Sully was chatting with Alex when Clarisse emerged from the changing room with Mac. She couldn’t read the look that passed across Sully’s face, the mask that dropped into place.

Tottering across the floor on Mac’s arm, she nervously stood in front of Sully and tried to decipher his expression. He held out his hand to her.

“Let’s go play, girl,” he softly said.

After an anxious glance at Mac, she put her hand in Sully’s and let him take charge of her. She stepped away from the safety of Mac’s side.

“Can you trust me?” Sully softly asked.

She didn’t have a choice. “Yes, Sir.”

He smiled as he stroked her cheek. “Good girl. Your safeword is red. If you say that, everything stops immediately. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He laced his fingers through hers and led her to what looked like a long trapeze bar. He nodded to Mac, who walked over to the wall and flipped a switch. A motor hummed to life and the bar descended a little, but still hung almost two feet above her head.

Sully stood in front of her. “Slave, bring me the suspension cuffs.”

His eyes never wavered from hers.

“Yes, Master.” Mac rooted through one of the bags and found what Sully had asked for, then presented them to him.

They didn’t look like the leather wrist cuffs she’d seen Mac wearing. They were different, heavily padded and with an attached, short metal bar running the width of the cuff.

As he strapped the first one onto her left hand, she realized the metal bar was a handhold built into the reinforced restraints. She could wrap her fingers around the bar and hold on.

“Suspension cuffs,” Sully said, answering her unspoken question.

“I had to order a smaller pair. I figured Mac’s would be too large.”

He strapped the other one on her and had her check the fit.

While Sully did that, Mac clipped two straps to the bar. They dangled from the bar, ending in unusual-looking snaps.

“Take her shoes off, slave,” Sully quietly ordered. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as Mac complied. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his gentle kiss, soft and sweet, not as passionate as Mac’s had been at the store, but taking her focus off her nerves and anxiety.

When she stood barefoot in front of him, he lifted her left arm and clipped it to the bar, then tightened the strap to remove the excess slack. He repeated the action with her right.

Her heart thrummed in her chest.

“Reach up with your fingers. Feel the snaps.”

She did. What felt like no slack was actually just enough she could easily wrap her fingers around them.

“Pull down on the snaps,” Sully ordered.

When they came loose, it startled her. Mac put his hand in the center of her back to steady her. Good thing she wasn’t in the heels or she’d have tipped over.

Sully smiled and reconnected her. “Panic snaps. They release even if under tension. I wanted you to see that.”

It did settle her a little to know she wasn’t totally immobilized.

She trusted Sully and Mac to stop if she used a safeword, but knowing she had the power to get out if she wanted reduced her nervous tension.

The concrete floor felt cool under her feet. Sully stood before her and grabbed her chin, tipped her face to his. “Do you want to play, girl?” he softly asked.

She nodded.

His grip tightened. Not painfully, but authoritatively. “Say it.”

“I want to play with you, Sir.”

He leaned in and brushed his lips across hers. “If I ask you how you are, you say green, yellow, or red. You call yellow or red at any time you need to, understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He stepped away for a moment, then moved behind her. Mac took Sully’s place in front of her, standing so close she felt heat radiating from him even through his clothes. His brown eyes smoldered with passion.

Then she felt Sully’s hands on her waist, his fingers gently raking her bare flesh between the skirt and top. Over her hips, across her ass, along her thighs. On the upward journey, he caught the hem of her skirt and pulled it up to her hips, exposing her.

She blushed.

Mac touched her chin. “Look at me,” he whispered.

She did, unable to look away if she wanted to.

Sully slowly caressed her legs, her ass, and traveled up to her hips.

When he pressed his body along her back, she knew she didn’t imagine the hard bulge she felt through his jeans. His hands skimmed around her waist, to her belly, and pulled her tightly against him.

“I’m going to play with you, girl,” he rumbled in her ear. “I want you to trust me. There will be a little pain, but I promise you a lot of pleasure in return if you take it for me.”

She shivered in his arms. “Okay.”

“Rest your head against my shoulder and close your eyes.”

She did.

“Keep them closed unless I tell you to open them.”

His hands skimmed up her tummy to her breasts, where he cupped his hands around them over her halter. His lips feathered along her neck, teeth gently nipping and grazing her skin. She felt a second set of lips brush across her collarbone, down her neck to between her breasts.


Sully’s hands lifted from her breasts. She felt the halter being unlaced and opened. Sully’s hands returned, his fingers finding and tweaking her nipples, pinching them between his fingers, rolling them until they were hard peaks. Her hips involuntarily gyrated against Sully, wanting more as tingles of heat shot straight to her clit.

She softly moaned when Sully stepped back, allowing cool air to brush against her flesh. He slipped a blindfold over her eyes as Mac’s fingers replaced Sully’s on her nipples.

Sully gripped her ass in his hands and squeezed. “I’m going to start here, girl,” he said. Then he smacked her with his bare hand. Not hard, but enough to make her jump.

Mac stepped up his efforts in front of her as Sully spanked her.

Her body struggled to make sense of the conflicting messages, the pleasure of Mac’s fingers on her nipples dueling with the sting of Sully’s hand on her ass as he gradually increased the force of his strikes.

Then, both men stopped, almost shocking her system back to reality. Mac stepped in, cupped his hand around the back of her neck, and tipped her head forward so it rested against his shoulder. He left his hand in place as he whispered to her.

“How are you, girl?”

“Green,” she gasped.

She felt something hard, flat, and cool touch her ass. Then a stinging slap.

She realized it was a paddle. As she instinctively twisted her hips away from it, Mac’s other hand slid between her legs and played with her clit.

She moaned as the strokes from the paddle increased in severity and Mac’s fingers plunged deeper into her sex. She gyrated her hips, trying to get closer to Mac, to draw him in even deeper.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Mac whispered in her ear.


After a moment, Sully stopped and Mac withdrew his hand. She moaned in disappointment. Sully grabbed her hair and gently tugged so she had to tip her head back.

“You want more, girl?” His voice had dropped in tone, deeper, serious.


“I give you more pleasure, you have to take more pain, too. One doesn’t come without the other tonight.”

Fuck yeah. So far, he hadn’t actually hurt her, the sting from the paddle already dissipating.

But dammit, her clit throbbed almost painfully, begging for relief.


He nipped her earlobe. “That’s my good girl.” He stepped away.

With the blindfold on, she couldn’t tell where either man stood.

After a moment, she jumped when she felt something touch her clit.

Sully spoke in front of her. “I’m having slave deliver these blows.”

He kissed her, then whispered in her ear, “If you want to be with us in all ways, you will have to get used to us both topping you.”


She felt Mac stroke her ass with his hand, lovingly, tenderly. Then he laid something she suspected was a riding crop along her backside.

“Now,” Sully said. Her world lit up behind the blindfold as a powerful vibrator kicked on and Mac simultaneously smacked her ass with something much more stingy than the paddle.

Sully whispered in her ear. “Do not come, girl.”

She whined, wanting it, needing it, and felt another stingy blow across her ass. The pain tempered her pleasure just enough she could gain a foothold on her climbing orgasm, but as she tried to twist her hips away from the vibrator, Mac smacked her ass again and pushed her back onto it.

“Do not come,” Sully warned again, louder, deeper.

She felt her tears starting, more from frustration than pain, from desperation for relief and even more desperate to obey Sully.

Mac alternated the strength of the blows, ones that barely made contact with stinging, painful swats that made her yelp and pushed her harder onto the vibrator Sully pressed against her clit.

She couldn’t take it anymore. “Please, let me come!”

“Beg me.”

“Sir, please! Let me come! God, let me come!”

Mac smacked her harder, then stroked her ass with his hand.

“No,” Sully whispered, one hand teasing her nipples, alternating from one to the other. “You cannot come yet. You haven’t begged enough.”

“Please!” She sobbed, desperate. “Please!”

The pain and pleasure melded into one as she struggled to obey.

Just as she knew she couldn’t hold on any longer, Mac stopped and stepped closer. He wrapped his arm around her waist.