“I’m pretty sure that’s none of your business.”
Myrna shrugged. “I suppose not.” She chuckled. “I guess Sed was right about you.”
Jessica’s brow furrowed. “What did Sed say about me?” She knew she shouldn’t care, but her heart could scarcely beat in her constricted chest.
Myrna shook her head nonchalantly and took a drink of her water. “Nothing.”
“I needed the money is all. Why did Sed say I was dancing?”
“You needed money.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway. Because of that cocky idiot, I got fired.”
“Sorry to hear that. Are you looking for another job?”
“I dunno. I couldn’t afford to pay my rent, so I got evicted. I’ll probably just go to my mother’s. You know, I’ve had a very crappy twenty-four hours. It all started the second Sed touched me.” Jessica hesitated. She’d forgotten that Myrna seemed to actually like Sed. “Sorry to unload on you. You don’t even know me.”
Myrna smiled kindly. “I don’t mind. You know, I’ve been thinking of hiring an assistant to help me with my research project.”
“Your research project?”
“That’s why I’m touring with Sinners. I’m doing psychology research on their groupies. I’m trying to determine what it is about rock stars that makes certain women promiscuous.”
Did she really need to do formal research to figure that out?
“I wondered why you were walking around looking like one of my law professors.”
Myrna chuckled. “Actually, I dress like this because I know it turns Brian on. Don’t tell him I told you that.” Myrna winked at her. “Anyway, are you interested in the job?”
“I’m offering a job. You need a job. Makes sense to me. I assume you’re an intelligent person if you’re going to law school. How are your grades?”
“Almost straight A’s.” Except that failing term paper in Ellington’s class. But now was not the time to start hyperventilating over a bad grade. Something wasn’t right here. Jessica didn’t even know this woman and she just offers her a job out of the blue? “What’s the catch?”
“No catch. The stipend will be ten thousand dollars if you see the project to its end.”
Jessica’s jaw dropped. “Ten thousand dollars? How long is this project?”
“About two more months. A lot of the burden of data collection and entry will be put on you. I couldn’t keep up before, and now I seem to be a newlywed.” She grinned. “How did that happen?”
Jessica chuckled. “Congratulations, by the way. Brian is a prize catch.”
“Thanks. I think so.” Myrna smiled dreamily, radiating happiness.
Jessica had had that once. Stupid Sed and his ridiculous ultimatums.
“So what do you say?” Myrna asked.
“Can I get an advance so I can find a new apartment?”
“You’ll be touring with the band, Jessica. You don’t need an apartment.”
Her bubble of relief and happiness ruptured.
“I can’t tour with the band. Sed—”
“What about Sed?”
Why did Jessica feel like this woman was manipulating her and planning her demise? “We can’t get along.”
“This is a professional relationship, Jessica, not a personal one. Besides, you’ll be working for me. You can ignore Sed entirely.”
Jessica didn’t think it was humanly possible to ignore Sed. Sed was… Sed was… well, Sed. She sighed aloud. “I…”
“Do you have a better option?”
Jessica shook her head. “I’m really grateful for this offer, Myrna. I just don’t think I can be around Sed for two months.”
“Why not? Do you still care about him?” Myrna asked.
“No!” Jessica said, a little too fast and a lot too loud.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“No problem. I gratefully accept the job. Thank you, Myrna. You saved my life.” Or potentially ruined it.
“Awesome. I hope you can start tonight. I’m leaving on my honeymoon in about…” She checked her watch. “…ten minutes.”
Well, what did Jessica have to lose? Except her sanity and already pulverized self-respect. “Um, okay. Sounds good. Just show me what to do.”
Myrna was explaining how to enter her huge backlog of data into a spreadsheet when the crowd outside the bus erupted in cheers. Jessica’s heart raced. The members of Sinners were probably headed this way right now. How would Sed react to her joining his band on tour? How would she stand being so close to him for two months? Living quarters on a tour bus were… intimate.
Brian climbed the stairs and entered the bus. He didn’t even notice Jessica. He went straight to Myrna, drew her against his sweaty body, and kissed her hungrily. “Are you ready to go?”
“Everything’s packed,” she murmured. “I just need to explain a few more things to my new assistant before we head out.”
“Assistant?” Brian’s eyes, surrounded by purple bruises and a thick rim of black eyeliner, settled on Jessica. “Jessica?” he said breathlessly. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
His hostility surprised her. Brian was such a nice guy. She wondered why he was so pissed to see her.
“Hey, Brian,” she said, offering a single wave. “Long time no see.”
“Sed’s on his way. You’d better leave before he sees you.”
Myrna ran a hand up Brian’s sweat-drenched T-shirt. “She’s staying for a couple of months. I just hired her as my assistant.”
Brian looked down at her incredulously. “You did what? Are you insane?”
Myrna smiled and shook her head. “Trust me, m’kay?” she murmured, dropping a kiss at the corner of his mouth. “Besides, with an assistant’s help, I’ll have more time for us.” Her hand clenched, gripping his T-shirt at the waist.
He stared at her as if in total awe. “God, yes, you definitely need an assistant. I love you.”
“I love you,” Myrna returned.
Jessica averted her gaze. So much mushiness was sickening to watch.
“Did you reserve a nice suite?” Brian’s fingers clutched the fabric of Myrna’s suit jacket as if trying to control the urge to rip it from her body.
“Uh-huh. At the Venetian. One with a jet tub.”
His breath caught. “Nice. Mmm, I love you. Did I tell you that today?”
“Only a million times.” She smiled. “Please, continue.”
He kissed her again. “I love you,” he murmured against her lips, before drawing away.
“Five minutes and I’ll be ready to leave,” she said. “I promise to hurry. I can’t wait to get you alone.”
“I’ll go wash off my stage makeup.”
“Leave it for now,” Myrna murmured. “I want to love both of you tonight. I’ll start with the rock star and work my way to that regular guy hiding under that makeup somewhere.”
He grinned. “I’m glad you didn’t see our show tonight, then. We sucked. Sed couldn’t hit his high notes. Jace’s hand is so swollen he can barely play. Trey kept having to sit down with dizzy spells. I couldn’t concentrate because all I could think about was you. At least Eric kept the beat.” He scratched his head behind his ear. “Well, most of the time.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Myrna said.
“Yeah, it was pretty bad, but I honestly don’t care at the moment. Hurry. I need to devour you.”
“Me first.” Myrna kissed him and then turned her attention to the computer again. She was decidedly distracted as she explained the rest of the data entry to Jessica. Luckily, entering the data wasn’t difficult. Just time consuming.
“Just work on this for the next couple of days,” Myrna said. “We’ll be back on Monday to hit the road again and you can help me with the groupie interviews.”
Groupie interviews? Now that did not sound like fun, but she’d be an idiot to turn down this job. “Okay. I can handle this. Do you want me to work on anything else?”
“Probably, but I can’t form a coherent thought right now. It will wait a couple of days.”
There was a commotion outside the bus. Several sets of feet marched up the front steps. The chorus of feminine giggles could only mean one thing. Jessica reached for a stack of Myrna’s raw data so she could look as busy as possible when Sed turned up. She would do her damnedest to ignore him.
“Will you two get out of here?” Sed said to Brian and Myrna. “The bedroom is mine tonight.”
Speak of the devil.
Jessica couldn’t stop her body from tensing involuntarily, but she didn’t take her eyes off her work.
“Sed, don’t chase off my new assistant while I’m gone. I need her,” Myrna said.
“New assist—”
Jessica glanced up at Sed and smiled her impersonal smile. “Hello.” Could he see that her hands were shaking as they hovered over the laptop’s keyboard?
Sed gaped at her. Her gaze traced the beads of sweat running down the side of his face. Oh God. Eyegasm. Why did he have to be so fucking attractive, anyway? The bastard.
“What?” Sed sputtered, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.
Brian fled the bus, but Myrna didn’t abandon Jessica. She grabbed Sed’s arm to gain his attention. “Your little stunt got her fired.”
He slowly dragged his gaze from Jessica to Myrna, who was almost a foot shorter than he was, but somehow standing as his equal.
“What?” he said again.
“She needed a job and a place to stay, so I hired her to help me with my research. You will not harass her.”
Sed scowled. “Why would I harass her? I don’t give a shit about her.” He glanced at Jessica and then Myrna again. “You hired her? What do you mean you hired her?”
“Sed,” one of the three women who’d followed him on the bus complained. “Are we going to party, or what?”
“Yeah, shut up,” he bellowed at the attractive strawberry blonde. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
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