Jessica scooted closer to him on the bed and stroked his stubble-rough cheek with the back of her hand. She leaned over and brushed her lips against his temple. His jaw.
“I can’t wait to take you home and pamper you. In every imaginable way.”
He was definitely up for some pampering and was already imagining every way.
Someone cleared their throat and Sed looked up to a gray-haired man in a white coat. His doctor, he presumed.
Jessica turned her head to glance at the doctor and then smiled down at Sed. “We’ll talk more later. Or rather, I will.”
Sed decided he liked it when she talked. He’d try to make an effort to listen more often. She kissed the tip of his nose and then moved away from the bed.
The doctor stepped closer to the bed. “I’m Dr. Jarvis—ear, nose, and throat specialist. I’ll just cut to the chase here. Mr. Lionheart, you can’t keep punishing your throat. All that growling and screaming has frayed your vocal cords and damaged the lining of your throat so badly that you tore an artery. An artery, Mr. Lionheart. I’ve never seen an injury like it. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d been swallowing swords for a living. I’m putting you on a voice restriction order for a week. No talking, no singing, and definitely no screaming. After that week, you need to see a specialist again and hope there’s significant improvement. If you don’t give yourself time to heal, you might never sing again. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Sed couldn’t breathe. He hadn’t realized how serious his condition was. He choked on the tube as panic squeezed his throat.
“Do you understand?” Dr. Jarvis repeated.
Gasping for air, Sed blinked once.
“We’ll take that tube out now and see what we have to work with.”
A nurse stepped up on the other side of the bed. She placed a hand on Sed’s forehead to ease his head back. “Relax, Mr. Lionheart. This won’t be pleasant, but it will be over quick.”
He tried to relax, but it wasn’t easy. As the tube was pulled free, it felt as if his throat was being turned wrong side out. And then it was gone. His throat felt tight and sore, but at least he could bend his neck. His first instinct was to try his voice, but the doctor already had a tongue depressor on his tongue.
The nurse scribbled notes while the doctor described what he could see. Didn’t sound good.
“I want him scoped this afternoon,” Dr. Jarvis said. “We need to take a better look at those cords.”
“Yes, doctor,” the nurse said.
The doctor met Sed’s eyes. “It looks better than I expected. Can you swallow?”
Sed swallowed, but it brought tears to his eyes.
“Take it easy. No talking. And soft foods only.”
Sed nodded. The doctor took the chart from the nurse, scribbled some additional notes, and then left the room.
Jessica moved to stand beside him and kissed his forehead. “He said it looked better than expected. That’s good news, right?”
He closed his eyes and nodded slightly. How could Sinners record their album next week if their lead vocalist couldn’t sing?
Chapter 46
Sed’s eyes eased open to Eric’s concerned expression.
“Ah good, you’re awake,” Eric said.
How was he supposed to sleep with Eric staring down at him so creepily?
“Let’s get out of here, buddy,” Eric said. “I’ve got your wheelchair oiled and ready to roll.”
His throat was on fire, but he didn’t need a fuckin’ wheelchair. “Wha—”
Eric’s hand blocked his words. “No talking. Jessica put me in charge.”
Where was Jessica? She’d still been there when they’d given him that sedative the night before.
“She said she’ll meet you at home. She went to do something at the University.”
Good. He hoped she clawed that professor’s eyes out. Sed used Eric’s arm to sit up in bed and then stood on wobbly legs.
“I hope you’re up to stopping by the studio,” Eric said, while Sed slipped into his clothes. “Brian and Trey are recording today.”
Sed’s heart skipped a beat. They were recording without him?
“We figured we better get some recording done before something else happens. Every time we try to work on the new album, one of us gets injured. First, Myrna’s ex-husband smashes Brian’s fingers, then Trey’s head injury, now you’ve gone and blown your throat out. Jace and I are afraid to get out of bed. I think the new album is cursed.”
Sed grinned. “Superstitious much?” The raspy sound of his voice surprised him.
“Hey, no talking.”
“My throat doesn’t feel too bad.” It hurt to talk, but wasn’t unbearable. As for screaming and singing, Sed had no plans to do that today. Perhaps tomorrow.
Eric pulled a roll of duct tape from the bottomless pocket inside his leather vest. He peeled back a piece of gray tape, tore it off with his teeth, and stuck it over Sed’s mouth. “Jess said I’d probably need this. I promised her I wouldn’t let you talk.”
Sed yanked off the tape, along with some beard stubble, and crushed it into Eric’s hair.
“Now that was totally uncalled for.” Eric ripped the tape out of his hair with a grimace. “Look at this shit.” He showed Sed the tape covered with black hairs of various lengths.
Sed pointed to where his whiskers had once been.
“Let’s get you out of this place,” Eric said.
After they secured his release, Sed followed Eric to the parking garage. Eric jumped over the driver’s side door into his convertible ’68 Corvette Sting Ray. A nice looking car, painted a deep emerald green, but its interior was trashed and the engine needed a total rebuild. Eric had been trying to get this car fixed up for over a decade. Problem was, he insisted on doing all the work himself. What he lacked in time, he equally lacked in skill as a mechanic.
“You got her started?” Sed asked quietly as he let himself into the passenger side.
“Isn’t she sweeeeet?”
“I doubt she’ll make it back to L.A.”
“He didn’t mean that, baby,” Eric said to his car, stroking the steering wheel lovingly. He scowled at Sed. “And you aren’t supposed to be talking, Mister Jerkface von Pessimist.”
Eric turned the key and the engine whined. It whirred several times, but didn’t catch. “Come on, baby. I’ll buy you a new intake manifold.” He pumped the gas pedal and cranked her over again. The engine sputtered, caught, backfired, and then died again. “Sounds like you’d rather have new plugs.”
Sed covered his mouth with the back of his hand and muttered, “Dude, your car is a piece of—”
Eric reached into his pocket and retrieved the duct tape. “Don’t make me use this.”
“Maybe you should wrap some around the engine. Couldn’t hurt.”
“Shut up.” Eric hit the steering wheel with frustration and turned the key again. She started right up. “I guess she wanted it rough.”
They headed southwest out of Fresno. The sun beat down on them mercilessly, but the convertible top was shredded, so there was no use in putting it up.
“So are you going to give that violin playing idea a try?” Eric asked, the wind riffling his already wild black hair into something bordering on profane. “You could replace some screaming with that.”
Sed hadn’t given it much thought since their brief song writing session over a month before, but he nodded. He didn’t really want to give up his signature style, but he wasn’t sure he had a choice.
“Trust me. It will be cool!” Eric glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “I’ve also added some piano pieces to a couple of the songs. Did you know Jace plays the piano?”
Sed shook his head. Beyond Jace’s bassist skills, Sed didn’t know much about him at all.
“He played some stuff for me back at your studio. He’s amazing. We need to fully utilize his talent. He seems to think he’s still auditioning for the band. Doesn’t want to step on any toes.”
Sed scowled. Why would Jace think that? His trial period was long over.
With no warning, Eric hit the brakes and the Corvette skidded into a parking lot. Sed grabbed the dashboard and prayed that the axle didn’t snap as they went airborne over a speed bump.
“Want some ice cream?”
At risk of his life? No. But since they were already in the drive-thru line, ice cream sounded wonderful.
Eric ordered an ice cream cone, a couple of burgers, fries, and a Coke.
Thank God. Sed was starving.
At the drive-thru window, Eric handed the soft-serve ice cream cone to Sed. Eric popped a straw in his drink, set the coke between his legs, and placed the entire bag of food between his hip and the driver’s side door.
Sed licked his vanilla ice cream. He winced every time he swallowed, but despite the threat of pain, he couldn’t wait to bite into a big juicy hamburger. His stomach rumbled loudly in agreement. Eric reached into the bag and stuffed several fries into his mouth as he turned back into traffic.
“Pass that over here,” Sed insisted.
Eric swallowed and took a slurp of his drink. “Pass what over there?”
“My burger. I’m starving.”
“No burger for you, bro. You’re on a soft food diet. Or have you forgotten?”
He reached across Eric and got his hand on the bag before taking a sharp elbow to the ribs.
“Back off, dude. Jessica said only soft foods for you.”
“Since when do you listen to Jessica?”
“Uh, since always. She said if you started acting like a baby to remind you that you need to heal for your concert next week.”
“Like a baby?”
“And if you’re a good boy, she said she’ll have a surprise for you.”
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