tell me you like it.”

   Christ, hearing his voice is like swallowing a cold glass of water after three days in the desert. “I love it.”

    He pulls his finger away and unzips his jeans. He stands in front of me in his boxer briefs, and they’re filled out nicely. I tug on his waistband, bringing him closer. “I’m gonna take care of you, darlin’. Let me take care of you.” He tugs my hair and forces my mouth open with his own.

    Tanner slides his hands down to my hips and pulls me against his erection. “You feel that?” he whispers. I nod, slowly, unable to do anything else. “I’m gonna make you scream my name—loud. I want you underneath me. I have since I laid eyes on you.”

Oh, I want that, too. So much. A loud three knocks echoes against the door. My voice is hoarse from breathing so hard, dry and scratchy. “Not now, Cassie.”

   Cassie giggles. “It’s not me. Mrs. Jones and Jake are both here to check on you. Apparently someone called Mrs. Jones and told her you were distressed. Should I tell her you’re doing just fine in there?”

   Tanner nods against my cheek. “I don’t want to stop.” He bites my neck gently and tugs on my hips.

   “Tell her I’m fine,” I say, my voice low. I’m not even sure how I’m talking right now without it coming out in a moan.

   Cassie leaves, I guess. Tanner doesn’t waste any time pressing against me and covering my mouth with his own.

   Three more knocks. “Jesus,” Tanner spits out.

   “What?” I nearly yell.

   Cassie laughs. “They insist you come out now. Sorry, I even tried to bribe them. They’re not budging.”

   Closing my eyes, I press my cheek against Tanner’s chest. “I’m sorry.”

   He groans. “Just wait a second.” He closes his eyes.

   “What are you doing?”

   “Thinking about dead puppies.”

    “What? Why?”

   He glares at me and then I remember. I laugh, loudly. “I guess there are advantages about being a girl.” I jump down from the counter and grab my towel. “Let’s get this over with.”

   Jake paces the floor, and Mrs. Jones is standing next to the door. They both look up and exhale at the same time. “What happened?” Jake says, walking toward me. I’m still in my towel since I didn’t bring any clothes in with me. His mouth drops open a tad bit, but he stops. I’m guessing Tanner’s walked out behind me.