“Let’s head down to the lake over there. Maybe we’ll see some ducks,” Allison suggested.

“Okay.” But he didn’t think they’d find anything there.

They ran into a few of the other teams, but no one followed them. They all looked like they were hard at work doing their own thing. He didn’t want to be distracted, though.

They’d been working on the clues, but damn that Haven, these were hard.

When they got down to the lake, they all looked around, even splitting up to wander the area.

They came up with nothing.

“It’s not here,” Elvin said.

Then it hit him. “Duck’s Bar. Just up the street and around the corner.”

Hopefully no one else had come up with the clue. They ran, and Warrell asked the bartender, who pulled out the team football from behind the bar.

“Awesome,” Elvin said. “That’s four items for us.”

“How are we doing for time?” Allison asked.

Warrell pulled out his phone. “Fifteen minutes left.”

“Let’s check out the next clue.” Allison went over the list. “Or maybe we should split up. Elvin and I will do one, and you and Warrell can do another. It’ll double our chances to get more items.”

Trevor nodded. “That works.”

Allison read them their clue—“Find me at the bottom of the barrel.”

“We’ll meet up back at the house with five minutes left,” Allison said. Then they dashed off in another direction.

“Okay, what do you think that means,” Trevor asked.

“You got me.” Warrell looked around. “I don’t see any barrels around here.”

They started walking along the marina, both of them searching opposite sides of the road. “Keep your eyes open for a barrel. There has to be one—”

Of course. He didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him right away. “We have to get back to the house. There’s a barrel at the end of my dock.”

They made a run for it. When they got back to the house, Trevor stopped Warrell. “Play it cool. We don’t want anyone to notice where we’re going.”

Warrell nodded. They grabbed a beer, then went out onto the deck. Trevor motioned with his head toward the barrel, and Warrell went over there, stuck his hand inside, and, grinning at Trevor, fished out a team bobblehead.


By then Allison and Elvin had made their way back. “Find anything?”

Trevor produced the bobblehead.

“Awesome,” Allison said. “We had no luck at all with our clue.”

“But we have five,” Trevor said. “That’s pretty good.”

“But is it good enough? There are forty items in total.”

“And a lot of teams,” Trevor added. “So we’ll see.”

They hung out and waited, watching as the rest of the teams showed up. Trevor had no idea who would win.

“What do you think?” he asked as he and Warrell hung out, drinking beers.

“I dunno. No one looks like they have a bag stuffed full. I think we got a shot.”

“Me, too.”

“Okay, everyone,” Haven said. “Time’s up. Turn your bags in.”

Allison turned in their tote bag. Trevor watched as Haven gathered all the bags and started counting up items. He had to admit, he’d had fun. He went back to his group and finished his beer.

“We did good. No matter what happens, we did good. We’re a great team.”

“You’re right,” Elvin said. “We killed it. And from the looks of some of those bags Haven is emptying, we did better than a lot of the other teams.”

Trevor clinked his beer against theirs, then looked over at Warrell, who finally seemed relaxed. He even grinned.

Everyone mingled and had snacks and drinks while Haven tallied up the winners. When she announced that she was ready, people started gathering around.

“Third-place winners of gift cards to some of Tampa’s finest restaurants are Vivian and Louis Trammell, and Sue and JW.”

Rounds of applause went up.

“Second-place winners of gift cards are Trevor, Elvin and Allison, and Warrell.”

“Hey, that’s us,” Trevor said.

“Dammit, I wanted to win,” Elvin said.

Warrell laughed at that. “Don’t we all.”

But they took their gift cards. “Thanks,” Trevor said as Haven handed him the gift card.

“You’re welcome. You all did very well.”

“And the winning team, with ten items found, is Coach George and his wife, Amanda, along with Barrett and Grant Cassidy.”

“I didn’t know the Cassidys could run that fast,” someone shouted amid the applause.

“I will kick your ass in practice next week,” Barrett said, pointing a finger and glaring at one of the guys.

Trevor laughed. Everyone gave the winning teams cheers. And Coach was grinning.

It was a good win, because Trevor knew how much Coach loved deep-sea fishing. So did the Cassidy brothers.

“Thanks for this, Trevor,” George said, waving the gift certificate. “I’m going to enjoy it.”

“So will I,” Amanda said, sliding the certificate into her purse. “While he’s off fishing for the day, I’ll be at the spa.”

Haven had moved in next to Trevor. “Sounds like a win-win for everyone, then.”

“More so for me, I think,” Amanda said with a wide smile. “I do love my spa days.”

“I don’t know. I do love my fishing.” George put his arm around Amanda. “But yeah, spa day for you, babe.”

The party started to wind down. Trevor saw everyone out, surprised when Warrell came up to him.

“I actually had a good time. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Thanks for coming. I think our team did good.”

Warrell nodded. “We did. And I’m still planning to beat your ass on the field.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Warrell grinned. “See you on Monday at practice.”

After the caterers and bartenders cleaned up and left, Trevor locked the door and grabbed a bottle of water. Haven was busily putting away all of the scavenger hunt stuff.

“My cleaning staff is coming tomorrow. They can take care of that.”

She looked up at him. “So can I. This will only take a few minutes to put away.”

He walked over to her and took her hand. “You’ve done enough work tonight. Let’s go outside. You should put your feet up and relax. I feel like all you did was work during the party.”

She laughed. “It was hardly work. I mostly sat and had wine while the rest of you ran off and did the scavenger hunt thing. And I got to visit with Luisa Wilson.”

“Oh, Mowery’s wife?”

“Yes. She’s like eight months pregnant. She said her ankles were swollen and she wasn’t up to dashing around doing the scavenger hunt, so she stayed behind while her husband went off and did the hunt. She and I talked. She’s very nice.”

“Yeah, she is. Do you want more wine?”


“What are you having?”

“I can get it.”

He gave her a look. “What are you having?”

“The sauvignon blanc.”

He went to the refrigerator, studied the bottles for a minute, then pulled one out. “This one?”


He uncorked it and poured her a glass, then motioned for her to join him as he headed out the back door. She’d long ago kicked off her sandals, so she padded out to the deck barefoot.

He liked her feet, liked her painted pink toenails. And when she went and sat by the pool and slid her legs in the water, he kicked off his tennis shoes, pulled off his socks, and sat next to her, handing her the glass of wine.

She took a sip, then sighed. “Mmm. This is good.” She turned her head to look at him. “How did it go with Warrell?”

“Good. He loosened up some.”

“I’m glad.”

“Me, too. I think it might help him at practice and in game situations to realize we’re all not the enemy.”

“I hope so.”

“Thank you again for organizing all this tonight.”

“You’re welcome. It was fun for me.”

“It was work.”

“Work can sometimes be fun.”

He liked hearing her say that. It was the attitude he was trying to cultivate. Though tonight hadn’t been part of her job. “Did you get to talk to any of the players—actual work-type stuff?”

“No. I didn’t want to break up what was a relaxing, fun night with reporter questions. I’ll leave that for another time, when I’m working in my official capacity.”

He shifted so he could look directly at her. “No one would have minded, you know.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. But you can lose trust if you start pummeling people with questions while they’re trying to kick back and have a good time. This just wasn’t the right venue for me to go after people with questions about you or the team.”

“Okay. You know what’s best.” He paused for a minute, then smiled. “So does this mean if I’m kicking back and having a good time, you won’t ask me questions?”

She laughed. “Nice try. And no. It doesn’t work that way, since you’re the reason I’m here.”

“Well, it is all about me.”

Now she rolled her eyes. “Modest as always.”

“You know me so well.”

“Actually, there’s a lot more I need to know about you.”

“For the story.”

She wanted to know more about his past. Yes, for the interview, but also because she was curious about him—about his past, and how he came to be. “What if I said my reasons were personal?”

He laughed. “I wouldn’t believe you.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Why not? Is it so hard to believe I want to know more about you because I care about you?” He didn’t answer her for a few seconds, then he turned to look at her. “We’re just having fun here, Haven, right?”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You and me. Nothing serious, right?”

His words stung. They shouldn’t have, but they did. She should have known better than to open herself up to getting hurt. But a simple question and she’d done that.