I said: "You are mad."

"No, not at all. Everything I do is founded on logic. You are a danger to me as your brother was. You came to find him. Well, that is what you have done. So now you are going to join him."

"Do you imagine that you can kill me as you did my brother. He was unknown here. I am not. There are people who will want to know what has become of me."

"The big man of Cariba? That is taken care of. The boat will be found... broken. Everton will disappear and so will you. That will be indisputable evidence. Someone must have seen you leave with Everton."

"And they will know that he was taking me here."

"Why should they? No one knows of his connection with me."

"I have already told several people of that other occasion when he brought me over."

"That would not mean that he brought you here a second time."

"They will know that would be the only reason why I should go in a boat with him."

"You quibble. No one will know that you came here."

I was trapped. I thought. He means every word he says. He is cold and calculating. Why did I ever find the journal? If I had not Philip would be at home now ... and I should never have met Milton.

"Milton. Milton." I said his name over and over again to myself. Where are you now? If only I could reach you ... in thought...

I was trying to think clearly. I would not be missed for hours. Felicity and Raymond would come back and wonder where 1 was. Would they be anxious? They might think I had gone to the plantation for luncheon. Would anyone have seen me go off with John Everton. Magda had waved to me as I was about to get into the boat, but would she think of mentioning it... not until it would be too late.

It would not be until evening that they would realize that I had disappeared. If I could run down to the shore ... get into the boat... row myself back to Cariba. How could I escape him?

I thought: He is mad. He is as obsessed by the past as I was. I had felt myself caught up in it— and so had he. Ann Alice had brought her tragedy to me just as his great-grandfather had caught him into his life.

When I looked into his cold blue eyes I thought I was looking at death.

And how I longed to live! I wanted to be with Milton forever. I wanted to enjoy that life he had talked of... going home to England, having children. I had wanted that for a long time ever since in my heart I had known that I loved him—but never had that seemed clearer to me than now.

Perhaps if I called to him. I felt my whole being trying to reach him. It must find some response. He must sense that I was in danger. Milton, Milton, where are you now? He would be there on the plantation supervising the cutting of the scorched canes. Milton ... Soundlessly I called to him.

I wanted to cling to life. Every moment was important.

There was something coldly dedicated about this man. He was enjoying the scene too much to want to bring it to a speedy conclusion. There was no heat of passion in him, no over-riding sexual desire; it was to be a sort of ritual, a culmination of the story of Ann Alice and her lover.

If I could keep him talking ...

"You promised to explain," I said. "You said I deserved to know."


"What is the secret of the island? Why do you want no one to know that it is there under the sea?"

"I will tell you," he said. "My great-grandfather, lover of Ann Alice, came out here searching for it. He never found it; but he was caught up in the fever of the search for gold. Gold, you see. There was gold on the island ... so much gold that it was everywhere. He became obsessed by gold ... and he found it in Australia. He became moderately wealthy. He married there and had a son... my grand-

father who followed in his father's footsteps. But a gold mine is not a bottomless pit. The gold runs out. The affluence fades. My grandfather was no longer young when he went in search of the island. To find the island was an obsession in my family ... as it became with your brother and yourself."

"Yes?" I prompted. I was looking for some way of escape. Could I get out of this room? Where could I hide. I suppose in moments of acute danger one's senses become more alert. My ears were straining. Did I imagine I heard the sound of movement... something out there...

He was intent on his story. "My grandfather bought this island to be near where he believed that other island might be. He made it his object in life to find the island... and he did. He sent divers down there. It was true about the gold. It seemed... inexhaustible. For fifty years we have been bringing up that gold."

"That is why you are one of the few successful gold miners in Australia. The gold comes from the island."

He nodded.

"It doesn't belong to you."

He shrugged his shoulders. "We do not want people prying into our affairs."

"You mean someone might try to get a share of the gold? Does it belong to you? I don't believe that it does ... by law ... "

"It belongs to my family," he said firmly. "And it is going to remain in my family. That is why we cannot have clever little spies probing around."

"I am beginning to understand."

"It is very clear... and logical, you must admit."

I blinked, I saw a ship close to the island. I did not betray my exultation. He would not be able to see out of the window from where he sat. I must go on talking as though I had seen nothing. I must keep his attention focussed on me. The relief was almost unbearable. Someone was coming.

Surely some of his men had seen the ship. How many men were there on the island besides Magnus Perrensen and John Everton? The divers, I supposed; they would be necessary to bring up the gold, and the servants. There must be quite a few of them.

I said: "Suppose I offered to go away and say nothing about the island?"

"How could I trust you?"

"If I gave my word."

"What of your brother?"

"He is dead. I can't bring him back."

"I don't like violence," he said.

"Really? You surprise me."

"There was nothing violent about your brother's death. He wanted to go down with the divers. I sent him down and simply cut the ropes. We left him down there. It was very simple."

"Is that what you propose to do with me?"

"I wanted you to take the drink. That would have made it easy."

"I should have been asleep and you would have simply thrown me over. Yes, that would have been quick and easy."

"Why not drink it now?"

"It is not easy to drink to one's death."

"It has to be, you know."

Was that the sound of a boat on the sand?

"Nothing is certain," I said.

"This must be. I have thought of it since you came here the first time. Perhaps it should have happened then. But there was much to be discovered. You had the map. You told me that. I did not want the map to be found."

"So you stole it from my rooms. How?"

"Never mind. There is no map now ... and soon there will be no one who has an interest in the island."

I heard a shout from outside.

I rose and ran to the window. I wrenched it open and was out before he caught me.

Wild joy possessed me.

Milton was striding up the beach and he was not alone. Men were scrambling out of the boat.

"Milton!" I cried. "Milton!"

I ran to him. He caught me in his arms. He was laughing, but I could see it was the laughter of immense relief.

I was safe—as I always would be with him.

He took me back to the plantation. Raymond was there with Felicity, Magda and George.

I knew the whole story now and how he had arrived just in time.

As soon as he had left me that morning he had found Maria. He had conjectured that she would be the one who could most likely have stolen the map and put the pills in my milk.

He had bullied her, threatened her, reduced her to such terror that he had forced the truth out of her.

Yes, she had taken the map; she had thought it was a silly bit of old paper. Not like a jewel ... or money. She had put the pills in the milk. It was only to make Miss Mallory sleep well.

Why had she done this? Because Mr. Everton had promised her

money if she did and she was longing to join her Sabrino in Australia. The sooner she had the money the sooner she could go, and for doing this she was going to have enough to join Sabrino. Mr. Everton had promised.

But it had gone wrong and Miss Mallory had not drunk the milk. She had spilt it and left it there on the table. So she had not been paid the money... only for the map.

Magda had seen Milton coming from the hotel where he had been questioning Maria and she had told him she had seen me go off in a boat with John Everton.

That was enough. Milton knew then that I was in acute danger. They had tried to kill me last night. He had set out at once for the island bringing with him a company of men whose duty it was to keep law and order on the islands.

While enquiries were made no one was allowed to leave Lion Island and later that day Milton sent his divers down to that spot where Paradise Island should have been and they explored the sea bed. They found the island below the surface of the sea.

I did not know what the regulations were with regard to the purloining of the gold; but there was the murder of my brother to be accounted for.

In the meantime, said Milton, I needed special care and he was going to be sure that I had it.