“Do we have anything on her?”

Sloan tapped keys and another database opened. “I’m looking. Hector is pretty damn arrogant—he takes credit for just about everything that goes down in the region, but no one has any evidence to make anything stick. If she’s his girl, she’s got to know what he’s into. Makes her an accessory at the least.”

“Worth working it.” Rebecca sounded as if she was getting up. Her muffled voice said, “It’s okay. I’m not leaving yet.”

Sloan realized she’d probably woken Frye’s wife with her phone call. “Sorry about the hour.”

“Forget it. I’m up now, and Catherine is used to nighttime calls. I’m going for a run, then I’ll reach out to the Massachusetts people when the sun comes up. Text me the name and number of whoever’s in charge up there.”

“Good enough.”

“And, Sloan?”


“Go to bed.”

“Sure thing.” Sloan disconnected, swiveled to face another bank of monitors, and called up another program.



Mica felt as if she was walking through a dark room with her hands out in front of her, trying to identify familiar objects that were no longer where they used to be. She wasn’t a virgin. She knew what sex was. She’d thought, before the first time Flynn kissed her, she’d known what desire was. She’d been so wrong. The shape and texture of the landscape she’d thought she understood and knew how to travel had changed. She couldn’t recognize the landmarks, couldn’t find the guideposts. She was lost.

Her skin burned, her breasts ached, and she was so wet her own body was a foreign country. The pressure between her thighs was unbearable. Unbearable and scarily exciting. She had no idea what she was doing, she only knew she couldn’t stop. Flynn lay beneath her, soft and strong and warm. Part of her mind was aware Flynn was hurt, and she kept her weight on her forearms and thighs, but everywhere their bodies touched, Flynn’s heat seared through her protective layers and scorched her to the bone.

Mica had never experienced desire so exquisite, or as disorienting, as the brilliant surprise of Flynn’s caress. Her touch, gentle and sure, was as mysterious as it was reassuring. Mica knew what it was to be seen as a possession, to be touched with disregard, to be used without consideration. She’d never known the aching tenderness Flynn’s fingertips painted over her skin.

“We gotta stop,” Mica murmured. “Your side.”

“I’m okay.” Flynn skimmed her tongue over Mica’s lower lip. “You have a beautiful mouth. I think I could be happy kissing you forever.”

Mica’s hips surged. The look in Flynn’s stormy blue eyes melted every wall she’d ever built to keep herself from breaking. Flynn was already too close, already had too much power. “You’re gonna hurt when your brain starts working again.”

“If you want to stop, we’ll stop.” Flynn licked Mica’s throat from the hollow between her collarbones to the sensitive spot under her jaw. “But my brain is working fine and it’s saying I want you. I want your mouth again. Kiss me. Just one more time.”

Mica couldn’t say no. She couldn’t bear to see the light in Flynn’s eyes disappear. She wanted to make her burn the way she burned. Flynn’s desire for her made her want to cry. The sweetness of Flynn’s touch was as sharp as a perfect blade, piercing without pain to her core. “One,” she whispered. “You get one more.”

Flynn wrapped Mica’s thick hair around her wrist and slowly drew her head down until their mouths were a breath apart. “Make it a long one.”

Mica brushed her mouth back and forth over Flynn’s and teased her tongue over the silky inner surface of Flynn’s lower lip. Flynn sucked lightly on her tongue and her clit pulsed rapidly. She couldn’t stop at one, she was drunk on the headiness of Flynn’s taste. She slipped her tongue inside and played in the recesses of Flynn’s mouth, stroking and probing, her kisses becoming harder, more demanding. She wanted her. She wanted her in places she couldn’t touch. Groaning, Mica straddled Flynn’s thigh and rocked her hips. Her breasts brushed Flynn’s and her nipples tingled. Never like this before. Never.

The sounds Flynn made in the back of her throat stabbed through Mica like sweet agony. She couldn’t get enough of Flynn’s mouth, couldn’t get deep enough inside her. She wanted to crawl inside Flynn’s skin, but hers felt as if it were going to burst open any second.

Mica yanked her head back. “I can’t breathe. Dios. I’m going to explode.”

“Okay, okay. We’ll slow down.” Flynn caressed her cheek, the light strokes calming Mica’s racing heart. “Better? You good now?”

Mica caught her breath, but her hips pumped of their own accord. She was naked except for the T-shirt and so wet. Every time her clitoris slid against Flynn’s hard thigh she wanted to come. She was so close her stomach cramped. She stared at her fingers, gripping Flynn’s forearms until her knuckles were white. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Flynn’s hands glided up and down her back, soothing one second, exciting her to the point of screaming the next. “What are you sorry for?”

“Holding you too hard.” Mica’s sex tightened and she gasped. “Bruising you.”

“You feel wonderful. You’re not hurting me.”

Mica fought back a whimper and tugged her lower lip between her teeth. Spots danced before her eyes. Her throat tightened. She was on the edge of coming, and if she did, if she did…panic swelled in her chest. She’d never felt so vulnerable, so out of control. “I don’t know…Flynn. Help me.”

Flynn’s eyes darkened and her hands tightened on Mica’s ass. “Mica. Have you ever—”

“Not like this. Not like this. I can’t…” But oh, she wanted to. Wanted to so much.

“You don’t have to.” Flynn grasped her shoulders. “Mica, stop. Just…lie down beside me. Everything is perfect, just as it is. We don’t need to do anything else. We don’t—”

“No. Don’t go.” Mica kissed her again, needing to taste her, needing to breathe her in, anything to give her something to hold on to. She was flying away. Losing herself. She was terrified, amazed. Flynn tasted so good. Flynn’s arms tightened around her waist and Mica rocked against Flynn’s pelvis. Flynn’s fingers came into her hair, holding her, massaging her. Everywhere she burned. The tension in her loins grew harder, brighter, and she felt herself expanding. Electric shocks radiated from someplace deep inside her—down her legs, along her spine. She moaned into Flynn’s neck. “Feels so good. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

“I won’t,” Flynn whispered, trailing her mouth down Mica’s throat. She pushed Mica’s T-shirt up and kissed her breast.

Mica whimpered, the heat of Flynn’s mouth setting her aflame. Her clitoris tightened into a hard knot. “More, do more.”

Flynn pulled Mica’s nipple into her mouth and Mica felt herself coil inside the way she did before she came. She cupped Flynn’s neck, holding Flynn’s face to her breast, watched Flynn’s eyes glaze with desire. As long as she could see Flynn, see her desire, she wasn’t afraid. She pressed her clit hard into Flynn’s leg and her control unraveled. “Make me come.”

Flynn sucked her nipple, biting lightly.

“Harder.” Mica twisted her fingers in Flynn’s hair, rode Flynn’s thigh faster, soaked her leg. Panting, she pushed her breast harder against Flynn’s mouth. Her vision tunneled until all she saw was Flynn’s face. Through a haze of unbearable need, she clung to Flynn’s fierce bright gaze. Burning for her. Mica’s ass clenched. “I’m so so close.”

Mica cried out, pleasure tearing through her. Her arms turned to jelly and she sagged against Flynn, quivering, racked with pleasure. She’d never come so hard before. She shuddered and another orgasm rippled through her. She moaned and clung to Flynn. “What’s happening to me?”

Flynn cradled Mica’s face in the curve of her neck and kissed her throat. “You’re all right. Mica, you’re all right. I promise.”

Mica closed her eyes. For just one minute, she wanted to believe.

Chapter Twenty

Reese pulled into the deserted clinic lot as the first hint of sunrise colored the eastern sky a moody purple. She unlocked the front door and traversed the waiting area with the aid of the faint light coming from the hallway on the far side of the reception desk. She remembered the first time she’d entered the building in the middle of the night after answering a 911 call about a possible break-in. That was the day she’d met Tory. She smiled at the memory of their unexpected meeting in a darkened room and Tory’s swift, very effective self-defense move. If she hadn’t been in so much pain, she would’ve realized she was falling in love at that very moment.

Now all the examining room doors were closed, and her footsteps echoed in the silence, but the walk to Tory’s office was a familiar one. The door was slightly ajar and the reading lamp on the corner of Tory’s overladen desk lit the room with faint yellow light. Tory was asleep on the sofa, partially curled on her side, one arm pillowing her cheek, her legs drawn up. Her right hand rested on her stomach, as if protecting even now what might be growing within. Reese knelt by the sofa and kissed Tory’s forehead. “Hi, baby.”

“Good, you’re back,” Tory murmured, sliding her hand up Reese’s arm and across her shoulder to the back of her neck. She pulled Reese down for another kiss.

Tory’s mouth was warm, her fingers firm and familiar on Reese’s neck. The surge of tenderness and desire she always felt on seeing Tory after they’d been apart kindled in her stomach. “Time to go home.”

Tory kissed her again. “I didn’t know you’d be coming back for me. Thought you’d send Allie or one of the others.”

“Allie is still filling out reports and chasing some leads on the computer. The rest are out looking for the assailant.”