“And babies need consistency,” Jenna said. Then she shrugged. “Or at least that’s what I’ve heard. Since I’m not a mom, I’m just offering useless advice.”

Tara laughed. “Your advice is never useless. Everyone’s welcome to weigh in.”

Jenna waved her hands. “No, thanks. I have enough issues just trying to decide what kind of vodka to order for my bar. I’ll leave the baby stuff for you and Liz to deal with.”

“Well, now that you and Tyler have been married almost a year, when will—”

“Not yet,” Jenna said, cutting Tara off midsentence. “We’re not ready for babies yet. I want a couple of years with just him and me together as a married couple before we start popping out babies.”

“Fine.” Tara affected a pout. “I’ll ask again this time next year.”

Jenna laughed. “You do that.”

“See how much fun this is, Haven?” Liz said. “We used to talk about men and sex. Now it’s babies.”

“We still talk about men and sex. We just haven’t finished the wine yet, and Liz isn’t drinking because she’s driving—and breast-feeding.”

Liz frowned at Alicia. “So you’re saying I’m the drunken instigator of all the men-and-sex conversations?”

“Typically, yes.” Tara gave her a direct look.

“I’ll have you know I don’t need to be drunk to talk about sex. As a matter of fact, Gavin and I just recently jumped back on the sex train, postbaby. And it was about damn time.”

Haven was very much enjoying this conversation. She could understand why they were all so close.

“Really,” Tara said. “And how did that go?”

“I was a little leery at first. I mean, after you poke a seven-pound infant out of your vagina, things are a little tender down there at first. When I first had Genevieve I told Gavin his cock was never coming near me again.”

Tara laughed. “I remember having a similar conversation with Mick after Sam was born.”

“This isn’t making me want to have children anytime soon,” Jenna said with a grimace at Haven and Alicia.

“Or, quite possibly, ever,” Haven added.

Alicia clinked her glass with Haven’s. “Seriously.”

“Oh, but it gets better,” Liz said. “Everything healed up and I got horny again.”

“Of course you did,” Alicia said with an added eye roll.

“And let me tell you, the first time having sex when you haven’t had sex for about eight weeks?” Liz waggled her brows. “It was like a fireworks show. I can’t tell you how many orgasms I had.”

Alicia leaned over toward Haven. “You’ll get used to Liz. She’s very descriptive about her sex life.”

“And she forces us all to talk about ours,” Jenna added.

Liz snorted. “Oh, right. I force you. You love talking about all that hot sex you and your hockey stud have.”

Jenna studied her fingernails. “It’s not my fault. You bring out the worst in me.”

Haven laughed. She had no idea she was going to have so much fun listening to women talk about sex and babies.

They ate, and drank more wine. Every course was amazing. Haven had the veal, which was tender and delicious. By the time she finished eating, she was full and desperately needed to get up and walk around a bit. She was thankful their next trip was to a club Liz had picked out for them, and even more grateful when Liz said she planned for them to dance their asses off tonight, because she needed to burn some calories.

They’d spent several hours drinking wine and talking about their careers, their men, and life in general.

“Don’t think we didn’t notice you didn’t get put on the hot seat yet, Haven,” Liz said as they settled in at their table in the VIP section of the club. “Just because we’re all used to talking nonstop doesn’t mean we aren’t going to grill you about your relationship with Trevor.”

She’d just received another glass of wine from their waitress at the club, and they were far enough away from the music and the dance floor that they could hold a conversation.

“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean. I don’t have a relationship with Trevor.”

“You two were eyeing each other that night like two kids about to devour their favorite candy,” Alicia said.

“He is pretty delicious candy,” Tara said with a gleam in her eye. “So what’s going on? Is there something going on?”

All sets of eyes focused squarely on her. And Haven wasn’t sure she was ready to talk about her and Trevor just yet. Or even if there was anything to talk about.

“Honestly? I don’t know.”

“Honey, you’re either in his pants or you aren’t,” Jenna said with a wry grin. “Have you seen the goods?”

Haven laughed and set her wineglass down. “I didn’t know we were being that direct.”

“Have you even been listening to our conversations?” Liz asked. “Of course we’re that direct. We talk cock around here, Haven. And we want all the intimate details.”

“You really don’t have to divulge any information if you don’t want to,” Alicia said.

“Yes, she does. We all have to,” Jenna said. “It would be totally unfair if Haven was allowed—I don’t remember what you call it—oh yeah. Privacy.” Jenna stuck her tongue out at Liz.

Liz laughed. “Oh, come on. It’s more fun when we all share.”

“I think my husband begs to differ,” Tara said. “Mick says you all know way too much about our sex life and his cock.”

Haven laughed out loud at that one. “I think I’ll definitely keep my mouth shut, then. I don’t think we want Trevor’s cock the topic of discussion tonight.”

“So you have seen it, then,” Jenna said, a smug smile on her face. “Do tell.”

Haven blushed crimson, and despite the wicked cold air-conditioning in the club, she felt hot all over.

“I don’t think you need to say a word, Haven. From your pink cheeks, you’re busted.” Tara shook her head. “It’s obvious you and Trevor have torn up the sheets.”

She laid her face in her hands. “I swore I wasn’t going to say a word.”

“And you didn’t, so don’t worry. All the sex talk on ladies’ night out is secretly held among us all,” Alicia said. “It’s our code of honor.”

“True.” Liz stood. “And why are we talking about sex when we could be out on the dance floor?”

Jenna gaped at her. “Because you brought it up?”

“Did not. Now get your asses up and let’s shake them like crazy and make all the guys here jealous.”

Haven followed the rest of them onto the dance floor. The music was loud, the place was crowded as hell, but Liz made people get out of their way and they formed a circle. Haven lost herself in the driving beat and they stayed out there for about four songs until her throat was parched and she had worked up a sweat. She and Jenna went and grabbed a seat, then signaled the waitress for two sparkling waters.

“Hey, don’t feel pressured about Trevor,” Jenna said after they downed a few sips of water.

Haven frowned. “In what way?”

“Oh, you know. We like to have fun, but you don’t have to answer all our pushy questions about him. Just tell everyone to fuck off and mind their own business.”

Haven laughed. “I don’t mind, really. There’s not much going on anyway. We’re working together and trying to figure out what else there is. I don’t think there’s anything. Maybe just sex.”

“Good sex, I hope.”

Haven couldn’t help but smile. “That part needs no figuring out.”

“Then let the rest of it play out and see what happens. Don’t expend a lot of energy trying to examine it a hundred different ways.”

Haven shrugged. “I’m not. I’m just going with it. I spent way too much time backing away from it. Now I’m plunging into the deep end and seeing where it goes. Even if it’s just for the duration of the time we have together, I’m all in.”

“Good for you. Life is short, honey. Live it fully and without regrets.”

No one knew that better than Haven.

They went back out on the dance floor, and despite some very intent looks from several incredibly good-looking guys, they were mostly left alone, which suited Haven just fine. It was obvious the women were out for girls’-night-only fun, and wow, did Haven have fun. She never got tipsy because she danced her ass off most of the night, sweating out any alcohol she consumed.

These women could party. She’d never laughed—or danced—so much. By the time Liz dropped her off a little after one in the morning, she was exhilarated, and more than a bit exhausted.

She went to her room and got ready for bed, then grabbed her phone to check messages.

There was one from Trevor. He’d texted her several hours earlier.

Hope you’re having a good time tonight. Thinking about you.

Her heart squeezed. It was way too late to send him a return message, but she couldn’t resist.

Had a great time. Just got home. Sleep well tonight. Thought about you a lot, too.

Her finger hovered on the send button. She shouldn’t, but she did, then set the phone on her nightstand.

She was surprised when she got a return text.

You were out late.

She smiled and returned the text. These women party hard.

She hit send.

A few seconds later, her phone rang, startling her.

“Hey,” Trevor said when she picked up.

“Hi.” She couldn’t believe the thrill she felt hearing his voice. She wasn’t a teenager anymore, and hadn’t been one for a long time. But still, she fully admitted she was deep in lust with this man. “You’re up late.”

“The phone woke me.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I knew I shouldn’t have sent that text.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad you sent it.”

“Don’t you have a roommate when you’re on the road?”