“Maizy, go put on your nightgown and brush your teeth,” I said. She smiled and I tried to contain my laugh due to her missing tooth.

“It’s fine,” Austin cut in. “We shouldn’t keep her in the dark.”

I glanced at the twins on the couch. Their dusty brown hair was lighter than the others—choppy and styled a little messy. Their eyebrows were dark and pronounced with a little arch to them, making their eyes stand out. They definitely inherited the Cole looks because despite their more narrow features, they were handsome men in a very stern and mischievous way—I wasn’t quite sure which. Liquid brown eyes sparkled like amber, bright and illuminating. They shared the same medium build with toned arms and lean torsos.

But here is where they differed. The one on the left wore tattoos like sleeves. One shoulder had a wolf, then I saw a dagger, some tribal, and they blended like one fantastic design. He also had a circle beard closely trimmed that he seemed to like stroking with his fingers.

“These are my brothers, Wheeler and Ben.”

I turned my mouth to the side. “Where’s that located?”

Simultaneously, they replied, “Ben Wheeler, Texas.”

“At least it wasn’t Beaver Dam.”

“Ah shit,” Ben said. He was the guy on the right who seemed to have a friendlier personality than his inked brother, and his smile was wider. “Don’t mention that around Denver; he’ll have a field day. The jokes never end with him.”

“At least it’ll get the attention off of me,” Jericho said from behind. I turned around and Jericho greeted us in nothing but a pair of black jeans. He stretched his long arms up and held onto the frame above the hallway entrance. It looked like a vacuum hose had made out with him.

Austin went on with introductions. “This is Lexi, Wes’s little sister.”

I held my tongue and mentally rolled my eyes. I would never be more than Wes’s little sister to these guys.

Ben and Wheeler didn’t talk much. They resumed watching Reno putting the movie in while Maizy plopped down on the round carpet in front of the TV. She was eating up the attention because they didn’t quite know what to do with a little girl around the house. Therefore, they spoiled her with whatever she wanted. Hopefully she didn’t pick up on some of those fun four-letter words they enjoyed using. Regardless, I got a good vibe with the pack. Despite their differences, they were unified.

“Who’s she?” Wheeler (the one with the tats) asked apprehensively.

“Our new packmate,” Austin replied without blinking an eye.

“Since when are we taking in bitches?” Wheeler protested. I was surprised he didn’t like the idea; you’d think a woman would be just the thing they’d want around here. While identical, Wheeler had a little darkness in his eyes that I didn’t see in Ben. Maybe that’s why he covered himself up with ink.

Ivy had attached herself to Austin like a wild vine. “Since today. Ivan is taking over the hunt for Lexi’s mom and to return the favor, he asked that I bring one of his daughters into our pack because she’s nearing the change. We’re growing, and y’all know I make the decisions on who we take in. You’ll get more say-so when it comes to men because I don’t need you guys killing each other, but we need women to balance things out. Since Ivy doesn’t have a mate, as a rule, it’s hands off.”

Denver wandered into the house and lingered in the hall to the right of the recliner. “Did you meet Wheeler and Dealer?” he asked with a smirk.

I couldn’t help but notice that while Ben hardly paid attention, Wheeler’s eyes slid over to Denver and looked volcanic. Odd reaction since the nickname seemed more of a jab at Ben.

Austin made sure to look all of them square in the eye. “Any funny business and I’ll find out. Treat her like a sister, because from this day forward, that’s exactly what she is to you. You know damn well what some of these packs are like, and I’m going to put in my claim officially so we don’t have to worry about anyone closing in on our turf.”

“You claiming Wes’s sister?” Denver asked.

“Will everyone stop calling me that!”

I stormed past Jericho into his bedroom and slammed the door behind me. Where else could I go? I might have been overreacting just a hair, but I couldn’t get my mom off my mind and what could possibly be going on with her. I’d never felt so helpless and lost—so uncertain of what I should do, and here these guys were, having a meet and greet.

I grabbed my bag and went across the hall into Austin’s room, glancing around for anything that belonged to Maizy. I stuffed her wand into my bag and walked with a determined pace to the living room.

“Come on, Maizy. We’re leaving.”

“But my movie just came on,” she whined.

“Lexi, what do you think you’re doing?” Austin said, attempting to be calm but not doing a very good job of it. Ivy stepped around us and found the bathroom in the hall.

I snapped my fingers impatiently. “Come on, Maizy. I’ve got movies at the house and Auntie Naya bought you a new one as a surprise.”

She got up and pouted, coming over to stand at my side, her blond hair in tangles. I didn’t have time to look for her shoes, so I lifted her up and grunted from her weight. “Sorry, Austin, it’s time for us to return to our lives.”

“I can’t let you go,” he said firmly. The words lingered in the air and he lowered his eyes.

“Let’s not do this here, okay? It’ll get ugly. I really appreciate everything, and I’m going to come back over tomorrow so we can find my mom. I just need to be home, and it’s totally safe. My dad has no idea where I live and just let him try. I think my mom went willingly with him because she still loves him. I don’t know. I have Naya next door to watch Maizy when I’m out, but I can’t keep crashing on your brother’s bed.”

I ignored his hostile stare and brows sloped at a disagreeable angle.

We breezed past the men and into the hall when Maizy cried out. “Wait!”

“What is it?”

“I want to give Uncle Denny a hug,” she whimpered in a small voice.

Denver attempted to suppress his handsome grin, but I could see how such a small request touched him. She gave him a tight squeeze while still in my arms, and I heard the rattle of a plastic candy wrapper and decided to let it go and allow her to have it. Denver’s lips pressed tightly as he turned away and folded his arms.

My car keys were on the same ring as Austin’s—a little red flashlight dangled from the ring, so I spotted them easily. I had Maizy grab them since my arms were occupied holding her along with the bag. Austin followed me outside but seemed reluctant to make a scene in front of my sister.

After I buckled her in the car, I crossed around the front and Austin caught my arm. “Wait,” he said in a softened voice. That sexy, growly, just got out of bed voice. “Don’t go. Stay with us until we find Lynn.”

“I have to go, Austin. I need to check on things at work and take care of personal matters. There could also be a message on my machine.”

“We got that covered,” he said.

“You don’t have my life covered. I know you mean well, but maybe it’s better that I’m not in the house if I’m about to have a pheromone party in a few days. I’m sure you can agree.”

He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and I could see every line of his body through the thin shirt he wore. Shirts shouldn’t be that tight on a man; there should be some kind of a law against it. And then there was that lazy smile of his that nearly made me change my mind.

I stepped forward and slid my arms around his waist, leaning into his chest. His heart beat heavily against my ear where I rested my head. It felt so good to have him back in my life again, and despite all my anger I’d carried through the years, I could never hate Austin Cole.

“Thanks,” I murmured. “Not just for helping with everything, but for coming back. I missed you.”

His hands cupped the top of my head and he whispered into my hair. “Be careful, Ladybug.”

Chapter 18

After cleaning up feathers and hanging the curtains in my bedroom, I tucked Maizy in the bed and covered her with a fuzzy blue blanket. The door remained closed so that I could grill a cheese sandwich and not wake her up with the cacophony of pans rattling around. I relaxed on the sofa and noticed my apartment had that weird smell it gets when it’s been left alone for too long.

The door handle jiggled and I shot up with half a sandwich in my mouth. I tossed the plate on the coffee table and hurried to the door. Naya waved through the peephole and I stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

“Everything okay? I was about to go to work and saw your lights on,” she said.

“Yeah. Maizy’s sleeping in the other room.”

“I’m so glad the little baby’s okay.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Does Auntie Naya get to see her? I bought her the prettiest dress the other week and—”

“I really don’t know why you do that, Naya. You spoil her way too much.” I chuckled and we sat on the steps together. Her makeup looked like spackle with a heavy coat of foundation and glossed-up lips. She had on a pair of shorts and a button-up blouse, but her real work clothes were underneath. I never understood why men liked that look, because she was prettier without it in her normal clothes. But I guess she had to project an image on stage.

“The dress is adorable,” she answered. “You’re going to flip out when you see it. I picked it up at a thrift store, but it looks exactly like a dress a princess should be wearing.”

“You’re just feeding her obsession,” I said with a distant sigh, staring across the street at the shadow of a man as it disappeared behind one of the buildings.