Somewhere during the course of Trent’s peripatetic career, Samantha had deemed it necessary to go back to work. She decorated a friend’s house in Ridgewood. (Here, it should be noted that Meredith and Freddy had never once been invited to Samantha’s home in Ridgewood, and Meredith had been grateful for that. Who wanted to make the trip from Manhattan to the Jersey suburbs? No one. In Meredith’s mind, Ridgewood was soccer mom/Olive Garden hell.) After the success of the Ridgewood friend’s home, Samantha decorated the Manhattan apartment of the Ridgewood friend’s mother, who happened to be fantastically wealthy, have millions of friends, and entertain often and lavishly. This set Samantha’s career on its way. By the time Meredith met Samantha, she was a wealthy woman in her own right.

But not quite.

There was a subtle class distinction between Samantha and the Delinns-always. On the surface, Samantha told Meredith and Freddy what to do and they did it. But there was the underlying fact that she worked for them.

The Yankees memorabilia, the antique piggy banks. A certain lavender Hermès tie, Freddy’s favorite tie, had also been one of Samantha’s picks. Even the pink and tangerine palette of the Palm Beach house-which Meredith had bucked against-Freddy had defended. Pink and tangerine? Seriously? Samantha had used a pair of Lilly Pulitzer golf pants as her inspiration.

She’s the expert, Fred said.

Samantha had something that Freddy valued. A knowledge, a perspective. He was a rich man. They, Freddy and Meredith, were a rich couple. Samantha was the one who showed them how to be rich. She had shown them how to spend. Nearly every extravagance that Meredith indulged in, Samantha Deuce had introduced her to.

Six and a half years. The summer of 2004. Had Fred and Samantha been in love? Think, Meredith! Remember!

She remembered Samantha in Southampton, decorating the house in whites and ivories, despite Meredith’s protests that she had two teenage boys who also lived in the house, and Meredith wanted Leo and Carver and their friends to be comfortable dragging sand in, or sitting on the sofa in damp bathing suits. But the Southampton house had been done to Samantha’s specifications, in whites and ivories, including a white grand piano that Meredith found tacky. (“Don’t you think a white grand piano just screams Liberace? Or bad Elton John?” Meredith said. Samantha’s eyes widened. “You mean you don’t like it?”)

Fred and Meredith used to meet Trent and Samantha for dinner at Nick and Toni’s; inevitably, Freddy and Samantha would be seated on one side of the table, and Meredith and Trent on the other. Meredith struggled with conversation with Trent. She tried to remember to read the sports section of USA Today before they all went out, so she would at least have that to fall back on. More and more often, Samantha showed up alone, claiming that Trent was stuck in the city “working,” or that she’d left him at home to care for the kids, because he absolutely never saw them during the week. Trent was always dismissed in this way, and so there had been many nights where it was just the three of them-Meredith, Freddy, and Samantha. Freddy used to say, “I’m going out with my wife and my girlfriend.” Meredith had laughed at this; she had found it innocent and charming. She had occasionally been suspicious of dark, exotic beauties-women who resembled Trina or the lovely Catalan university student-although, really, Meredith was so certain of Freddy’s undying devotion that these worries had flickered, and then extinguished.

It was around 2004 when Freddy had started to take care of himself again. Like everyone else, he stopped eating carbs for a while, but that was too hard, especially since he couldn’t resist the focaccia or the ravioli with truffle butter at Rinaldo’s. But he ate more vegetables. He had salads for lunch instead of reubens and omelets. He started working out at the gym in their building. The first time he’d told Meredith he was going downstairs to work out, Meredith said, “You’re going to do what?” Freddy had never been much of an athlete or an exerciser. His tennis game was adequate and he could swim, but he didn’t have time for golf. He didn’t even like tossing the lacrosse ball with the boys. Meredith could no sooner see him lifting weights than she could see him break dancing with the Harlem kids in Central Park. But he went at the workout regimen with a vengeance; he hired a personal trainer named Tom. Some days he spent more time with Tom than with Meredith. He lost weight, he developed muscles. He had to have a whole new set of suits made on his next trip to London. He let his hair grow longer. It was really gray by then, more salt than pepper, and his beard was coming in gray, and some days he went two or three days without shaving so he would have a scruff that Meredith found sexy but that she suspected was raising eyebrows at the office. She said, “Did you have a fight with your razor?” Freddy said he wanted to try something different. He grew a goatee.

Samantha had loved the goatee, Meredith remembered. She used to stroke it like a cat, and Meredith had found this funny. She had wanted Samantha to join her in teasing Freddy. That’s his midlife crisis, Meredith said.

Could be worse, Samantha had said.

When Samantha was around, Freddy was looser, he laughed more, he occasionally had a glass of wine, he occasionally stayed out past nine thirty. Once, the three of them had even gone dancing at a nightclub. Samantha had been immediately absorbed by the crowd. When Meredith and Freddy found her, she was dancing with a bunch of the gorgeous, emaciated Bulgarian women whom Meredith had seen around town-working behind the counter at the fancy food store or babysitting the art galleries-and their hulking boyfriends. They all abandoned the dance floor for the bar, where they did shots of Patrón. Freddy had followed them to the bar, he magnanimously paid for ten shots of Patrón, and then he tried to convince Samantha to leave the club with him and Meredith. Nope, she didn’t want to go.

Meredith said, Come on, Freddy. We’ll go. She can stay. She’s going back to Bridgehampton tonight anyway.

But Freddy didn’t want Samantha to stay. He had words with her that turned into an argument. Meredith couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other, though she did see Freddy take Samantha’s arm and Samantha pull her arm back. Now, of course, it was clear that it had been a lover’s spat. Freddy didn’t want Samantha to stay with this group of young, Eastern European hedonists. She might do drugs, she might participate in group sex and find a younger, hotter lover. But at that time, all Meredith thought was that it was a good thing she and Freddy had never had a daughter. Freddy’s concern for Samantha that night had struck Meredith as avuncular, bordering on fatherly, even though Samantha was only seven years younger than Meredith and nine years younger than Freddy.

They had left Samantha at the club. Freddy had been fuming. Meredith had said, Come on now, Fred. She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself.

What an idiot Meredith had been!

Was the summer of 2004 when the nickname had surfaced? At some point, Freddy had started calling Samantha “Champ,” a shortened form of her maiden name, Champion. Meredith had noticed the sudden use of the nickname, and she thought, Hmmm, I wonder what precipitated that? But she’d never asked. Samantha was a part of their lives; after the decorating was done, she became their lifestyle consultant. She was always around-in their homes, in Fred’s office, on the phone. Meredith had assumed the nickname came about organically from some conversation between Freddy and Samantha.

Does the word “champ” mean anything to you?

When had they met for this affair? And where? Six and a half years. Safe to say they had met hundreds of times then, right? But in Meredith’s mind, Freddy had spent every night in bed beside her. He had been in bed by nine thirty, asleep by ten, awake by five, in his home office until six thirty when he left for the office-office. Had Meredith and Freddy spent nights apart from each other? Well, yes: Freddy had to travel. He went to London to do business with the office there, and that was where he’d gotten his suits tailored. Had Samantha met him in London? It would be safe to say yes. She had probably introduced Freddy to the tailor whose name he would not disclose. That tailor probably thought Samantha was Freddy’s wife. There were times when Meredith was in Palm Beach when Freddy had to fly back to New York. Lots of times-especially in recent years. Had he seen Samantha then? Yes; of course, the answer was yes. Where did they meet? (Why did Meredith have to know this? Why torture herself with the details? What did it matter now?) Did they meet at a hotel? If so, which hotel? Did they meet in Ridgewood? Certainly not. Did they meet in Meredith and Freddy’s apartment? Did they have sex in Meredith and Freddy’s bed? Meredith could see how awful and insidious this was going to get.

Did they rendezvous on the yacht Bebe? There had been plenty of times when Freddy had flown to “check out” one problem or another with Bebe-when the yacht was in the Mediterranean, and when she was in Newport or Bermuda. But Bebe had a crew and a captain. If Freddy had been on board with Samantha, certain people would have known about it.

So certain people knew about it. Billy, their captain knew, and Cameron, the first mate knew. They were complicit.

Samantha said she’d always wanted to see their property in Cap d’Antibes, but this may have been a smoke screen. She may have been quite familiar with the property.

As Meredith awoke from her stupor-someone was calling to her from the bottom of a deep hole, or she was the one in the deep hole and someone was calling to her from the top-she flashed on the photograph that Samantha had selected for Freddy’s office. A photograph of Malacca, in Malaysia. As far as Meredith knew, Freddy had never been to Malaysia; he’d never been to Asia at all, except for his trip to Hong Kong before they were engaged. Or was Meredith wrong about that? Had Freddy and Samantha been to this place, Malacca, together? The photograph had been hanging right behind Freddy’s desk. What had hung there previously? Meredith tried to think. Another photograph.