She needed The Channel tonight. She wanted to get away from all of this, and be the woman she really was. But J. J. would be home by midnight. Unless, she considered, she told him he could stay over at one of his buddies'. She heard a car honk outside, and peering through one of the sidelights edging the front door, she saw her husband hurrying to get into a Cassandra's cab. Schmuck, she thought, using one of Rina's favorite terms. Nora turned to go into the den so she could call The Channel and escape from all this nasty reality.

"Nora!" The back door slammed shut.

Damn! She said the word silently. It was Carla.

"What happened?" Carla came into the hall. "I saw Jeff leaving."

"He's asked for the divorce," Nora said sanguinely. "And he thought he'd just have his lawyer draw up the papers so I could sign them." Then she laughed. "You should have seen the look on his face when I said his lawyer should contact my lawyer."

"The bastard!" Carla exploded.

"No, it's alright. I almost feel relieved now that it's happened. I've been such a naive little fool all these years, Carla. With Jill going to law school and J. J. off to college, what would I do with myself? Join the Garden Club? The Egret Pointe Ladies' Reading Circle? I'm only just realizing how out of touch with reality I truly am."

"You are not out of touch with reality!" Carla responded loyally.

"Yes, I am," Nora answered quietly. "I've got a college degree, and yet I've spent the last quarter of a century looking after the needs of a selfish man, and two children. I have no idea how to operate a computer, or program the VCR. But I'm going to learn, Carla. And I'm going to survive on my own, and pay my own way. Not at first, but eventually. I'm glad to be rid of Jeff. I don't really know him anymore, but what I do know, I don't like."

"Oh, honey!" Carla put her arms about her friend and hugged her.

"Now if you're convinced that I'm not going to kill myself, get out of here," Nora said, drawing away from the other woman. "I'm going to let my son stay over with his buddies tonight, and I'm going to get The Channel."

Carla giggled. "Yeah," she replied with a grin, "a good screwing always makes a girl feel a whole lot better. Have fun! Oh, Rick says come into the office on Monday at eleven a.m. so he can get started on protecting you in this mess. Night!" And she was gone with a wave of her hand.

Nora heard the door slam behind Carla as she left. She went into the kitchen and turned the lock. Then she went into the den and called the house where the party J. J. was attending was being held. It took a while, but finally someone picked up the telephone.

"If you're bringing more beer, come on over!" the voice said.

She could hear the thumpa-thumpa of the music in the background. "It's Mrs. Buckley. Find J. J. for me, Peter," she told him.

"Oh, gee, Mrs. B. just kidding," he replied.

Nora laughed. "Just don't go driving, okay?" she said.

"I'll get J. J.," Peter responded.

She waited, not surprised that Peter Mulligan's parents weren't there. They were a very liberal, let's-be-friends-with-the-kids type. And being friends with your son meant few, if any, rules and regs. She began to have second thoughts about letting J. J. stay out.

"Ma? Is everything alright?" J. J. sounded anxious. He was really such a sweet kid.

"If I let you stay over with someone," Nora said, "who would it be?"

"I don't have to come home tonight?" J. J.'s voice was excited.

"Answer the question, J. J.," Nora said.

"The twins, Mike and Joe Carter, asked me," J. J. said.

"I'll call the Carters and tell them if it's okay with them, it's okay with me," Nora told her son. The Carters were stricter than she was.

"Ma? Why?" His voice sounded so young, and he really wasn't that young anymore. He was heading to college in a few weeks. "You sure everything is okay?"

"Everything is fine, J. J. But you're eighteen now. It's almost graduation, and I remember how I wanted to be with my friends then. I mean by summer's end you'll all be scattering, honey. So I decided it was time I was a little less uptight. If you don't hear back from me, just go along with the twins. I'll see you sometime tomorrow."

"Ma, you are the greatest!" he said, and hung up.

Nora chuckled. Ma was horny. She reached for her school list to get the Carters' telephone number and, finding it, punched the number in, humming under her breath as she waited for someone to answer.

"Hello?" It was Marian Carter.

"Marian, Nora Buckley. J. J. said the twins invited him to spend the night. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course it is, and they have a twelve thirty a.m. curfew," Marian Carter said. "I hope you don't think that's too late, but it's such a special time for them."

"No, no, twelve thirty is perfect. Thank you so much for having J. J.," Nora responded.

"He's such a nice boy," came the reply. "Did you know that Mike will be at State with J. J.? He doesn't have a soccer scholarship, but he's going to try for the team. Joe decided to join the marines. He says he can make a good career with the marines."

"And if he decides not to," Nora said cheerfully, "he'll probably get college money out of it. Marian, thanks for having J. J. Send him home when he gets to be a pest tomorrow."

"Any time, Nora." And Marian Carter hung up.

Nora set her phone back in its cradle. She went to her front door, locked it, and threw the extra bolt. Returning to the den, she poured herself a glass of wine and sat down. Had she really had a sexual adventure with two men on Monday night? Or had it just been a dream? Well, she considered with a little grin, the only way to find out was to call the cable company and ask for The Channel again. She picked up the phone again.

"Thank you for calling Suburban Cable," the automated message came on.

Nora waited patiently.

"Suburban Cable. This is Francie. How may I help you?"

"I'd like to order The Channel," Nora answered calmly, and gave the requested information.

"Just go to channel sixty-nine, Mrs. Buckley. The Channel's already operational this evening," Francie told her. "Anything else we can do for you tonight?"

"No, thanks," Nora replied, and hung up. She put the phone back, and sat back in her recliner for a long few minutes. Then she took a gulp of wine. She got up and turned off the lights in the room. She took another gulp of wine as she sat down again. Then, drawing a deep breath, Nora pressed the ON button on the channel changer, punched in sixty-nine, and waited anxiously as the darkened screen began to grow light, and her dream apartment came into view. "Kyle?" Her voice sounded jittery in her ears. Oh, let it all be as good as it was last time. Especially the sex. She wondered if she would take up where she had left off the last evening, with one cock in her cunt and another in her mouth. Where was Kyle? She was beginning to get nervous, and then she heard his voice.

"You don't need my hand, darling. You just need to put your own hand on the screen. You left in a hurry Monday night. I lost track of the time. Sorry."

Nora put her hand on the screen, felt the pop, and was back in the apartment. Before she could turn, his arms were about her waist, one hand sliding between the folds on her satin shorty robe to cup a full and firm breast. Nora sighed with utter pleasure. "I didn't mean to go," she said. She could feel the sticky wetness already beginning.

"I forgot to tell you that The Channel closes down between four and four thirty a.m.," he said, his tone apologetic.

"Does anyone have a watch around here?" Nora said. "The last thing I remember was Rolfie coming like a raging river, and you blowing off down my throat. The next thing I knew, I was back in my recliner." She turned about so she could see his handsome face. "We can't have that happen again, Kyle, can we?"

"Just pick up the phone," he told her, pointing to the elegant little portable on the living room table, "and press one. Tell them you want a wake-up call at four a.m. They'll just ring through, and that will let us know we have a few minutes to finish up our business," he said with a grin. "I didn't get my turn," Kyle murmured, kissing her ear.

"You had more than your turn last time," she chuckled.

"But Rolf got last licks," he pouted.

"No, I got last licks," she teased him, reaching down to fondle his penis. Then she turned away, pulling out of his embrace, and, picking up the phone, pushed number one.

"Concierge," a crisp voice answered.

"I want a wake-up call for four a.m.," Nora said.

"Very good, Mrs. Buckley," the crisp voice replied, ringing off.

"How did she know my name?" Nora wondered aloud.

"You're in the penthouse," Kyle responded logically.

"Oh." Was she going mad? Well, who cared!

"You didn't eat at the awards dinner," Kyle said. "I fixed you something."

"How do you know that?" She set the phone back in its cradle.

"It's my job to know everything about you and to fulfill your fantasy, Red Rover," he told her.

"I think I like that, even if it is a little creepy," Nora said. "What have you prepared for me, my handsome slave?" She caressed his face, and catching her hand in his, he kissed her palm, then licked at it, before releasing it again.

"We're going to start with raw oysters," he began. "Then asparagus with a nice tart hollandaise, some steak tartare, and finally, for dessert, strawberries, whipped cream, and maybe a little chocolate."

"Ummm," Nora replied. "It sounds delicious. Could we start with dessert first?"

"No," he told her firmly.

She pouted. "Why not? Besides, it's my fantasy. Don't I get to have my way?"