Nothing happened.

I waited some more.

Still nothing happened.

Then I realized Lee was giving in.

That made me feel warm and happy and, yes, gushy again, and I relaxed into him.

“Marianne called,” I told him for no reason, face still pressed into his chest. “She put an offer on a house, it was accepted. She’s moving out of her parent’s house in a few months.”

Lee’s fingers started drifting up and down my spine but he didn’t answer.

I went on. “Andrea called and she wants us to come over for dinner next Tuesday.”

“Her kids going to be there?”


“Jesus,” he muttered and I didn’t blame him. I’d actually had dinner at Andrea’s house with her kids in attendance. I went home with Jell-o in my hair (the Jell-o fight wasn’t my fault, Andrea’s oldest started it, I just participated out of self-defense).

“Should I say yes or no?” I asked.

“Yes but I might have to work. Do you mind if last minute you have to go alone?”

I tipped my head back and glared at him. “I do not think so. You aren’t going to bail at the last minute because of some fake work thing.”

He looked down at me. “It might not be fake.”

“It’ll be fake.”

“It might not.”

“It’ll so be fake.”

His eyes crinkled at the corners, his head lowered and he kissed me.

I forgot about my splotchy, blotchy, sissy-girl, crying face and kissed him back.

Then I forgot about Andrea’s dinner-party-with-kids-from-hell and Lee’s fake work thing when his mouth opened over mine and his tongue slid inside.

Then I forgot about my Disco Nap when his hands went inside my t-shirt.

Then, sometime later, I forgot about absolutely everything in the entire universe when we were naked and Lee slid inside me and started moving.

“Lee,” I whispered.

His head came up, he looked down at me with melty-chocolate eyes and he smiled his Killer Liam Nightingale Smile.

Then his mouth came to mine and I could still feel his smile against my lips.

“You love me,” he said there.

My hips tilted, he slid in deeper and it felt nice.

“So,” I breathed (or, kind of panted), “damned cocky.”