“We were not always as we are now, Dr. Adair. It takes time to develop a place.”

“But you do agree that in time … with the right Head … Rosenwald could become a Kaiserwald?”

“I certainly believe it could with the right persons working together . dedicated people who are ready to make sacrifices.”

“We all have the highest respect for your abilities. Miss Pleydell.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“The fact is, I am going out to inspect the place. The Head Deaconess cannot of course make the journey with me. We have discussed the matter together and have come to the conclusion that as you are here so fortuitously’ he gave me that smile again ‘well, my idea is that you should visit Rosenwald with me and give me your opinion of its possibilities.”

“With some object in view?”

“I don’t know what your plans are.”

“You mean that I might work at this place?”

“I want your opinion of it. You have proved yourself to be a good nurse. You may discover a great enthusiasm to build up this place ..”

“That would mean giving up my home … everything …”

“You are looking too far ahead. Come with me tomorrow. We shall inspect the place together and you will tell me what you think of its possibilities. I am leaving for Rosenwald tomorrow morning early … on horseback. You do ride, don’t you. Miss Pleydell?”

“Yes, I ride. But I have no habit with me.”

“Could we fit her out?” he asked.

The Head Deaconess thought it might be possible. No one in the hospital rode, of course, but there was Fraulein Kleber who was a great horsewoman and would be ready to lend what was needed.

“If that could be arranged today we could leave tomorrow morning. It will take us the whole morning to get there. But we could be back before nightfall. If there were any difficulties we could stay at Rosenwald.”

The Head Deaconess was looking rather concerned. I imagined she thought we should have a chaperon. I thought she was going to suggest that one of the Deaconesses should accompany us but I dismissed that thought as I knew none of them could ride.

I said: “Eliza Flynn is here with me, Dr. Adair. You may remember her.”

He frowned in concentration.

“She was rather big … a very efficient nurse.”

“Ah yes,” he said.

“Big Eliza. I don’t think she should be a member of the party. But does she ride well?”

“I’m almost certain that she does not.”

“I have planned that you and I should go alone, Miss Pleydell. We don’t want a crowd. It is just to look over, to assess possibilities and so on …”

I could not help it, but my spirits were rising. I was going to spend a whole day in his company. I did not think for one moment that I should want to work at Rosenwald. All I cared about was that he had come back and that I was going to be with him alone . for a whole day.

I really did not think beyond that.

Eliza was dumbfounded.

“That man … here!”

“Don’t be surprised. It’s only natural that he should be here. He’s a famous doctor. He’s interested in places like this. Germany has been the centre of some of Europe’s best hospitals and it is only natural that now all this reform is going to take place, people should come here.”

“I believe he’s arranged all this. He got you here …”

“Oh, Eliza, don’t be absurd! Why should he?”

“Because he’s interested in you. He’s finished with Henrietta and now it’s your turn.”

“I tell you it’s a hospital we’re going to see. There’s nothing romantic or mysterious about that.”

“Just you and him … alone! I’ll come with you.”

“We have to go on horseback and you can’t ride. Oh Eliza, it’s nothing”

“Well, you’re looking pretty pleased about it.”

“I’m interested in this place … Rosenwald. Perhaps we could both go there for a while.”

She brightened a little at the prospect and I said hastily: “I have to go and see Fraulein Kleber, who lives nearby. The H.D. says she will lend me a riding habit. She has several and she is about my size.”

“Do you mean the H.D. is going to allow this? You going off with him alone?”

“You are making a lot out of nothing. Come on. I’m going to Fraulein Kleber. Do come with me.”

Almost reluctantly, she came.

Fraulein Kleber lived in a very pleasant house not far from Frau Leiben’s cottage.

We found it easily, and as we approached the house we heard the sound of a shot. We were startled and looked at each other in dismay, and as we did so another shot rang out and another and another.

“Something’s happening,” said Eliza.

We hurried to the house. There was no sign of anyone. As we walked through a beautifully kept garden to some stables, we heard another shot. The sound was coming from the other side of the stables.

Then we saw what it was. A target had been set up against a tree and a woman was firing at it. She heard our approach and turned to us.

“Oh, forgive me,” she cried, “I’m getting a little practice for the Schutzenfest. It’s less than a month away and I’m a little rusty.”

She was middle-aged and greying, slim and tall and about my size.

I said: “Have we come at an inconvenient time?”

“Oh no, no. You’re from Kaiserwald, aren’t you? I knew you were coming and of course I’m delighted to fit you up.”

I introduced Eliza, but as she had no German she could not join in the conversation.

“It is kind of you,” I said.

“I haven’t brought a habit with me. I did not think there would be an opportunity to ride.”

She nodded.

“I had forgotten when you were actually coming. I’ve been so caught up with the Schiitzenfest. We have it every year. I always join in these things and I’ve been caught up with this. I look forward to the Vogelschlessen that’s the popinjay shooting. I always hope I shall be SchiitzenKonig. That’s the best shot selected every year. Of course, there has never been a woman who has achieved that yet.”

“I wish you luck,” I said.

“Come into the house.” But first excuse me while I put my rifle away.”

We had come to a barn which had been converted into a sort of gun-room.

“My father was a great shot. He was Konig almost every year. These are his guns. I inherited them. But not quite his skill, alas.”

She put the rifle in a case and turned to us. She studied me closely.

“Well, we are about the same size so that should offer no difficulties.”

We went into the house and up to her bedroom. She had four riding habits, all of which would fit me. She asked me to take which I liked and I chose a pale grey skirt and jacket with a grey hat.

I tried them on.

“Might have been made for you,” she said.

“Got a good mount?”

“That is being provided for me.”

“From Herr Brandt’s stables, I expect. He’ll see you’re all right. He has some very fine horses.”

“I am very grateful to you, Fraulein Kleber.”

“I’m always happy to do anything for Kaiserwald. Everyone round here is. We’re proud of it . and it has been of great benefit to us all. So . I’m delighted to fit you up. “

“Very interesting woman,” I said as we walked away.

“A pity you couldn’t understand her.”

“I did catch a word or two,” said Eliza.

“I think I’d pick up the language quickly if I was here long.”

“I’m sure you would.”

“That get-up suits you.” She looked at me closely.

“You look … different.”

I did not comment further.

I lived the rest of that day in a kind of daze. It was like a dream. I had come to Kaiserwald and he was there. It was like a miracle. I had been thinking of him so constantly that it was as though the intensity of my thoughts had conjured him up. And I was to spend a day with him alone. Eliza, I knew, was very disapproving. I did not want to discuss the matter with her. When we went to bed that night I pretended to fall asleep immediately. I was sure she was fully awake.

I was up early next morning. I donned Fraulein Kleber’s riding habit.

I knew it suited me, for I had always looked well in riding’ clothes I felt exhilarated.

Dr. Adair had provided the horses, I learned, from Herr Brandt’s stables. He had a fine black one; mine was a chestnut mare. He rode magnificently, as I had expected he would. Seated on a horse, he looked like some figure from Greek mythology. I hoped my mood of exhilaration was not too obvious.

As we rode away from Kaiserwald, I glanced back. I saw a movement at a window. So Eliza was there. I could imagine the expression on her face. She was so very much against this enterprise; and she was a person who, when she had once made up her mind, adhered to it. It would take a great deal to change her opinions of Dr. Adair. She insisted that he had taken Henrietta and melodramatically cast her off to Philippe Lablanche and nothing was going to change her. But what she feared most was what he would do to me.

“How do you like your mount?” he asked.

“She seems … amenable.”

“Good. Horses can be temperamental and it will be a long day. I hope you are as proficient on a horse as you are in a ward.”

“I rode in India and in the country. I am no expert, of course, but I think I can manage a horse reasonably well.”

“Well, I shall be with you to take care of you.”

“That,” I said, ‘is a comforting thought. How long did you stay in Scutari? “

“No longer than was necessary. There was a certain amount to be cleared up. I came to England as soon as possible.”

“Did you see any more of Henrietta?”