James and Kate had hired Abernathy and Mr. Horton to examine the facts and the truth had been revealed. The widow hadn’t even been in the town where the theft had taken place. She’d been released from prison shortly after. London had been mesmerized by the story and the pamphlets had sold nearly as well as the scandalous ones had done, amazing as it was to both James and Kate. They’d expected their pamphlets to be completely snubbed by all of London. Though they weren’t about to let that stop them.

Lily’s eyes were wide. “Did they just ask when the next pamphlet will be published?”

“Imagine that,” Annie breathed.

“It shall be published in a fortnight,” James called back. “My lovely wife wrote it.” He leaned over and kissed Kate. Wild applause erupted from the crowd.

Kate smiled. “I cannot believe it. You never could have convinced me that being scandalous would be so popular.”

“Apparently, scandalous is all the crack this Season,” Lily said with a laugh.

James snorted. “And here I was just beginning to relish the challenge our tarnished reputations hold.”

Lily’s jaw dropped. “I cannot believe it. I swear I just heard someone say they always knew Kate was innocent. She couldn’t possibly have committed such a vile act.”

“Ah, the fickle, fickle ton,” Devon said.

“They’ll get their pamphlets,” James said with a nod.

“What are you working on next, Medford?” Annie asked, laying the plates out on the blanket.

Kate answered. “The next one is about a woman named Flora who was accused of killing her husband. There is almost no proof and very little evidence at all.”

“Of course, we’re very careful about whose stories we take on,” James assured them. “After all, there are many criminals who are just that, guilty.”

Annie passed the plates of food and Kate rested her head on her husband’s shoulder. “Yes. But there are many who are not,” Kate whispered. “I was very lucky.”

“Not as lucky as I am, my love.” James raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Kate leaned back and whispered in his ear. “Remember that night when you took me from the Tower and carried me to your town house on horseback?”

“Yes.” He nodded.

“I said a prayer that night. I prayed to believe in love again. To find it again. And I have. Oh, James, you did that for me. I love you so much.”

The crowd cheered once more when James kissed his wife again.

“You’re right, Lily,” he said, glancing back at the bystanders. “Scandal seems to be all the crack this Season.”

Kate sighed and leaned against him. “I’m very glad to hear that because I’m very, very scandalous.”

James pulled her into his arms. “I wouldn’t have you any other way, my dear. Not any other way.”