It had been Sir Gareth’s intention to postpone for as long as possible the disclosure that he was taking Amanda not to Huntingdon but to Brancaster Park; but thus directly questioned he saw nothing for it but to tell her the truth. He replied: “No, but I have a better plan for you.”

“You promised you would drive me to Huntingdon!” she cried hotly.

“Oh, no, I didn’t! I offered you a seat in my curricle: no more than that! You cannot have forgotten that I told you I would for no persuasion leave you in a public inn.”

“Stop! Set me down at once!” she ordered. “I won’t go with you! I was never so taken in! Why—why, you are nothing but an abductor!

He could not help laughing at this, which naturally made her very angry. She raged at him for several minutes, but as soon as she paused for breath he said soothingly: “If you will be quiet for a moment, and listen to what I have to say, I’ll tell you where I am taking you.”

“It is not of the slightest consequence, because I won’t go with you anywhere! You are a deceiver, and a wicked person, and very likely you mean to murder me!”

“Then you are now in dire peril, and what you should do is to summon your Brigade-Major to the rescue immediately,” he returned. “A message to the Horse Guards will undoubtedly find him. Tell me his name, and I will engage not only to bring him to you with all possible speed, but also to refrain from murdering you in the meantime.”

“I hope very much that he will murder you!”she declared through shut teeth. “And I expect he will, when he knows how treacherously you have behaved to me!”

“But you can’t expect him to murder me if you don’t tell him of my treachery,” he pointed out, in a very reasonable way. “If I were you, I would lose not a moment in summoning him to your side. Trotton shall travel post to London with a message for him. I shouldn’t be astonished if I were a dead man within two days.”

From the sparkling look in her eyes, it was to be inferred that the prospect strongly attracted her. It seemed, for a moment, as though she were on the point of divulging her Brigade-Major’s name, but just as Sir Gareth was silently congratulating himself on the success of his tactics, she said suddenly: “I see what it is! It is all a trick, so that you may discover where I live, and ruin my scheme! Well, I shall not send a message to Neil!”

“You know, Amanda,” he said seriously, “you may just as well tell me what I wish to know, because I am going to discover it, whether you do or whether you don’t.”

“No! How can you?” she demanded.

“If you force me to do so, I shall pay a visit to the Horse Guards, and enquire of them there if they can furnish me with the direction of a captain of infantry, a Brigade-Major, sent home from the Peninsula with a ball in his shoulder, but now in hourly expectation of rejoining. I expect they will be able to help me, though I can’t but feel that Neil would infinitely prefer to be discovered in a rather more private style. This is for you to decide.”

She did not speak for several moments; then she said, in a gritty little voice: “You think you’ve worsted me, but you have not! I shan’t tell you anything, and I promise you I—I shall come about!”

“Very well,” he replied equably.

“I believe,” said Amanda, after another seething pause, “that kidnappers are sent to prison, or even transported! You would not like that, I daresay!”

“No, indeed!”

“Well! I am just warning you!” she said.

“Thank you! I am very much obliged to you.”

“And if you,”declared Amanda, bethinking herself of the groom, and twisting round to address him, “had one grain of manliness, you would not permit your master to carry me off!”

Trotton, a deeply interested audience, was unprepared for this attack, and nearly lost his balance. Much discomposed, he could only stammer an unintelligible answer, and glance imploringly at Sir Gareth’s back-view.

“Oh, you mustn’t blame Trotton!” said Sir Gareth. “Consider how difficult is his position! He is obliged to obey my orders, you see.”

“He is not obliged to assist you in kidnapping people!” she retorted.

“I engaged him on the strict understanding,” said Sir Gareth firmly, “that that would form an important part of his duties.”

“I w-wish you will not be so absurd!” said Amanda, struggling to suppress a giggle.

He turned his head to smile down at her. “That’s better!”

She laid a mittened hand on his sleeve, directing a beseeching look up at him. “Oh, will you please let me go? You are ruining everything!”

“I know I am, and I do beg your pardon. I must be quite the most abominable marplot imaginable.”

“Well, you are! And I thought you were so very agreeable!”

“I too have been badly deceived in myself,” he said, shaking his head. “Would you believe it?—I had no notion that I was such a monster of inhumanity as I have proved myself to be.”

“Well, it is being a monster to betray me, and then to try to roast me!” she said, turning away her flushed countenance, and biting her lip.

“Poor Amanda! You are perfectly right: it is a great deal too bad of me, and I won’t roast you any more. Let me tell you instead where I am taking you!”

“I shan’t listen to a word you say,” she informed him coldly.

“That will teach me a lesson,” he observed.

“I think you are the horridest creature!” she exclaimed. “Yes, and now I come to think of it, if you are taking me to your own home, it is most improper, and far worse than letting me go to an inn!”

“It would be,” he agreed. “But my home isn’t in this part of the country. I am taking you to Brancaster Park, where I think you will find a very kind hostess in Lady Hester Theale.”

Upon hearing these words, Trotton, who was much attached to his master, very nearly allowed a protest to escape him. If Sir Gareth meant to arrive at Brancaster Park with this dazzling young beauty on his arm, he was unquestionably out of his senses, and ought to be restrained. But it was not the business of his groom to point out to him the unwisdom of introducing his chance-met bit of muslin to the Lady Hester. Trotton dared do no more than give a warning cough, to which Sir Gareth paid no heed at all.

Sir Gareth stood in no need of warning. Had any other solution for the safe disposal of Amanda occurred to him, he. would have seized it, for he was well aware that to present himself at Brancaster Park, with the declared intention of proposing marriage to Lady Hester, accompanied by Amanda must be as prejudicial to his interests as it was ludicrous. But he believed that he could rely on Hester to receive Amanda kindly; and he hoped that she would understand that he had no other choice than to bring that headstrong damsel to the shelter of her home.

Amanda, meanwhile, was demanding to be told who lived at Brancaster Park. When she learned that she was to be the uninvited guest of Lord Brancaster, and of his daughter, she protested vehemently, saying that so far from being anxious to regain possession of her, her grandfather would in all probability be delighted to know she was a guest in an Earl’s country seat. Sir Gareth suggested helpfully that she should prevail upon Lady Hester to hire her as an abigail.

Amanda audibly ground her teeth. “If you force me to go there with you, I shall make you very, very sorry!” she warned him.

“I expect you will, and am already in a quake of terror,” he agreed.

“I trusted you!” she said tragically. “Now you are going to betray my confidence, besides ruining all my schemes!”

“No, I won’t betray your confidence, except, I think, to Lady Hester. When you have met her, you won’t, I fancy, object to her knowing the truth. I shall desire her not to divulge it to her father, or—if they should happen to be at Brancaster—to her brother and his wife.”

She was quick to catch a certain inflexion in his voice, and lifted her eyes to his profile, saying: “I can tell you don’t like them above half, sir. Are they horrid?”

He smiled. “No, not horrid. I daresay very worthy people, but it so happens that they are not particular friends of mine.”

“Oh! Is Lord Brancaster a particular friend of yours, sir?”

“Well, he is considerably older than I am,” he temporised.

She digested this, enquiring presently: “Is Lady Hester a particular friend of yours, then?”

“Why, yes! She and I have been good friends for many years now.”

He was prepared for even more searching questions, but she relapsed into silence. After several minutes, he said: “I have been wondering what I should tell Brancaster, and the Widmores, and I am strongly of the opinion, Amanda, that you are the daughter of some acquaintances with whom I have been staying, at Baldock. You are on your way to visit relations at—Oundle, perhaps—and from some cause or another I offered to take you with me as far as to Huntingdon, where these relations had engaged themselves to meet you. Unhappily, there must have been a misunderstanding, for no carriage awaited you there. Being pledged to present myself at Brancaster Park today, what was I to do? Why, take you along with me, to be sure, with the intention of conveying you to Oundle tomorrow! How does that suit your notion of a splendid story?”

“It is quite untrue,” she said primly.

“I wonder why I should have thought that that would have recommended it to you?” he murmured.

The only reply he got to this sally was a dagger-glance. He said, over his shoulder: “I trust you heard that, Trotton?”

“Yes, sir.”