“Oh, no, you don’t.” Wrenching open the door to her SUV, she stepped out to go search for her keys. “You can get away with that crazy, temperamental guy stuff on the baseball field because you’ve got skills every manager wants. But this is me.” She started marching away from the SUV, her voice raised so he didn’t miss a word. “You’re not so all-mighty damn important that you can toss me aside when you think it’s best or pitch some unholy fit to make me do what you want.”

She stomped toward the tree line, carried along by righteous indignation.

He was out of the vehicle and jogging beside her in two seconds flat.

“This is not a fit.” He planted his body in front of hers, blocking her path. “This is making you see reason.”

It wasn’t the obstacle of his formidable frame that stopped her. It was the look in his eyes. He wasn’t mad. He was all business.

All passionate drive and intensity.

This time, it was her who was speechless. He stepped forward, backing her up toward her SUV.

“I didn’t come here to mess this up again.” He kept walking toward her until she bumped into the side of her vehicle. With nowhere else to go, she faced him down while he bracketed her with his arms. “I came here to snap you up while you weren’t dating anyone else. I came to tell you that I’ve never cared about anyone as much as you.”

Her heart sort of turned over inside her, its furious beat slowing as Brody looked into her eyes. His body was so close she could feel the heat of him and smell the musky notes of aftershave that had tantalized her the night before.

“How can I trust that?” she asked, feeling weak inside. “You’ve been back in my life for twenty-four hours.”

It would be so easy to go along with him, to ride the tide of his hunger for her and let it sweep her to the sweet, amazing heights. But where would it leave her in the end?

“You can trust it because you aren’t the kind of person to condemn a guy forever for the stupid stuff he did at a time in his life when he didn’t have his head screwed on straight.”

She wasn’t, either.

“How can you know me so freaking well when we haven’t seen each other in so long?”

He skimmed a knuckle under her chin, as light as the breeze blowing off the water.

“Because I dated you longer than anyone else. Because we went to the prom together. We formed a template for each other about what we wanted in a partner just by being each other’s first romantic interests.” He grinned. “Don’t you watch Oprah?”

She nearly choked on a laugh. His goofy admission made her love him even though he’d just pitched her keys two miles into the brush. He was so impossible to resist.

“Okay. Let’s say I buy into that and, for argument’s sake, let’s say I’m crazy enough to fall for you all over again in spite of everything.” Just saying the words made her heart beat faster, the emotions for him surging inside her like a rogue wave. “How do you expect to make a relationship work when you play 162 games a year and are traveling the country from March until October?”

A professional baseball player’s life—while exciting—hardly lent itself to a committed relationship with someone who had roots and ties to a community.

His cell phone rang then, an obnoxious intrusion into an important conversation. She suspected if they ever tried to make it work between them, there would be a lot of that.

Brody didn’t move to answer it.

“Aren’t you going to get that?”

“This is more important.” He ignored the second ring, too.

“What if it’s your team?”

If anything, it had been a miracle that the device hadn’t been ringing off the hook all night, but maybe he’d powered it down to get away from the media requests for interviews and general industry excitement.

“You’re more important to me than baseball.” He paused long and deliberately after that statement, and she recognized it for exactly what it meant.

He couldn’t have told her he loved her with any more emphasis than what he’d just said.

Her heart did backflips. Her knees sort of fell out from under her and she launched herself into his arms. Whatever else happened, whatever they could or couldn’t work out, Brody loved her.

Enough to ignore a multi-million-dollar career.

“I love you, too.” She sort of sobbed it into his shirt, a surprise shower of happy tears raining down her cheeks that this passionate, incredible man would put her before everything else in his life. Still, on the fourth ring, she dug in his pocket and took out his phone. “But you aren’t giving up baseball for me, Brody Davis.”

Flipping open the cell, she pressed it to his ear.

“Hello? Jeff? Um…can you hold on a sec?” He took the phone away from her and held it behind his back, ignoring his caller. “Naomi, I don’t want to screw this up. Staying in baseball would mean a lot of travel.”

She couldn’t believe he would discuss this now.

“Is that your manager on the line?” She felt a little starstruck to think baseball legend Jeff Rally might be waiting on hold.

“Yes. But don’t think about that. Think about how you’d feel to travel with a major league team, never coming back here except for Christmas.” He frowned, the worry evident in his furrowed brow. “I can’t ask you to give up your career any more than you would ask me to give up mine.”

Naomi clutched his shoulders, her heart soaring to think about the kind of future they might have together.

“With you in the lineup, we have a shot at the pennant.” She spoke slowly so he’d remember how important that was. “I have the best interests of you, me and every Boston fan in the world in mind when I tell you that I can take a hiatus from teaching to cheer you on for as long as you can swing a bat.”

The lines on his forehead smoothed away and he wrapped an arm around her to pull her close.

“I am so crazy about you, sweetheart.” He planted a kiss on her lips that reminded her how much she’d be gaining by going on the road with him. “I swear you won’t ever regret this.”

“I know I won’t,” she assured him, grabbing his arm and wrenching it up so he could finish his phone call. “Now don’t keep a baseball legend waiting any longer.”

In her heart, she knew that Brody’s manager wouldn’t release him for the previous day’s offense. He’d been out of line, but not that out of line. Jeff Rally was known for running a tight ship, so it made sense that he’d at least throw the threat out there. But Rally hadn’t been in the game for most of his life by being the kind of manager who released players with a .660 slugging percentage.

And sure enough, her guess was confirmed by Brody’s easy smile, his heartfelt apology, and his promise to be on the plane to Baltimore by nightfall.

But then, that was something she understood about Brody. He could get upset and yell, but just as quickly as the storm cloud of temper came, it would be gone again. And he was as sincere in his apologies as he was with his outbursts. It was part of his charm, and she hoped the media and his fans would come to recognize the way this passionate, driven man could do more than just hit and field the ball. His bouts of anger could fire up team members who weren’t playing with heart. Brody Davis could fuel a whole field to excel.

When he closed the phone, he dropped it back in his pocket.

“Looks like we’re headed to Baltimore.” He wrapped his arms around her. “I can’t believe you’d go with me.”

The rightness of her decision filled her.

“It’s August. There’s enough time to find a teacher to take my classes before school starts. And I think the kids I coach will forgive me for bailing on them a week before their season ends if I come up with some Aces tickets for a field trip.” She allowed herself to sink into his arms. Into the moment. “Too bad you tossed my keys into the middle of the woods where we’ll never find them again. You’ll have to walk to Baltimore at this rate.”

“Geez, woman.” He kissed the top of her head and stroked a possessive hand along her spine. “I understand you inside and out and you don’t know me at all.”

“What do you mean?” She tipped away from him to gauge his expression.

“I make that play an average of five times a night, five times a week.” He took her by the hand and pulled her toward the woods, counting off his paces as they walked.

“You think you’ll find those keys?” She rather hoped so because she couldn’t wait to start their new life. Together.

“Second base is 127 feet and change from home. And I’ve got killer aim. So as long as we stay in a straight line…” He ducked beneath a low-hanging branch as they entered the tree line. And right on cue, she could see the glint of silver ahead, among the pine needles and fallen leaves. “We’ll find them right where second base would be.”

Laughing, she picked them up, jingling their weight on her finger. “Except you didn’t account for the lack of rotation like a baseball would have, or the non-aerodynamic shape. I think you’re pushing it to suggest you got more than 110 feet.”

“And I think you forgot just what a rocket I’ve got for a right arm.” He looped his arms around her again and she was half tempted to pinch herself to make sure that today had been real. “But I don’t mind working harder to prove myself to you.”

She stretched on her toes to brush a kiss along his bristly jaw.

“You already made my personal highlight film. I know you’re pretty damn amazing.”

He pulled her hips to his, the heat of him already warming her body in the most delicious way.