It was later that day when Henrietta came to me.

“Anna,” she said, “I’m not going.”

“What do you mean … not going?”

“I’m not going home.”

“You can’t stay at the hospital.”

“I know. I’m not planning to do that.”

“But… you can’t …”

“I can … when we leave here. We are discharged already. I can go where I like. I’m going to stay here.”


“In Constantinople.”


“Well… I shall be all right. I have to make a decision.”

“What decision?”

“It’s Philippe. He’s asked me to marry him.”

“Have you agreed?”

She shook her head.

“I’m not sure. I want time.”

“But you could always come out again.”

“I don’t want to do that. I’m going to stay here.”

“But you can’t.”

“One or two are staying. Grace Curry and Betty Green and some others.”

“They’re different. They can take care of themselves. They’re not young girls.”

“I’ll have people to take care of me. I have to stay, Anna. Nothing is going to make me change my mind.”

“Oh, Henrietta,” I said.

“We came out together. We’ve been together all this time.”

“I know. Ours is a wonderful friendship, but this is more important to me than anything. You go home. You’ll have Eliza with you. She’s better than I am . “

“Don’t stay here, Henrietta.”

“I must.”

“You haven’t told me everything.”

She was silent.

“There are some things one can’t talk of. One can’t explain one’s feelings. This is something I have to do on my own.”

“Have you seriously thought of what you are doing?”

“I’ve thought of nothing else for ages. I’m not waiting until tomorrow. I’m going tonight.”

“I can’t believe this. I feel completely shattered.”

“I put off telling you. I should have done so before. But you know me.

If I don’t like doing something, I pretend it doesn’t exist. I’ve always been like that. “

“Perhaps I had better stay with you.”

She looked at me in alarm.

“No, no. You must go home. Eliza’s going with you. Oh, Anna, won’t Jane and Polly be pleased. And Lily too.

They’ll kill the fatted calf. “

“Henrietta, is there something you want to tell me?”

She shook her head.

“No … no. I must do this, Anna. Please try to understand and one day … soon perhaps … I’ll come and see you.

Then I’ll tell you everything. Then you’ll understand. “

She embraced me, holding me tightly in silence, for we were both too emotional for words.

I found Eliza and told her what Henrietta had told me.

She said: “I saw it coming. I knew it. Poor Henrietta, she doesn’t know what she’s letting herself in for.”

“I’ve talked to her. I’ve tried to beg her to come with us. I’ve even said I’d stay.”

“You mustn’t. You must get home. You must live like you was meant to live. Dr. Fenwick will come and when you are married to him, you’ll wonder why you ever put it off so long.”

We said a tense goodbye to Henrietta. A few other women had decided to stay and those who were doing so left that night.

I could not believe that I was losing her. For so long we had been together. I was hurt and bewildered that she could go thus. She knew my feelings and wanted to explain, but she obviously could not bring herself to.

“It’s love, that’s what it is,” said Eliza. That gets stronger than friendship. Every other thing’s forgotten when a man beckons to his mate. “

We went with Henrietta out of the hospital. We watched her make her way down the incline to the shore. We saw her getting into the caique.

Then I stared, for Dr. Adair had joined her and was standing beside her.

Eliza turned to me.

“I told you so. I knew it.”

“What?” I said, although I knew.

“She’s gone off with him. All he had to do was raise his finger and she’s off, forsaking her friends … everyone. Well, that’s the way of the world.”

“She is going to Philippe Lablanche.”

“That’s a likely tale.”

“It was what she told me.”

“She didn’t want you to know the truth. She was under his spell. I saw that plain as plum duff without the plums. She’s gone off with him.

Oh, the little fool. And we’ll not be here when he throws her off.

He’s took her . I reckon he was after you as well. I know his sort.

Gawd help our little Henrietta. “

“I don’t believe it. She would have told me. She distinctly said Philippe.”

“He was waiting for her, wasn’t he?

“Course she’ll tell you it’s Philippe. She wouldn’t want you to know the truth. I’ve seen it coming. I know life, I do. She’s gone off for a few weeks … a few days … perhaps a few hours with our mysterious gentleman, and she thinks that worth while!”

“Surely neither of them would do such a thing.”

“What do you mean neither of them? He’s a rogue and she’s a fool.

He’s out for everything he can get and she’s been working up to this for weeks. “

“Perhaps I should try to find her, bring her back.”

important to me than anything. You go home. You’ll have Eliza with you. She’s better than I am . “

“Don’t stay here, Henrietta.”

“I must.”

“You haven’t told me everything.”

She was silent.

“There are some things one can’t talk of. One can’t explain one’s feelings. This is something I have to do on my own.”

“Have you seriously thought of what you are doing?”

“I’ve thought of nothing else for ages. I’m not waiting until tomorrow. I’m going tonight.”

“I can’t believe this. I feel completely shattered.”

“I put off telling you. I should have done so before. But you know me.

If I don’t like doing something, I pretend it doesn’t exist. I’ve always been like that. “

“Perhaps I had better stay with you.”

She looked at me in alarm.

“No, no. You must go home. Eliza’s going with you. Oh, Anna, won’t Jane and Polly be pleased. And Lily too.

They’ll kill the fatted calf. “

“Henrietta, is there something you want to tell me?”

She shook her head.

“No … no. I must do this, Anna. Please try to understand and one day … soon perhaps … I’ll come and see you.

Then I’ll tell you everything. Then you’ll understand. “

She embraced me, holding me tightly in silence, for we were both too emotional for words.

I found Eliza and told her what Henrietta had told me.

She said: “I saw it coming. I knew it. Poor Henrietta, she doesn’t know what she’s letting herself in for.”

“I’ve talked to her. I’ve tried to beg her to come with us. I’ve even said I’d stay.”

“You mustn’t. You must get home. You must live like you was meant to live. Dr. Fenwick will come and when you are married to him, you’ll wonder why you ever put it off so long.”

We said a tense goodbye to Henrietta. A few other women had decided to stay and those who were doing so left that night.

I could not believe that I was losing her. For so long we had been together. I was hurt and bewildered that she could go thus. She knew my feelings and wanted to explain, but she obviously could not bring herself to.

“It’s love, that’s what it is,” said Eliza.

“That gets stronger than friendship. Every other thing’s forgotten when a man beckons to his mate.”

We went with Henrietta out of the hospital. We watched her make her way down the incline to the shore. We saw her getting into the caique.

Then I stared, for Dr. Adair had joined her and was standing beside her.

Eliza turned to me.

“I told you so. I knew it.”

“What?” I said, although I knew.

“She’s gone off with him. All he had to do was raise his finger and she’s off, forsaking her friends … everyone. Well, that’s the way of the world.”

“She is going to Philippe Lablanche.”

“That’s a likely tale.”

“It was what she told me.”

“She didn’t want you to know the truth. She was under his spell. I saw that plain as plum duff without the plums. She’s gone off with him.

Oh, the little fool. And we’ll not be here when he throws her off.

He’s took her . I reckon he was after you as well. I know his sort.

Gawd help our little Henrietta. “

“I don’t believe it. She would have told me. She distinctly said Philippe.”

“He was waiting for her, wasn’t he?

“Course she’ll tell you it’s Philippe. She wouldn’t want you to know the truth. I’ve seen it coming. I know life, I do. She’s gone off for a few weeks … a few days … perhaps a few hours with our mysterious gentleman, and she thinks that worth while!”

“Surely neither of them would do such a thing.”

“What do you mean neither of them? He’s a rogue and she’s a fool.

He’s out for everything he can get and she’s been working up to this for weeks. “

“Perhaps I should try to find her, bring her back.”

“How? Where? She’ll be right in the heart of the city before you could get near her. His mistress … that’s what she’ll be. She won’t last long with him neither. There’s nothing we can do.”

I did not sleep all through my last night in Scutari. I lay tossing from side to side.

What were they doing now? They were together. Damien I called him Damien in my thoughts would be making love to her. He would be expert at that and poor Henrietta was innocent, inexperienced, a dreamy-eyed schoolgirl, really. She would believe it would go on forever, and for him she would be one of those lights-o’-love to be taken up for a brief spell and then discarded when he tired of them like the women in the harem. Perhaps he had a harem in that place in Constantinople? I imagined them . women in their beautiful silks, Turkish garb . those sheer baggy gauze trousers caught in at the ankles . waiting to be summoned to their lord.