At least there was nothing wrong with his eyes.
Five minutes later, heralded by the most peremptory of knocks, the door opened. A tall, broad-shouldered, ineffably elegant figure sauntered in.
His gaze fell first on Catriona-and went no further.
The ends of his long lips lifting in a smile both Richard and Vane knew well, the gentleman advanced, then swept Catriona a bow.
"Gabriel Cynster, my dear."
Catriona instinctively held out her hand; he took it and drew her effortlessly to her feet, into his arms, and kissed her. Raising his head, he smiled wolfishly down at her. "Richard's cousin."
"Another one," Vane commented drily.
Smoothly releasing Catriona and gracefully reseating her with an irresistible smile, Gabriel turned to the bed and raised a languid brow. "You here, too? If I'd known, I wouldn't have half-killed my horse getting here."
Blinking, Catriona picked up her needle, but kept her gaze on the tableau about the bed.
"How the devil did you hear?" Richard asked. "Don't tell me it's common knowledge among the ton."
Halting by the bed, Gabriel looked down at Richard. "Well, you're obviously still alive-Mama must have got her skeins tangled. She was quite adamant I'd find you at death's door." Gracefully, he sat on the end of the bed. "As for the news being bruited about, I can't say, but it wouldn't surprise me. Mama wrote me a series of orders, couched in a manner to discourage disobedience, and bade me hie north at speed. I was at a very select gathering in a hunting lodge in Leicestershire. How the devil she knew where to find me I really don't like to think."
Vane humphed.
Richard grinned sleepily.
Gabriel shook his head. "It's a sad day when one can't even escape to a select, supposedly secret orgy without having one's mother summon one-without a verbal blink."
Both Richard and Vane chuckled. Gabriel raised his brows resignedly.
Catriona shook out her mending and started to told it. "I'll certainly write to Lady Celia and thank her for her kind thoughts."
A sudden hiatus gripped the three about the bed.
"And now," Catriona declared, "Richard needs to rest."
The three exchanged a meaningful look; Catriona stood and smiled at Vane and Gabriel. "If you would, gentlemen?"
She waved to the door; they left with smooth smiles and no argument. Bustling to the bed, she tucked Richard in. He wished he could frown, but he really was tired.
"Come and lie down with me." He tried to catch her, but he was far too slow.
She whisked away, raised one finger to waggle at him, then changed her mind and smiled. A smile that softened her face and set his pulse racing, a smile that should have sealed her fate-if he'd been in any way up to it.
"Later," she said. "When you're well again."
There was a softness in her eyes, an echo of something in her tone, that eased and soothed his irritation. She drew the curtains and left him; Richard drifted off, into dreams of a highly selected orgy, restricted to just two.
By the next morning, he had really had enough. He felt strong enough while lying relaxed on his back, but even lifting his arms was an effort. He couldn't make love to his wife. He couldn't get out of bed.
As far as he was concerned, he needed practice on both counts.
To that end, he persuaded Devil, so often his partner in crime in days past, now left to bear him company while their ladies took the an in the park, to help him up.
"If I can just get my legs functioning properly…"
Ducking one shoulder beneath Richard's arm, Devil helped him balance his weight as he rose from the side of the bed. "Let's try it to the fireplace and back. We need to avoid the window-they might glance back and see us."
Richard grabbed Devil's shoulder and lifted his foot to take the first step-
The door opened. "It's drizzling-" The Dowager, in advance of her daughters in law, halted and viewed her sons-caught in an act of disobedience-through narrowing eyes. "What is this?"
They both blushed. The degree of accent in Helena's speech gave them warning she was not amused.
"I would 'ave thought you were both now old enough to 'ave more sense," she declared.
"Sense?" Her expression mirroring her skeptical tone, Honoria stepped around the Dowager. Devil quickly slid Richard back down on the bed and straightened. Honoria marched up to him, met his gaze directly, then took his hand. "Come-I believe you've been relieved of duty here. Permanently." With that, she towed him to the door.
Devil cast a glance back at Richard and shrugged helplessly.
Richard tell back on his pillows with a groan-as the two most important women in his life descended on him.
They lectured and fussed and lectured again, in between tucking him in tenderly. He bore it stoically-with a final sharp but concerned glance, Catriona had to leave him.
Helena pulled up the chair, picked up Catriona's discarded mending, and settled down to watch over him.
Richard sighed. "I promise I won't try to get up again-not until my wife gives her permission."
"Be quiet. Go to sleep."
Helena's stern tone told him she had not forgiven him his indiscretion yet.
Richard swallowed a grunt. After a moment, he said: "You never fuss over Devil."
"That's because he never needed to be fussed over. You do-now be silent and sleep. And leave me to fuss."
Thus adjured, he shut up and found himself, to his surprise, drifting into a doze. Before he succumbed, he asked: "What do you think of Catriona?"
"She's the perfect wife for you. She will fuss very well in my stead."
Richard felt his lips twitch resignedly; he took her advice, shut up and slept.
He awoke some hours later to discover the twins, one perched in a straight-backed chair to the left, the other in a matching chair to the right, bright blue eyes wide, watching over him.
Astonished, he stared at them. "What the devil are you doing here?"
They smiled. "Guarding you."
Richard glowered; he looked them over, noting the full curves that filled out their bodices, the trim figures revealed by their muslin skirts-and glowered even more. "Your necklines are too low-you'll catch your deaths."
They bent identical disgusted looks on him.
"You're as bad as Devil.
"And Vane."
"Almost as bad as Demon-he's been underfoot everywhere we go!"
"What is the matter with all of you?"
He humphed and shut his eyes-and refrained from telling them. "This is the Lowlands," he stated incontrovertibly. "It's colder up here." He wondered if Catriona had some spare shawls they could pin over their shoulders, closed to the neck.
Still, at least they were up here, with him, Devil, Vane and Gabriel about, not gallivanting in the south, flaunting themselves like plump lambs before God knew how many hungry wolves, with only Helena for protection.
Keeping his eyes shut, he sank deeper into his bed. Perhaps there was some sense to this madness after all.
Chapter 18
The week passed slowly for Richard, confined to his bed, and in a whirl of unaccustomed gaiety for the other inhabitants of the vale.
They'd never encountered people like the Cynsters before.
Entering the stable yard four mornings later, Catriona was conscious of the smile on her face-it rarely dimmed these days, despite Richard's poisoning and what she would, once their guests left, have to face. For now, all was running smoothly, with a bubbling, effervescent sense of life. Thanks to their guests.
They were everywhere, helping with everything, yet they had, with a characteristic tact that was in itself overwhelming, managed to do so without stepping on anyone's sensitivities.
A feat that commanded her respect.
On her way back to the house after checking the still slumbering gardens, she paused to take in the activity in the yard. Devil was there with McAlvie and his lads; beside them, Vane and Corby were mounted, about to ride out to check the orchards. Vane was looking down, Devil was looking up-all the other men seemed not just smaller, but somehow less alive. Then Devil nodded and stepped back. Vane wheeled his mount; with Corby at his heels, he clattered out of the yard. Turning away, Devil collected McAlvie; with the herdsman's lads following close behind, they strode down the slope to the cattle barn.
Smiling to herself, Catriona resumed her progress to the house. Devil watched over the livestock, Vane the orchards. Without the slightest comment, they'd left the crops to her. They'd divided Richard's responsibilities between them and were acting in his stead. As for Gabriel, he'd appointed himself Richard's amanuensis; he was presently sitting with Richard and dealing with the accumulated correspondence concerning his business affairs. She hadn't realized how extensive Richard's investments were until Gabriel had found the pile of letters in the library and come storming upstairs, waving them and insisting Richard deal with them.
She was learning new things every day.
Like the fact that, while in no way susceptible in the common sense, the other women in the vale were very definitely appreciative of men like the Cynsters. A group of them had gathered in the doorway of the dairy to enjoy the sight of Devil and Vane. All the Cynster men drew the same response-they were always so elegantly dressed and shod, yet thought nothing of picking up an axe and splitting logs, or helping with a fence, or herding cows. The local women had grown used to Richard, but… their wide smiles and their comments, drifting on the breeze-"And there are more of them yet, Cook says." "Oh, my!" as, with smiling nods to her, they turned back into the dairy-suggested they were far from bored with the sight.
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