“And if the MacWilliam refuses your terms?”
“He won’t. But if he did then Niall would wed with me anyway if he really loves me.”
“Very well, Skye. ‘Twill be your way.”
“Thank you, Uncle,” she replied meekly with downcast eyes, and he chuckled and fondly whacked her backside.
The MacWilliam angrily roared his outrage, but Seamus O’Malley stood firm. Even after Skye wed with Lord Burke she was to remain the O’Malley, and she was to retain complete control of O’Malley affairs.
“The O’Briens have a fine lass ripe for marriage,” said the MacWilliam slyly.
“The devil take her,” shouted Niall, and the bishop masked his smile. “ Tis Skye I want, and Skye I’ll have even if I must slit your scrawny throat!”
The MacWilliam looked at his son with an injured air. “If you’re that hot for her then you might as well have her. I hope you’ll quickly breed me several grandsons before much more time has passed. I am not growing any younger.”
Seamus O’Malley returned to his niece, happy to tell her that her terms had been accepted, and that Niall Burke had been willing to fight for her. The O’Malleys were in a state of great excitement because one of their own was to wed with Niall Burke. Yet Skye remained calm throughout.
“You must be made of ice,” remarked her sister Peigi. “He’s what you’ve always wanted. And God knows his reputation with women would set an ordinary woman to fainting. You’ve already had a taste of his lovemaking, so surely you must be excited to finally be marrying him.”
“I am, but we’re not wed yet, Peigi. I am fearful of rejoicing too soon lest I awaken to find it all nought but a dream. If I remain quiet and unobtrusive I will not attract the undue attention of those spirits who might envy me my good fortune.”
“God ha’ mercy, little sister, what unchristian nonsense is this? Thank the Lord you do not run our business so foolishly.”
Skye shook her head, but said nothing further. She knew that even here in the heart of devout Christian Ireland, food and drink were placed upon the doorsteps nightly in offering to the little people. She knew that certain maidens of unblemished virtue were marked as sacred, and the keeping of their virginity placed in the care of an ancient Celtic demon who materialized to destroy the violator if the girl’s innocence was threatened. She and the men of her fleet made verbal obeisance to Mannanan MacLir, the ancient Irish sea god, before each voyage.
It had been almost eighteen months since she had seen Niall, and she was somewhat frightened, for in all that time she had been free of men’s demands. Her aversion to being touched had eased some- what, and Mag could again bathe and dress her.
As if sensing her fears from afar, Niall Burke came unannounced to Innisfana Island. He found her in her mother’s rose garden clipping some late blooms. For a few minutes he stood in the shadow of a tree and watched her. He realized he had never seen her in a moment of leisure. She was dressed in the Irish fashion, wearing a bright red skirt of soft, lightweight wool. She had tucked it up, and he saw that she was bare-legged and barefoot. Her blouse was of fine linen, as white as many washings could make it. The sleeves were short, and it was deep-necked, revealing her breasts when she bent to inhale the sweet fragrances of the flowers. Her blue-black hair was loose and billowed softly about her shoulders in the light breeze. She carried a wide, nearly flat straw basket, half-filled with roses. Her giant hound, Inis, walked slowly by her side.
She was lovelier than he had remembered, and his heart beat a little quicker when he realized that this beautiful woman had con- sented to be his wife. The young innocent of fifteen was long gone. He barely remembered her now, as this lovely creature of nineteen quickened his blood. He let his eyes feast on her, enjoying the soft pink in her cheeks, the way her lashes made a dark smudge against her skin. Her slim figure moved with such grace. It gave him pleasure just to watch her.
After a little longer, he stepped from behind the tree and the big hound stiffened, his hackles rising. Inis growled low in warning.
“I am glad to see you so well guarded, Skye.”
“Put your hand out, Niall, so Inis may get your scent.” She patted the dog. “Friend, Inis. Niall is a friend.”
Lord Burke suffered himself to be thoroughly sniffed. He patted the animal, speaking reassuringly to him, receiving first a long searching look from the liquid amber eyes, and then finally a wet, cold nose pushed into his palm.
“He likes you!”
“And if he hadn’t?”
“You might have had difficulty claiming your rights once we’re wed, my lord,” she said mischievously.
She sobered suddenly, and he did too. Then he held out his arms to her and, without a moment’s hesitation, she walked into them. His arms closed securely about her, and she stood quietly listening to the rapid beat of his heart just beneath her cheek.
“I love you, lass,” he said quietly.
“And I love you, my lord Burke. I would seal that love with a kiss,” she said softly, raising her head. His mouth gently found hers. At the first touch of his lips she panicked, but his big hand caressed her hair and he murmured against her mouth, “No, love, it’s Niall, and I love you.” With a sigh she gave herself up to him, and when he released her at last, her eyes were shining with joy.
“Is it all right now, sweetheart?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, my lord. For a moment… but it quickly passed.”
“I will always be gentle with you, Skye.”
“I know.” She smiled happily. “How long were you watching me?”
“A few minutes. You’re a charming sight barefoot, and clipping roses.”
“But hardly dignified,” she blushed. “As the O’Malley, I should have sailed out to meet you, my betrothed husband.”
“Leave the O’Malley at sea, my love. I prefer shoeless lasses, especially the one now in my arms. Besides, you did not know I was coming. And but a day behind me is himself, anxious that your uncle perform the betrothal ceremony here in two days’ time, and that we sign the contracts. Would that please you, pet?”
“Oh, Niall! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“And then,” he continued, “we can be wed in three weeks’ time after the banns are all read.”
“Yes!” Then her face fell. “No. It cannot be in three weeks’ time. Damn! I must go to Algiers, and we sail in a week.”
*To Algiers? Why?”
“It has been suggested that we set up a trading post in Algiers, and I cannot give my approval unless I have investigated the situation myself. I must not waste O’Malley gold, or O’Malley resources.”
“Why must you leave next week? Can’t you go another time?” She could hear the irritation in his voice.
“Oh, Niall, I am sorry. In order to gain a trading license in Algiers we must have permission from the Dey, who represents the Sublime Porte in Constantinople. Without the Dey’s approval we cannot trade safely in the Mediterranean.”
“Why not simply bribe him?”
Skye laughed. “We are going to, but the Turks do things differ- ently than we do. We are rather straightforward, whereas they de- mand grace and elegance, even in their business dealings. When the Dey learned that the head of the O’Malley company was a woman he demanded to meet me. My representatives dared not refuse him. So I must go or else risk insulting the Dey. To insult the Dey is to insult the Sultan. In that case we would not get the trading permit. Worse, our ships would be marked as fair game by the Barbary pirates who sail out of Algiers under the Dey’s supervision. We would be ruined. I have to go. The appointment is set.”
“How long?”
“At least three months.”
“Three months? Dammit, Skye, it’s too long to be separated from you!”
Her eyes lit up. “Come with me, Niall! Sail with me to Algiers! I know we must allow our families the privilege of marrying us off with pomp and fuss. But once we’re betrothed and pledged to wed, no one will think to mind if you accompany me. We can have our church wedding when we get home. Come with me, my love! Oh, please come with me!”
It was a wild, impractical idea, and he almost said no. Then he thought of the long days and longer nights ahead. Niall Burke took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Skye, my love. I’ll sail with you, though I must be mad to do so.”
With a cry of joy she flung herself into his arms.
Several days later, in the same chapel that had seen Skye’s baptism and ill-fated marriage to Dom O’Flaherty, her betrothal to Niall Burke was celebrated. She regretted the absence of her father at the moment of her greatest happiness, but the MacWilliam’s open joy eased her sorrow.
The ceremony was barely over when Skye left her husband-to-be and their guests in the care of her sisters, so that she could oversee the preparation of her ships. They would sail in a fleet of nine ships. Skye’s flagship was the Faoileag (the Seagull). With her would be her father’s ship the Righ A’Mhara (King of the Sea); Anne’s ship the Ban-righ A’Ceo (Queen of the Mist), which had been a wedding gift from her late husband; and the six ships belonging to Skye and her sisters. These were known as the six Daughters for each was named a “Daughter of…” They were Inghean A-Sian (Daughter of the Storm); Inghean A’Ceo (Daughter of the Mist); Inghean A’Mhara (Daughter of the Sea); Inghean A’Ear (Daughter of the East); Inghean A’lar (Daughter of the West); and the Inghean A’Ay (Daughter of the Island).
Each ship was carefully prepared and provisioned, and the crews were handpicked by Skye. She wished to make a good impression on the Dey. Permission to trade with Algiers meant untold wealth.
Thus it was that, one week from the day of his betrothal, Niall Burke found himself standing on the quarterdeck of a ship as it sailed south out of O’Malley Bay into the rolling blue Atlantic Ocean. He was not a sailor by nature, and had no special feeling for the sea. Nevertheless the weather was tolerable and he quickly found his sea legs. What he could not find as easily was an end to his amazement- for Skye O’Malley in command on the sea was completely different from the woman he knew and loved.
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