With a final groan, Derrick brought his groin tight to her ass, and she sighed.

“So damn beautiful.”

Then Derrick swung her away and let her weight in the sling and momentum drive her back on him. Melanie gasped, needy moans escaping as he speared her again and again. He wasn’t gentle anymore, and she couldn’t do anything but accept his need. The nearly violent pleasure he thrust upon her.

The burning in her ass was good. Dirty and hot, and just when she thought she’d explode, he dug his fingers into the softer flesh of her hip and froze, fighting for control. Melanie let out a little scream as he pulled her upright, the move burying his cock in her ass.

There was no room. No retreat. If before she’d been between worlds, she’d traveled light years farther into outer space.

He touched her, inside and out. Her body, her mind. Her soul.

And there were no more scars there.

Time blurred, sensations shot to a tantalizing edge before rocketing her off the cliffs and setting her into freefall. Her climax tore her apart and rebuilt her as her body squeezed tight around his shaft. Voices shouted in passion—hers? Derrick’s? They were together and one. Melanie leaned back, letting Derrick support her as she gave way to complete boneless relaxation.

Oh God, that had felt good.

She couldn’t open her eyes, she was so sated. He withdrew from her body, lowered her to a kneeling position. Even as the ropes fell from her limbs, even as the harness was removed, she drifted in some faraway place she had no intention of leaving anytime soon.

How Derrick found the strength to carry her, she had no idea—she couldn’t peel her eyes open. Not when he laid her on the mat, not when a warm cloth touched her body.

And when his strong arms held her close as they lay back on the mats, Melanie gave a happy sigh and let sleep take her.

Nathan stared down from where he’d retreated to the upper galley for a better view. Melanie curled herself around Derrick, her hair strewn over his naked chest as she used him as a pillow. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, their torsos touching, limbs tangled together. Light movements of their chests revealed the easy breathing of sleep overtaking them.

They looked good together. They were good together.

For the past week Nathan could have sworn he was riding a bloody roller coaster. Steamy sexual desire followed by intense frustration. Professional advancement and condemnation. Helping a friend tear down walls that had trapped her for years, then realizing friendship was all he could offer her—if he wasn’t riding a high he’d been hitting a low, and the cumulative effect had come close to draining him of all common sense.

Kane’s outburst had shocked him, but not because he didn’t know deception occurred in his business. His intentions were clear as far as the magazine was concerned. It was the fact that for him being with Melanie was far more about sexual experimentation than long-term commitment. Kane had hit the nail on the head with that one, and guilt rode Nathan hard.

The only redeeming factor was his decision to not come between Derrick and Melanie.

And then? When she said she wanted him? Goddamn, fucking hell.

Nathan had wanted her too, and it had taken all his strength to turn away. To walk out without one more taste of the paradise that was going to be Derrick’s to enjoy for what looked to be forever.

He had watched, the burn of jealousy fading as he visually feasted on their lovemaking. It wasn’t his turn for love like this, but seeing it? Knowing it could be real?

That was a gift he’d never expected to receive.

Nathan watched the lovers snuggle together on the mat, oblivious to his presence. This was as it should be, and only one thought repeated in his mind.

Time to move on.

It had been good to witness unconditional love. Someday he hoped to find for himself what was growing between Melanie and Derrick.

Nathan grabbed his camera bag and backpack, and silently slipped out the door.

Chapter Eleven

Red-Point: Lead climb from bottom to top without falling after rehearsing the moves.

Melanie wrinkled her nose in disgust. The only thing that made her read to the end was morbid curiosity. Kind of like slowing to check out a car accident. “This article isn’t any better than the others.”

“But at least it’s not about you.” Kane plucked the magazine from her fingers and tossed it in the trash.

“I feel damn sorry for the poor sod it is about.” Derrick passed the popcorn bowl over, and Melanie mindlessly added butter and salt.

The second of Rave’s two September issues was out, without the article featuring her, and Melanie was both confused and relieved. Just as Kane feared, each new magazine release had proven the stories to be sensationalized garbage. Even knowing she wasn’t yet the focus of negative attention didn’t make Melanie’s anxiety disappear. While she trusted Nathan, he had been clear the actual article was out of his control. She’d almost resigned herself to being center stage in a nasty exposé.

Still, there was something else wrong she couldn’t put her finger on. She helped carry the snacks into the living room, distracted from her gloomy thoughts by the sight of her brother with his best friend Jack, their pregnant partner snuggled between them. Now that it was official the three of them were together on a permanent basis, Melanie got a huge kick out of teasing Kane.

Dara didn’t seem to mind the banter—in fact, she aided and abetted every chance she got.

“You need anything, Dara?” Melanie plopped the popcorn bowl on the coffee table, moving aside beer bottles to make room.

Dara glanced on either side of her before turning back and raising a brow. “I have two guys at my beck and call. Trust me, if I want anything, they’ve got it covered.”

Jack chucked a piece of popcorn at her. “Kane’s on slave duty this week, woman.”

Of course his instant capitulation two minutes later when she asked him for a glass of water proved her point, and Dara winked at Melanie from where she was curled up, nestled between her men.

Melanie crawled onto the love seat next to Derrick, and they all dove back into their movie.

By the time the DVD finished, Melanie had realized what was bugging her. She slipped back into the kitchen and was digging through the garbage when Dara wandered into the kitchen, Derrick on her heels.

“It’s not Nathan.” Melanie flipped the magazine open and scrambled through the pages.

“It’s not Nathan what?” Dara asked.

“The pictures. Look, Derrick, those aren’t his shots. That doesn’t look at all like his work.” A huge sigh of relief hit, even though now she was more confused than ever.

Dara made a disgusted sound. “Throw the magazine out again, Mel. There’s nothing in that trash you need to see.”

“But Nathan isn’t listed in the credits anymore. Not for any of the shots. I wonder why?”

“When is the article on you supposed to be published?”

Melanie thought for a moment. “He said it would be fourth quarter, since he was taking the shots in August. But none of these pictures are his, and I know while he’d been assigned to get all the illustrations for that series of articles, he usually has other credits as well.”

Dara leaned back on the kitchen counter, the front of her shirt hanging loose. “Maybe he switched jobs? Have you managed to get hold of him at all?”

“Just a couple emails. He said he was fine, things were okay. It was like talking to a total stranger. At least we know he’s still alive, but that’s about it.”

“Then there’s not much you can do but wait.” A huge yawn escaped Dara. “I’m sorry, but I’m ready for bed.”

A couple hearty laughs sounded as Jack and Kane joined them, carrying in the dirty dishes. Kane wiggled his brows at her. “No objections on my part with that suggestion.”

Dara smacked him on the chest. “Behave. You two are the reason I’m totally exhausted at nine o’clock. Building a baby is hard work.”

“So’s starting one.” Jack ducked under her swing then scooped her up in his arms, ignoring her protests. “Thanks for the evening’s entertainment, guys. We’ll see you in a few?”

Derrick leaned Melanie back against his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder. She savoured the warmth of his body as her brother and the others took their leave. When she really considered it, the article was an annoyance on the edge of all the good things she now had in her life. And Dara was right—there was nothing she could do anyway but wait.

“I’d better be getting home as well.” She twisted in Derrick’s arms to give him a good-night kiss.

He brushed their lips together and refused to let her escape. “Stay.”

It wouldn’t be the first time she’d slept over. In the month since Nathan had vanished, they’d spent more and more time together. She still hadn’t gotten up the courage to actually confess her feelings in words, although they both seemed to have come to the conclusion they liked each other. A lot. Melanie opened her mouth to answer, and he kissed her again, stalling her response. She smiled against his lips, stroking her fingers over his broad shoulders. She loved being in his arms.

Derrick whispered against her cheek. “Stay with me forever.”

A shiver raced up her spine. What? “Derrick?”

He held her chin delicately in his strong fingers. “I love you. I want this to be your home. With me.”