"Judging by her actions toward you now, she appears to have forgiven you."
"I have learned how to deal with my wife, Daregate."
"What, pray tell, is the secret of marital bliss?" Daregate inquired, his eyes straying once more toward the window where Anne Silverthorne stood.
"That, my friend, you must discover for yourself. I fear there is no easy path to domestic harmony. But the effort is worthwhile with the right female."
Much later that night, Julian sprawled alongside Sophy.
His body was still damp from the recent lovemaking and he could feel satisfaction flowing through him like a powerful drug.
"Daregate asked me for the secret of domestic happiness earlier this evening," Julian murmured, cradling Sophy close.
"Really?" She traced a design on his bare chest. "What did you tell him?"
"That he would have to discover it for himself, the hard way, just as I did." Julian turned on his side and smoothed Sophy's hair off her cheek. He smiled down at her, loving everything about her. "Thank you for consenting to wear the emeralds at last. Did it bother you to have them around your throat tonight?"
Sophy shook her head slowly. "No. I did not wish to wear them at first but then I realized you were right. The stones match your eyes perfectly. When I finally got used to the idea I knew that I would think only of you whenever I wore them."
"That is how it should be." He kissed her slowly, lingeringly, savoring the unlimited happiness that filled him. His hand was gliding up Sophy's leg when he heard the small, demanding cry from the next room.
"Your son is hungry, my lord.
Julian groaned. "He has an infallible sense of timing, has he not?"
"He is as demanding as his father."
"Very well, madam. Let Nurse sleep. I shall fetch the next Earl of Ravenwood for you. Pacify him quickly and then we will get back to more important business."
He was getting used to this business of being a father, Julian thought as he went into the small nursery that had been set up next door to the master bedchamber. In fact, he was getting quite good at the whole business.
His son stopped crying as soon as he felt his father's strong hands lifting and holding him. The green-eyed, dark-haired babe gurgled happily and when Julian placed the infant at Sophy's breast, the Ravenwood heir settled down to suckle cheerfully.
Julian sat on the edge of the bed and watched his wife and son in the shadows. The sight of them together filled him with a contentment and a possessive satisfaction that was akin to the feeling he experienced when he made love to Sophy.
"Sophy, tell me again that at last you have gotten everything you wanted out of this marriage," Julian demanded softly.
"Everything and more, Julian." Her smile was very brilliant in the darkness. "Everything and more."
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