After several long minutes, Trey picked himself off the floor, sat beside Sed, and leaned against the bunk. Sed averted his gaze while Trey wiped his tears on the hem of his shirt.

“I don’t want to need them, Sed, but I can’t think of anything other than the feeling they give me right after I take one. The feeling that everything is all right. Everything is fine.” He shook his head. “I know everything’s not fine, but for a few minutes it feels like it is. It doesn’t last near long enough, and then…” Trey took a deep breath. “I need another one.”

“So you realize the drugs aren’t helping you.”

He nodded slightly.

“And you want to stop taking them.”

He hesitated, and then nodded again.

“There’s a rehab center—”


Sed’s eyebrows lifted. “No?”

“I’m not going to rehab. I don’t want the press in my business. I don’t want anyone to know. Okay?”

Sed stared at him for a long moment. He could only imagine how Trey was feeling, but he could understand not wanting the press and the fans to know what was going on. Sometimes being a celebrity sucked.

“Okay. So what are you going to do, then? I don’t think you can just quit these things cold turkey.”

“I feel horrible when I just sleep through the night without taking them.”

“Maybe your dad can tell us what to do.”

Trey grabbed Sed’s forearm with surprising strength. “No, don’t tell my dad.”

“He’s the one who gave you an unlimited prescription. He had to know what could happen. Fuck, Trey, everyone knows you have an addictive personality.”

Trey ducked his head. “My dad didn’t give those to me. I took them from his office. He doesn’t know.”

Sed’s heart sank with disappointment. “Wow, Trey. I don’t even know what to say to that.”

Trey stared at the floor between his feet. “Don’t tell Brian I’ve been lying to him,” he whispered.

“You can’t keep this from the people close to you. You need their support.”

“Let’s just go. Go somewhere away from everyone and get me off the pills. You’re the only one who can help me, anyway.”

“I don’t know what to do, Trey. I’m not a doctor. I don’t think you can quit this shit just like that.” Sed snapped his fingers. “We can check you into rehab under a fake name. They’d know how to help you. It’s not that I don’t want to help you. I don’t know how.” Sed squeezed Trey’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not going to rehab. If you don’t want to help, then fine.” He brushed Sed’s hand aside, climbed to his feet, and headed for the bathroom.

Sed grasped his forehead in one hand. What should he do? Maybe Jessica had an idea. He returned to the bedroom and found her dressed and packing a suitcase.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“We’re going to take Trey and help him before he changes his mind.”

“You heard everything?”

“Yeah, I was listening. Call his father.”

“He doesn’t want his father to know.”

Jessica put her hands on her hips. “Either he calls him, you call him, or I’m calling him. Our only other option is to check him into rehab.”

“I’ll call him,” Trey said behind Sed, “but not here. I need to get away as soon as possible.”

Jessica pushed Sed aside and grabbed Trey in a tight embrace. “I’m proud of you, sweetie. We’re going to get you through this. Okay?”

Trey nodded, clinging to her like a frightened child. “You two make a good team. You’ll have me kicked into shape in no time.”

Team? Sed liked the sound of that.

Chapter 32

Jessica crawled up on the bed behind Sed and hugged him around the waist, kissing the side of his neck just behind his ear.

“I know this is hard, baby,” she whispered. Trey had finally fallen asleep after a horrendous morning of suffering through withdrawal symptoms. “But you’re the only one strong enough to be there for him.”

He covered her hands with his. “I’m only strong when you’re beside me.”

She hugged him harder. “I don’t believe that. You’re always strong. That’s why everyone depends on you so much.”

“You’ve never been around me when I’m not with you.”

Her brow knotted with concentration. “I suppose that’s true, but…”

He shifted to the side and tugged her onto his lap. “Without you, I’m nothing. Don’t you understand that?”

He kissed her before she could protest. When he drew away, he touched her cheek. “Let’s go to bed before Trey wakes up again.”

She liked this time together. The last few days had been so tough. Wearying. They scarcely had a moment alone together. Technically, they weren’t alone now. She glanced at the other hotel bed. Trey was out cold. The tremors of this morning had stilled. Dr. Mills had been correct about the treatment. It just didn’t seem fair that Sed had to be the one to administer it. She could only imagine how bad Trey suffered, and he’d probably blame Sed for that pain for the rest of his life.

She looked up at Sed and smiled, tracing weary lines around his eyes with her fingertips. “Kiss me again first.”

She could tell he was exhausted, but he gave in to her wishes and kissed her. A deep kiss that made her toes curl. When he drew away, he set her on the edge of the bed and stood. He stripped down to his birthday suit, giving her a glorious eyeful of broad shoulders, narrow hips, and bulging muscles, and slid between the sheets. “Come keep me warm.”

She climbed into bed with him and pulled the covers up to her neck.

“What’s with all the clothes?” he asked, rubbing his hands over her soft cotton nightshirt.


He stripped her nightgown over her head and stuffed it under the pillow.

“I thought we were going to bed.”

“We are in bed.” He rubbed his lips over her jaw. “I need this, sweetheart. Don’t you want to?”

She did and she couldn’t argue with his logic. Well, she could, actually. She turned her head and watched Trey sleep for several moments. “Trey might wake up.”

“We’ll be quiet. He’ll sleep right through it. And if not, well… I’m not shy. Are you?”


He stripped her panties down her legs and stuffed them under the pillow as well. “Slow and quiet.”

They’d never done anything slow and quiet in all their time together. Might be an interesting change of pace. If it was even possible.

“Slow and quiet.” She ran a gentle hand over his hard pecs, pausing to stroke the tiny bead of one nipple.

“This will be a challenge,” he whispered. “Do you realize I haven’t had you for 68 hours?”

She chuckled. He knew how long it had been to the hour? “How many minutes is that?”

“Too damned many.”

He rolled on top of her. She tensed. “Wait, I’m not ready yet.”

“Shhhh. No more words.”

He buried his hands in her hair and tilted her head back, exposing her neck to his questing lips. She sighed and closed her eyes, relaxing beneath him. She should’ve known he wouldn’t just shove it inside without any consideration for her pleasure. This was Sed. Not a selfish bone in his body. Well, on most occasions.

She opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling, her chest filling with emotion. She’d been so very wrong about him for so long. How would she ever make amends to him? He caressed her skin gently and shifted upward to look her in the eye.


It probably did look that way. Her staring off into space while he worked at exciting her body. “Never.” She pulled her hand from under the covers to touch his face. “Sed?”

“Look, if you’re not into this—”

She silenced him by pressing a finger to his lips. “I don’t want this to just be about sex anymore. I want…” What did she want? “I want you to make love to me.”

“Isn’t that just sex?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s not. It’s so much more.”

“Jess, I’m exhausted, I’m not sure I can live up to your expectations.”

He didn’t get what she meant. And she was too afraid to clarify. Maybe she’d work up the courage to bring it up again at a later time. She just couldn’t force her pride down enough to put her mistakes about him to words. I was wrong, Sed. So wrong. Why couldn’t she say it? She felt it. Remorse for hurting him. Regret for time lost between them.

“That’s okay,” she said. “I’m sure whatever you have in mind will be wonderful.”

His fingers moved between her thighs, stroking her to excitement quickly.

“I just want to be inside you,” he whispered. “Where I belong.”

She reached for his cock, gently stroking its length up and down. Touching him fueled her excitement. His fingers dipped inside her, testing her readiness. She opened her legs for him and urged him to settle his hips between her thighs. Resting on his elbows, he looked down at her in the lamplight. “Help me find you, Jess.”

Why did she feel like those words held more than one meaning?

She guided him into her body and he slid into her slowly, never taking his eyes from hers. He captured her wrists and pinned them to the bed on either side of her head. Why did he do that? She didn’t like him to overpower her.

“Don’t hold me down.”

“I’m not holding you down, I’m holding myself up.” He released her wrists and kissed her temple. “How do you want me to hold you?”

“I don’t know. Equal.” Equal? Even she wasn’t sure what she meant by that.

He stretched her arms above her head and linked his fingers with her. “Is that okay?”

He withdrew slightly from her body and pressed deeper. Her back arched. “That’s wonderful.”