"What do you plan to do about it?” Mott asked.

"As our card game this evening has been canceled for the assembly, I think I shall go ahead with the smuggling business. We could not hope to get fifteen thousand in one sitting at cards in any case, and we both want to finish the business as quickly as possible. I fancy Stanby will make a try for Lady Crieff's jewelry. If he gets hold of it, he will be gone in short order. I wonder what that note to Lady Crieff said."

"I tried to get into her room, but I had no luck."

"What was Ponsonby up to?"

"He and Stanby were out driving together. I would give a monkey to know what Ponsonby's game is. Do you think Stanby imported him to use as a dupe during future card games?"

"Stanby has always worked alone in the past."

"Ponsonby tries to give the impression he is from the very tip of the ton. He cannot speak without dropping a title. There was no mention in the journals of any duel in London recently. You recall that killing Noddy was his excuse for being here."

Hartly poured himself a glass of wine and went to the window, where he looked out at the estuary. “Stanby, Lady Crieff, and Ponsonby. Is it possible Ponsonby and Lady Crieff are working together, trying to peddle paste jewels? That would account for his dropping of titled names, to give an illusion of wealth and prestige."

"And they have selected Stanby as their victim, you mean?"

"Yes, most unwisely. They'll not put anything over on that wily customer. He will require a more likely investment than paste jewels. Now that I know how the smuggling hereabouts is handled, I think I can convince him to invest. We shall need a good reason for the Black Ghost to be retiring from such a profitable venture. Now, what local worthy shall we pretend is the Black Ghost?"

"Why not Marchbank? He is elderly, I think you said?"

"Not young, and with that gout… Yes, I think he might very well be ready to sell out-for a stiff price. We will need yet another Black Ghost to introduce to Stanby."

The men exchanged a laughing look.

"They don't come much blacker than your batman,” Mott said.

"I shall send a message to London asking Gibbs to procure a black hat, domino, and mount and come at once. He was angry with me for not letting him come. He cannot put up here, but he must be close by. Snargate will do. I shall write to him now. And you, Mott, will call for hot water. It is time to give your master a shave. I must be in face for the assembly this evening."

"I shall ring for the water. I dare not show my worthless hide belowstairs. The malkin, Maggie, has forbidden me to darken the door of her kitchen-thank God."

Mott rang, and when the servant girl came, he wore his petulant face and used his fluting voice.

"Hot water, mind, not lukewarm, as you sent up this morning. And remind Cook about the bread sauce."

"Forget the bread sauce,” Hartly said.

Mott pouted. “But you adore my bread sauce!"

The servant giggled and left.

In her room, Moira espied the paper on the floor and picked it up, frowning. She opened it and read, “My Dear Lady Crieff: I pray you will forgive my interference on a matter that is none of my business. My only excuse is my greater years and experience, and concern for your position. It is widely bruited about the inn that you are traveling with a valuable collection of jewelry. With such unknown parties as a certain P*** staying here, I fear for their-and your-safety. I have undertaken to remove P*** from the inn during your absence. I strongly recommend that you put your jewels in a safe place. Bullion is boasting that they are in his safe. Perhaps your cousin, Lady Marchbank, would keep them for you? Once again, please forgive my interfering. I have only your welfare at heart. I look forward to the pleasure of standing up with you this evening. Yr. faithful servant, Stanby."

Moira sniffed and tossed the note aside. She saw through Stanby's stunt. He was putting himself forward as her protector. She could not fathom, as yet, how he planned to end up with the jewels, but she knew as surely as she knew her name that that was his aim.

The note suggested that he had fallen for the story, at least, and that was a good step forward.

Chapter Nine

The guests collected in the Great Room for dinner that evening were en grande toilette, with manners to match. Bows and curtseys assumed an elegance seldom seen at Owl House. Ponsonby had rigged himself out in a burgundy velvet jacket that set off his burnished curls to great advantage. He scraped a leg, simpered, and lifted the inevitable glass of water in Lady Crieff's direction when she entered the room. Major Stanby went forward to greet her. He wore a sedate black jacket, with a fine diamond in his cravat.

"You had my note?” he asked in a conspiratorial voice.

"Indeed I did, Major. I thank you for your concern.” Her instinct, when she was with him, was always to get away as quickly as possible. This was too good an opening to miss, however, so she braced herself to do what was necessary. “It is a great worry, traveling with my jewelry. I am taking it to London to sell, you see, else I would have left it at Cove House, as you mentioned."

"It would be safest if you could proceed to London at once."

"Ah, well, there are some-problems,” she said, with a frowning pout. Then she turned to Jonathon. “Run along, David, and order us a bottle of champagne. We shall have champagne tonight for a special treat."

Jonathon left, and she inclined her head toward Stanby in a secretive way. “The fact is, Sir Aubrey's lawyers are being quite horrid,” she told him. “The jewelry is the only thing he left me in his will, for Penworth, of course, is entailed on Sir David. Now the lawyers are trying to say my husband did not want me to have my own jewels, if you please! I thought it best to take them and run while I had the chance. I brought Sir David along to keep them from influencing him. He is so young and a regular greenhead. Sir David is in total agreement with me. He wants me to have the jewelry, but the lawyers say he cannot give it to me formally until he is one and twenty. He is only sixteen years old. How am I expected to live in the meanwhile? I do not want to stay at Penworth, with all the old cats squinting at me every time I step out."

"And you plan to sell the jewelry in London?” he asked, cutting through the rodomontade to the gist of the matter.

"Yes. I have an agent from a jewelry firm coming here to meet me. I thought the lawyers might have been in touch with the larger firms, like Love and Wirgams and Rundell and Bridges, so I have a man from a smaller company coming. I do not plan to go to London until I have my money in my pocket. Once the collection is sold, the lawyers can hardly reclaim it, eh?” She allowed a cunning smile to alight on her lips.

"I see,” Stanby said, nodding his approval. “An excellent notion, but you realize the jeweler will not give you a fair price when he sees your position."

"I am prepared for that,” she said. “I know I shall lose half their worth, but as that will still leave me with fifty thousand, I can manage. I am not greedy."

"When do you expect this jeweler to arrive?"

"I was to write him when I reached Blaxstead. It was he who suggested meeting at this place."

Stanby saw a situation much to his liking. A hussy was running off with stolen valuables worth a fortune. She was exceedingly careless of both their safety and her own, to say nothing of the law. His eyes slid to the sapphires at her throat and ears. Worth a small fortune! If the rest of the stuff was of this quality… She was ready to take half of what the jewelry was worth-and with a little pressure, she might very well take half of half. Another possibility was simply to steal the jewels and make a run for it. Yet another idea was beginning to find approval. Lady Crieff was a pretty hussy. He had not had a “wife” for a few years. It might be amusing…

"We shall speak of this again,” he said, as people were beginning to look at them.

"Oh, yes, I do appreciate your interest, Major.” Her eyelashes fluttered shamelessly. “I have always felt so safe with older gentlemen. Not that you are as old as Sir Aubrey. Indeed, you are hardly old at all. It is just that I am so young and foolish."

When she joined Jonathon at the table, she was trembling but happy. The major had behaved exactly as she had foreseen. His eyes fairly glowed with greed. A few heads turned to admire the young widow as she passed, Hartly's among them. He wondered at that tête-à-tête by the doorway. If Lady Crieff and Stanby were working together, he would not be so chummy with her in public, and it was he who had intercepted her, not vice versa.

She was looking particularly lovely this evening. A deep green gown of lutestring provided a dramatic contrast to her ivory skin. It shone in the lamplight, highlighting the lithe body beneath it. The gown was, unfortunately, somewhat overembellished with gold ribbons. The coiffure, as well, was too ornate for a young lady. Those whirls were seen on no one but lightskirts in London, but it would take more than a bad coiffure to destroy that face. The sapphires were not the optimum choice of jewels to wear with a green gown. He had heard that the Crieff collection included emeralds-why did she not wear them? Or diamonds. Diamonds were the champagne of jewelry; they went with anything.

He bowed when she passed his table. She stopped for a word, and Hartly rose.

"We will not be making depredations on your excellent wine this evening, Mr. Hartly. I am allowing Sir David to order champagne, in honor of the assembly. I am looking forward to it-the assembly, I mean."