Please let me know if I may wait on you this afternoon at two.


Mrs. John Englewood

This was not entirely unexpected. She and Mrs. Englewood were not two bitches tussling over a bone. At some point it behooved them to sit down and hold a civilized conversation concerning the Arrangement. But for Millie that point hadn’t come yet and shouldn’t come for at least another five months.

Mrs. Englewood obviously believed otherwise.

Millie had the perfect excuse in the ball of course—she was much too busy—but she would not decline the meeting. She’d learned her lesson about putting off till eight years later what she should do today. If the meeting must happen at some point, then let it happen today.

Even if today was the day Fitz became her husband in truth.

Especially if.

Were Mrs. Englewood and Fitz a pair of bookends, they could not be better matched physically. Like him, her build was tall, slender, and tight. Like him, she had dark hair and blue eyes. And like him, she moved with a nonchalant grace.

Millie was neither overly short nor overly pudgy. Before Mrs. Englewood’s stately figure, however, it was difficult not to feel squat—even a little dumpy. But it was not as if she was ever going to feel anything but inferior before Isabelle Englewood.

“You are different from how I remember you,” said Mrs. Englewood, sipping her tea. “Taller and prettier.”

Just like that, no other preliminaries.

Millie took a deep breath. “It’s nice to know that I look better now than I did at my wedding.”

“The dress swallowed you.”

Millie had to agree. “Yes, in hindsight the dress was quite atrocious. Instead of the best money could buy, we went for the most money could buy.”

Her acknowledgment of the parvenu tastes of her wedding gown garnered her a surprised glance from Mrs. Englewood.

“All the same,” she said, her voice turning wistful, “I’d have gladly worn that gown—or one ten times as hideous—if I could have walked down the aisle to him.”

Millie ate her biscuit and said nothing.

“I loved him. I’d planned my entire future around becoming Mrs. Fitzhugh. And when he married you, all my hopes and dreams collapsed. For two months, all I did was sit on my bed, dawn till dusk, dusk till dawn. I barely ate. Slept maybe once every three days. I’ve never looked the same since.”

She did look different, like a broken vase that had been put back together: still beautiful, all the pieces accounted for, but the damage showed. Millie’s heart flinched, as if someone had brought a burning match too near.

“My mother and my sister eventually coaxed me out of my exile. They convinced me that it was better for me to go to London and find a husband, instead of fade away at home. So that was what I did the next Season.”

“He was there that day at your wedding. He said you looked beautiful—and happy,” Millie said, in a futile attempt to remind Mrs. Englewood that not all had gone awry in her life.

“I suppose I was happy enough. But it was not the same—an imitation. Nothing could approach that perfect, unmarred happiness I’d once known.”

Every breath Millie drew scalded her lungs, but Mrs. Englewood went on inexorably.

“All I want is to regain what I once lost, to live the life I was meant to live. It’s not too much to ask, is it?”

Millie forced out her answer. “No.”

“Fitz is a lovely man—and I’m not just talking about his looks. You know he is stalwart and honorable. You know he will sacrifice himself to the call of duty. And—” Mrs. Englewood’s voice faltered. “And you are now part of his duty.”

“What do you mean?”

“He cares deeply for your well-being. He views you as the blameless party and he does not want any action on his part to injure your future happiness.”

Millie began to understand. “You are worried that I won’t let him go—that I will resort to tears to keep him with me.”

“I am not saying you would,” said Mrs. Englewood. “But in your place I might have. It is so easy to fall in love with him and so difficult to let go.”

“It is a good thing for everyone, then, I am not bound up in him.”

Mrs. Englewood stared at Millie, her gaze as heavy as a boulder. “Do you not love him?”

No one had ever asked her a direct question on this matter—and therefore she’d been spared the lying.

“Lord Fitzhugh and I married because he needed my family’s fortune and my father wanted a titled son-in-law,” Millie said carefully. “That we get along as well as we do is odds defying enough. Love would have taken it into the realm of fiction.”

“You don’t find his person appealing?” Mrs. Englewood sounded incredulous.

“He is very agreeable.”

“I mean, do you not think he is extraordinarily handsome?”

“He is handsome. But so are a number of his classmates and his new brother-in-law, the Duke of Lexington. If I fell in love with every toothsome fellow I came across, I’d be frequently and needlessly in love.”

“But he is also kind. Considerate. Willing to shoulder all burdens. Being married to him all these years, you’ve never wished that he would have eyes only for you?”

Millie forced herself to hold Isabelle Englewood’s eyes. “Not everyone is meant to fall in love. Lord Fitzhugh and I are good friends and nothing more.”

“Then, you will let him go?”

“I have never restricted the freedom of his movement, not once in our married life.”

“Even though the two of you will have six months of intimacy? That changes things, you know.”

“If that alone were enough to make people fall in love, all the wives in this country would be in love with their husbands—and vice versa.”

Mrs. Englewood set down her teacup and rose. She walked to the open window and looked out to the street beyond. It was a quiet street, no hawkers, street musicians, or the constant hoof clacks of hansom cabs looking for custom. Fitz had clearly put a great deal of thought in the house he’d selected for her.

She turned around. “I am afraid, Lady Fitzhugh. I’ve been at the receiving end of life’s caprices and it’s not a kind place to be. But I have no choice, do I? I must trust that you are a woman of your word.”

Millie had not given her word to Mrs. Englewood. She had not yet conceded Fitz. Did a faithful wife of almost eight years not have some claims to her husband? She deserved a level playing field, at least.

“So he was there at my wedding…” whispered Mrs. Englewood, as if to herself. She blinked, her eyes brilliant with unshed tears. “I knew I sensed his presence.”

How foolish Millie was: There was no such thing as a level playing field. She would always be the usurper, the spoiler of dreams, the one who caused such grief on Mrs. Englewood’s part that to this day it was writ large in the very alignment of her features.

“You are the one he has loved all along,” she heard herself say. “There has never been anyone but you.”

Helena gazed at the adorable ducklings a minute longer—Miss Evangeline South was a talented artist—before rising from her seat, her notes in hand. She opened the door of her office and handed the notes to her secretary.

“I need these typed, Miss Boyle.”

“Yes, miss.”

Susie was in her spot—Helena could swear the woman never needed to use the water closet. She retreated back into her office and shut the door.

She didn’t know why it should be so, after a day and a half with the ducklings and turtles and fish of Miss South’s pond, but her hands reached on their own toward the drawer into which she’d stuffed Hastings’s manuscript.

And when she had the manuscript before her, she did not begin from where she’d stopped, but opened to a random page.

Her skin is dusky in the candlelight. I trace my fingers up the side of her ribcage, over her shoulder, then along the length of her arm to her wrist, fastened to a slat in the headboard with a silk scarf.

“Aren’t you weary of looking at me like this, tied up always?” she murmurs.

“No,” I answer. “Never.”

“Don’t you want to be touched?”

“I do. But I don’t want to be scratched.”

She licks her lips, her tongue pink, moist. “What is a good time in the marital bed without a few scratches on your back, darling?”

Helena’s pulse accelerated. She’d read some erotica here and there. Always the stories seemed to be aimed at titillating male readers, with the female characters completely interchangeable, mere objects to be spanked and poked.

But this was different. The nameless bride of Larkspear was a person in her own right, neither afraid nor given to senseless worship of a man’s cock.

“If only I could be sure that a few scratches will satisfy you.”

I bend my head and bite her lip. Her breaths caress my chin. Her gaze slides down my body. “Ready again, I see.”


“Such interesting nights you give me, Larkspear.”

“Do you think of me during the day, Lady Larkspear?”

She smiles. “Never, my dear.”


“Prove it.”

I thrust deep inside her. Her lips part. Her eyes close briefly, but the next moment they are wide open again. She likes to look at me in my animal rut, to witness my weakness for her and taunt me with the unattainability of her heart.

Helena turned the manuscript facedown. It made her uncomfortable, as if he’d pulled a fantasy out of the deepest recesses of her mind, a fantasy she never knew about until he’d set it down in writing. A fantasy about power, her power, and a man who pushed back without being fearful of it.