Tears did come to her eyes as she held his head to her breasts. She felt cherished, precious, and so very desired. She felt beautiful in his eyes, something she had never felt before. And all the while he lavished her body with such exquisite care, she could feel his heat deep inside her, still, patient now, but throbbing with need she desperately wanted to fulfill.

There was no pain left when he began to move in her again much later. There hadn't been from his first shattering kiss. And he had built her desire up to such a fevered pitch, within moments she was dissolving in a whitehot flood of sensation. Through that haze of pleasure she barely heard him reach his own cli-max, and she was asleep before the last shudder left his body.

Chapter Twenty-four

“His sister, Maura, is quite charming," Vanessa was saying as she put away the green thread and took up the red for the sampler she was working on. "I think you'll like her. She's about your age, I would say, and just dying to see those Harper's Bazaar fashion jour-nals we collected while in New York. Did I mention that's where they're from originally? They even know Charles, or at least they've heard of the Abingtons."

"Are you sure Robbie is all right?"

Vanessa didn't raise her head, but her eyes shot up, and her brows met suspiciously over the middle of them. That question had already been asked and answered — twice.

"Actually, the chit's rather brassy, not at all as pol-ished as her brother."

"That's nice."

The countess dropped the sampler in her lap with an exasperated sigh. "Have you heard a single word I've said? Jocelyn? You-hoo, Joc-cel-lyn?" she sing-songed.

Jocelyn turned slightly from the window where she had been standing for the last hour. "Did you say something, Vana?"

With forced calm, the countess replied, "I've been telling you about the Dry dens."


"Jocelyn Fleming! You are supposed to be radiant today, not absent-minded. Whatever is the matter with you?"

Jocelyn glanced back out the window, ignoring the censure but not the question. Indeed, what was wrong with her? Why couldn't she stop thinking about last night or wondering where Colt was today?

Again he couldn't be found. He had been waiting for Robbie's replacement early this morning, or so she had been told, so obviously he had kept watch over her for the rest of the night himself. But in her room or out in the hall?

She had awakened to find the room empty, two long black hairs on the pillow next to hers the only sign that Colt had been there. Well, actually there was one other indication. The smears of dried blood on her upper thighs. But when had he left her? And why had he gone without saying anything?

Vanessa had arrived bright and early and full of worry, after seeing the two apprehended thieves dragged off to the local authorities. She had de-manded every detail about Jocelyn's little adventure out the window, as well as what had happened afterward. She had also been vastly relieved to know their planned seduction had come about after all.

"So there's no need to go on to this Wyoming place, is there, or to retain Mr. Thunder's services any longer?"

When Jocelyn had heard that, she had felt strangely bereft and insisted Colt's services were most defi-nitely still in need, if for no other reason than to keep her safe. She pointed out how many times he had already come to her rescue. She pointed out his ability in keeping Longnose from discovering their new direction. And if that wasn't enough, she had announced that Wyoming was where she had decided to locate her stud farm.

Wisely, Vanessa hadn't said any more, though Jocelyn had felt her disapproval at the time and still did.

She even understood it, knowing Vanessa was worried that she might form an attachment for Colt that was utterly unsuitable.

"First lovers are inevitably special," Vanessa had told her months ago when they had originally decided she needed one. "But the thing to remember is that they are only the first, that you mustn't mistake a simple, healthy attraction for love."

Remembering those words now, Jocelyn tried to examine what she was feeling, but all she could come up with was confusion, anxiety over her next encoun-ter with Colt, and most of all, a lingering amazement that lovemaking was much, much more deeply satis-fying than she had imagined it would be.

Glancing back over her shoulder, she revealed some of those feelings to her friend. "I'm sorry, Vana. It's just that it was… it was…"

"I know," Vanessa cut in with a snort. "It was so blissful you haven't the proper words to describe it."

"Well, it was," Jocelyn said defensively.

"Then we owe our surly guide our everlasting grat-itude, don't we?" Vanessa returned in her most acerbic tone. "Especially when it could have been quite the opposite with someone of his unpredictable ternperament, and still could be if you are foolish enough to court his attentions again." Then her voice soft-ened, exposing her very real concern. "What you experienced, my dear, can be had with any man.

But it would be preferable, as well as safer, as well as less worrisome to me, if you experienced it with a lover you can trust not to erupt into violence at any given moment. I suggest you find another man to prove that, and quickly, before you make this one into something he isn't."

Jocelyn usually heeded Vanessa's advice, but in this case it wasn't necessary. She had needed a lover for only one purpose, and that purpose was accomplished. She didn't need to take another man to her bed, nor even Colt again. Vanessa was getting worked up over nothing. But it wouldn't do to say so. She wouldn't believe it.

"You were saying something about the Bradens?" Jocelyn said pleasantly, but pointedly.

"The Drydens," Vanessa corrected, taking the hint to drop the subject for now. "I told you I met them this morning in the lobby. A very interesting pair of siblings. You could say they are impoverished gentry of the American variety. I swear the run of bad luck they've had since their parents died makes us fortu-nate we've only got an assassin on our trail."

"That's not funny, Vana."

"No, I suppose not, but I did feel sorry for them."

"They told you their life story while standing about in the lobby?"

"We were sitting, actually, and it was a very short-ened version, I'm sure. A few bad investments and the family funds were gone, that sort of thing. They decided to take what little was left and come west to start anew. I believe Miles mentioned something about buying a ranch."

"Miles? Mr. Dryden, I assume you mean? He's Miles after only one meeting, yet you continue to call Colt Mr. Thunder?"

"Don't change the subject, dear," Vanessa replied, undaunted. "As I was saying, their luck turned from bad to worse when they reached New Mexico. The stagecoach they were traveling in was robbed by some highwaymen — outlaws, I believe they call them here— and one passenger was killed. Then that very same day, in the same coach, mind you, they were set upon by Indians. They would have both been scalped—"


"Something unpleasant Indians do to you, I gather, but the cavalry came along — they had been chasing that particular group of raiders — and saved them. At any rate, they've understandably had a change of heart about settling in this part of the country, but they've frankly been too apprehensive about riding the coaches again and so in effect have stranded them-selves here. Naturally, I felt compelled to offer them our escort."

"Do you think that's wise? I mean, what do you really know about these people except what they've told you? The brother could be—"

"I'll have you know I have not become dotty in my old age yet," Vanessa interrupted indignantly. "Sir Parker has checked their story and confirmed it. They have been living in this very hotel for the past three months. And Miles Dryden has a sister, my dear, a sister. If our Mr. Longnose has one, he wouldn't be carting her about with him, now, would he?"

"I didn't mean to imply that he might be Longnose, only that he could have been hired. oh, never mind." Then, with sudden suspicion: "He wouldn't happen to be handsome, would he?"

"Now don't look at me like that. So he is rather striking in appearance. That doesn't mean I hoped he would take your mind off your half-breed if I invited them along."

"No, of course not," Jocelyn replied with annoyance, for Vanessa's motive was obviously just that.

She was no better at dissembling than Jocelyn was, at least not with Jocelyn. It was time to tell her how unnecessary these machinations were and hope she would believe it.

"I do not intend to allow a repetition of last night, Vana."

"Does he know that?"

"He was practically raped—"


Jocelyn waved a hand dismissively. "The principle was the same. He had to be forced, didn't he?

Se-duced? Made to lose control so his baser instincts would take over and he would be powerless to resist? You seem to forget he didn't want anything to do with me, that I did the pursuing, not him. So he isn't likely to want a repetition of last night either, Vana. In fact, I'd be terribly surprised if he isn't furious today, and determined never to put himself in such a position again."

"Attitudes change once the die is cast, my dear. Once the sin is committed, a person tends to overin-dulge before he's ready to repent."

"I doubt that would apply in Colt's case. Besides, I've already said that I have no intention of letting it happen again. My problem has been solved. I have no further need of a lover."