I’ve been called everything from a biker brat to a biker slut and everything in between. Most of my classmates’ parents told them to stay clear of Harlow and myself; we were bad news, bad eggs, and bad seeds. Now that I look back on that, everything turned out for the best. Harlow and I didn’t have to deal with the superficial friendships that seem to be part of the high school experience for most people. But that didn’t mean our time was easy.

Even now as an adult, I still get weary, but Bella’s only reaction was the utter desire to come to the club and meet the guys. But there is no way I’m letting her turn into a club momma. Not going to happen.

“Girl, they’d eat you alive.”

“Maybe that’s what I need. To be eaten… hard.” The mug that almost made it to my mouth slams down the table as a roar of laughter bellows out of me uncontrollably. This is why I love hanging out with Bella, her mouth.

“Well, that’s sure a beautiful laugh.” My eyes gaze into the chocolate brown ones that were in my apartment. I have seen him a few times, but never enough to talk to him since our pizza night. He’s either coming in or going out of his apartment. I smile slightly, but never engage in conversation and to my surprise he just smiles back and goes on his way.

“Hey Jace. How are ya?” I ask turning to look at Bella whose eyes are bugging out of her head. Jace is a very attractive man from his toned muscular arms and legs to his sharp nose and cheekbones. I smile knowingly.

“I’m good. How’s school going for ya?”

“Good. This is my friend Bella. She lives in the apartment building next to ours.” He smiles politely to Bella.

“Hi there.” To my utter shock, his eyes jet right back to mine, not giving Bella his attention. My first thought is what the hell is wrong with him and the second is damn. I look over at Bella, who shrugs her shoulders, but no words escape her lips.

“You wanna hang out Saturday night? My friends and I are going to this bar, Dixie’s and I’d love for you to come with us. Bella’s welcome to come too.”

Before the words can leave my mouth, Bella answers for me. “We’d love to. What time do you want us to meet you?”

My mouth drops to the floor and I stare into her beautiful blue eyes wanting to strangle her. Her knowing smile only infuriates me more; she knew I’d say no. Damn her.

Instead of having it out with her, I look up into Jace’s triumphant face. “I can pick you up instead.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’ll drive.”

“Alright, alright. Eight. Meet us at eight.”

“We’ll be there.” Bella adds. Jace smiles over at Bella, but not in an I-want-to-sleep-with-you-way, but a thank-you.

“I’ve gotta run. I’ll see you two Saturday.” He smiles. “Oh wait. Here’s my number. Give me a call or text.” He hands me a paper with numbers scrolled on it and leaves the coffee shop.

I glower at Bella. “What the hell was that?”

“Oh, stop it. He obviously has the hots for you and you were going to say no. You need to get out and meet people. Hell, I need to get out and meet people. This is perfect.” She smiles and I want to slap it off of her.

I haven’t told her that I’m pregnant. Hell, I haven’t told a soul that I am, and going out drinking is not my idea of fun.

“I’m not interested in him Bella. I’m taking a break from guys at least for a while.” A long while once they find out that I’m about to be a mom.

“You got one at home?” Bella questions and my eyes widen. We’ve talked a little about the club and my life there, but never has she asked me if there was a man in my life and I’m not sure I want to answer her.

A baby in the distance begins crying and my eyes dart to the sound. A young mother a little older than myself pulls a small infant from a car seat. The baby’s covered in pink from head to toe and screaming like a banshee. I watch in awe as the mom stands with the baby and lays a blanket out on the table. She begins doing this weird magic thing where she wraps the baby up binding its hands and legs together. When she picks her up, she looks like a little burrito all nice, snug and tight. Whatever mom magic she just did, instantly has the baby calm, not even a whimper.

The mom bounces softly as she looks down at her baby, love just pouring out of her eyes. My heart constricts at the sight. I catch my hand quickly not wanting to touch my stomach in public, but everything inside of me is yearning to feel the baby inside of me.

I will do anything and everything for it.

“Hello!” Bella’s voice snaps, pulling me back to her. “Where did you go?”

It takes me a couple of beats before I register her words. “I’m here. Sorry.”

“So you obviously have a man at home.” She muses.

“I had one, but it didn’t work out.” That’s putting it mildly.

“Do tell.”

“Really it’s not something I talk about.” I look down at my mug willing Bella to drop it, but knowing she won’t.

“Tell me.” The tone is stern and absolute.

I sigh. “His name is G.T. I’ve been in love with him since we were kids, but it didn’t work out. Now I’m here and he’s there. It’s what’s best for everyone.”

“Why is that?”

My head begins to ache and I rub my eyes, letting out a deep breath. “G.T. has made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with me.” Or anything I’m associated with. “I refuse to beg him to love me. I refuse to grovel at his feet. I’m not that woman. It’s his choice and since that’s what he chose, we both have to live with those consequences.”

“What are you hiding?” My eyes dart to hers, my shoulders tighten and my heart may just beat out of my chest. I’m at a loss for words. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. There is no way that she can know.

“Never mind.” She dismisses. “Look whoever this G.T. guy is… Is a fool. I’m not saying you have to date Jace. Let’s just go out and have fun.”

I breathe in a sigh of relief closing my eyes for a moment to open them to Bella’s intense stare. I feel like she’s looking through me, looking through the bullshit. But I’m not ready for her to know.

“I’ll go.” My voice comes out shakier than I anticipate, clearing my throat I repeat myself quickly.

* * *

“Would you hurry your ass up already?” I yell to Bella. She is in the bathroom where she’s been ‘fixing her face’ for the past twenty minutes. I spent all week dreading this night out, and it seemed time went by faster than normal. But it’s here and there is no way Bella is letting me out of it.

We are due to meet Jace and his friends in twenty minutes, but will definitely be late if she doesn’t move her ass.

“I’m coming.” She snips walking down the hallway. As she came into sight, her long black hair cascades down her back and shoulders while her eyes are dark and unbelievably tempting. Her very tight jeans with tears in the knees and a wraparound purple top bring out the color of her eyes even more. I need to take lessons from her quick, the girl has style.

“Damn girl. You look hot!” Bella smirks and shrugs her shoulders as if it’s nothing.

“As do you babe.” I’d gone for a less straight-laced approach choosing my jeans that hugged every curve of my hips, ass and legs perfectly. My navy blue top is cut low giving the girls a beautiful show as it hugs my waist. A couple of days ago, I went and got the underside of my hair colored a rich black with my blonde still flowing on the top. I think it looks hot. I curled the ends and it flowed down my back hitting my ass. I have also taken meticulous time on my makeup and I don’t even know why. I slip on my boots, the ones with the heels and zip them up tight.

“Thanks. We gotta get going.” I say pulling out my cherry lip gloss and smearing it on my lips. I’ve been using the stuff for years and don’t leave home without it.

The ride there, Bella had me laughing so hard I thought I’d pee myself on several occasions. Anything from some of her past sexual encounters to penis sizes of her men. Damn that girl. My good mood courses through me for a change.

Entering the bar, the music is pumping and the dance floor is hopping. The crowd is just starting to come alive as we walk inside. I’m not stupid. I can feel the eyes on us everywhere as we walk through the bar. Searching through the bar, my eyes lock on chocolate brown ones and instantly take in the others at the table as we approach.

Two men and two women’s eyes dart to us as Jace gets up smiling at us. “You came.” His infectious smile spreads across his face.

“Told you I would.”

“Hey Jace.” Bella says standing next to me her arm brushing mine.

“Hey. Let me introduce you guys.” He turns to the table. “This here is Alex.” Alex’s dark hair is styled and gelled to perfection. Part of me wants to put my fingers through it just to mess it up. I smirk at the thought. His brown eyes spark with excitement and even though he is attractive, he’s way too clean shaven and gives off an uppity vibe, unlike Jace. I smile and give a slight wave.

“This is Jared.” Jared, on the other hand, has a definite rough edge to him. His long brown hair seems a bit out of place when looking at Jace and Alex, but to each their own. He’s wearing a long sleeved black shirt and jeans, his body lean and muscular. But it’s when his eyes lock with mine that I hold in my gasp. The intensity there is a bit more than expected, but I school my features and smile.

Jace brushes my arm and I lose eye contact with Jared. “And these are their girls. Joey is Jared’s and Ella is Alex’s.” The irritation on the women’s faces does not go unnoticed, but as soon as Jace looks at them, they school their features and put on a one hundred percent faking-it smile. All my flags wave like crazy. I will definitely be keeping an eye on these two.