“I know, baby girl. I know. I love you just as much.”

Relief flooded me when Jake’s arms came around me. They felt safe and comforting just like they always did. I hoped that meant that he had forgiven me for what he had witnessed earlier. Pulling away, I stared up into his handsome face. “Nothing will ever change my love for you or how much I need you as a big brother. Not even my feelings for Rhys.”

Jake’s expression darkened at the mention of Rhys. “I just can’t believe he betrayed me by going behind my back with you.”

Shaking my head, I replied, “He didn’t betray you. It takes two, and I’m just as guilty as he is.”

“Allison, you’re just a kid, but Rhys is a man. He knows better. Just the thought that he seduced you for his own selfish, bullshit reasons makes me want to throttle him again.”

“He didn’t seduce me.” When Jake started to protest, I held up my hand. “Didn’t you hear me say that I’ve been in love with Rhys since I was thirteen years old? Trust me, no one wanted this more or consented more than I did.”

Jake’s brows creased with confusion. “What are you saying?”

“There’s never been and never will be any man in the world for me but Rhys.”

“But how?” Jake croaked.

I laughed. “Are you asking me to explain why I love him? Because I don’t necessarily think I can. Just like I’m sure it would be hard for you to explain why you fell in love with Abby despite your differences and the fact the world was against you guys.”

Jake winced as if he knew what I was saying was true but hated to admit it. “I promise you that Rhys never set out to seduce me into his bed and make me one of his conquests. More than anything, he fought against what he felt for me because he didn’t want me to get hurt. But Jake most of all, he didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship.”

“Really?” Jake asked, his brows rising in surprise.

“Yes. Runaway Train is the only true family he has, and he didn’t want to do anything to risk it, even if it meant throwing away his own happiness and mine to keep the peace.”

Running his hand through his hair, Jake gave a ragged sigh. “I had no idea.”

“No, you’ve been too much of a stubborn ass to see anything past your own feelings,” I replied.

Jake’s eyes momentarily bulged. “Hey now.”

Cocking my head at him, I gave him a tentative smile. “It’s the truth on some level, and you know it.”

With a sheepish expression, Jake said, “Yeah, I guess it is. You know me too well, Allie-Bean.” He then glanced down at his hands and sighed raggedly. “Hell, I knew Rhys’s home life was fucked up, but I had no idea how strongly he needed the band. Not only do I feel terrible about hitting him, but I feel like a huge ass for all of the horrible things I said to him. The truth is he’s never been like me in the way he treated women. I shouldn’t have called him out for behavior that wasn’t really his. It’s just hard to think any man would ever be fucking good enough for my baby sister, Allie-Bean.”

“All you have to do to make it right is apologize.” When Jake gave a frustrated grunt, I brought my hand to his cheek. “Rhys isn’t the type of guy to hold a grudge. The most important thing in his life is harmony between those he loves. You can make things right because you love him and because you love me.”

Jake brought his gaze to mine. “Fine. I’ll fucking apologize, okay?” he growled.

“Can you work on your tone a little before you try?” I teasingly asked. He plastered on a hideous fake smile. “Well, that is truly frightening.”

He chuckled. “You’re really busting my balls, kiddo.”

I grinned. “Just go easy on Rhys, okay?”

Jake nodded. “For you, I will.”

“Don’t just do it for me. Do it because of your love for him. He’s your family.”

Rolling his eyes, Jake gripped my waist and then set me on my feet. “Fine, fine. I’ll get all mushy and sentimental and do it for our—” he paused to make air quotes, “bromance. How’s that?”

“Very good.”

Motioning to the door, he said, “Go send him in.”

Although I felt like everything was good between us, I was still a little scared to have Jake talk with Rhys. “Alone?”

“Yesss,” Jake hissed, as if he couldn’t believe I doubted his ability to be civil.

“Okay, okay,” I replied, heading for the door. Peeking my head out into the hallway, I saw Rhys pacing back and forth. It warmed my heart to see that he had stayed relatively close in case things went bad. “Rhys?” I called.

His head snapped up, and he whirled around to stare expectantly at me. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine. Jake’s ready to talk to you now.”

Rhys’s brows shot up. “Really?”

I nodded as he exhaled his breath in one long whoosh. As he strode up to me, he gave a shaky smile. His being nervous would have been quite comical if I hadn’t been so apprehensive myself. “So should I be worried about more bodily harm?”

With a laugh, I replied, “No, I think you’re okay.”

“And we’re okay?”

“We’re great.”

He leaned in and gave me a tender kiss. “I’m glad to hear that.”

I was almost too overwhelmed with emotions to respond. I felt like pinching myself to make sure this was really happening. It felt too good to be true. With a gentle nudge, I pointed Rhys in the direction of the doorway. “Go on, face the music, and get it over with.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, before giving me a mock salute.

After he disappeared inside the room and shut the door behind him, I couldn’t help saying a prayer that everything would finally be right between us—and that meant all of us.

Chapter Twenty


While I tried masking my nerves about Jake in front of Allison, I was still a basket case inside. Sure, I had made my argument and stood my ground, but there was still a pansy-ass part of me that dreaded facing Jake. Somehow I couldn’t help being a little apprehensive about actually sitting down with him to talk man to man about what I had done. Throwing back my shoulders, I gave Allison a reassuring smile. Then I took in a deep breath, bit the bullet, and headed inside the room.

When I shut the door, Jake raised his brows at me and then winced in pain. “You look like hell,” he mumbled, as he rubbed his forehead.

“Yeah, some crazy fucker punched me,” I replied, with a wry smile.

The corners of Jake’s lips turned up a little. “Guess we’re going to give Darla a run for her money in the makeup chair tonight, huh?”

“Yeah, I think she’s going be pretty pissed at us.”

“Have a seat,” he said, motioning to the couch across from him.

After I eased down onto the sofa, I glanced expectantly at him. “Your right hook is pretty intense,” I said, trying to ease the tension that hung heavily in the air.

Jake chuckled as he flexed his fingers. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had to throw a punch. I wasn’t sure I still had it in me.”

“So glad I could help get you back in the ring.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Jake replied.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like a small eternity. Finally, I bit the bullet and went straight to the heart of the matter. “Look man, I’m really fucking sorry you had to find out about Allison and me the way you did.”

Jake cringed. “Yeah, me too.”

“We really haven’t been dating behind your back, Jake. It was only yesterday that we came together as a couple. I had every intention of coming straight to you and openly discussing my intentions toward Allison, but she wanted to wait. She felt certain of how you would react and wanted a little time for us to enjoy some happiness before shit hit the fan.”

Jake gave a small smile. “I see.” He then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “So Allison gave me her side of the story. What do you have to say?”

“Just that I’m sorry.”

With his brows shooting up in surprise, Jake asked, “That’s it?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know what else to say, but that I’m so fucking sorry. Our friendship has always been in the forefront of my mind, so I feel like shit for keeping Allison and me a secret from you. I don’t want my love for your sister to fuck with our friendship, man. But sometimes you can’t help the path your life takes, and when it comes to Allison, mine derailed in the best damn way possible. She’s one hell of an amazing woman, and I can’t help but love her with all my heart.” When Jake remained uncharacteristically silent, I continued on, “Trust me, I fought like hell not to give in to what I was feeling. But I’m sorry if I’m a selfish bastard for finally deciding that her happiness and my happiness meant more than how you could have felt about us.”

Jake weighed my words. “How am I supposed to believe that you’re not going to break her heart?” he questioned. Before I could respond, he continued on. “I mean, you’ve barely had any long-term relationships since I’ve known you.”

Cocking my head at him, I countered, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I could have said the same thing to you when you decided to date Abby.”

Jake grimaced. “Are you and Allison ever going to stop throwing Abby’s and my relationship in my face?”

“No, because it’s the only thing I can think of to get you to see reason. In so many ways, our relationships are similar. I’m hoping that fact will help you to see that you have nothing to be worried about. I’m going to love Allison as completely as you do Abby. I will honor her and protect her all the days of my life.”

“That last bit sounded like wedding vows.”