Viv murmured, a low contented sound, and her mouth brushed Dusty’s throat. “Did you sleep at all?”

“Some,” Dusty whispered. “Not tired.”

“Are you okay?”

“Better than I’ve ever been.”

Viv snuggled closer. “Oh, good. Because I feel incredible and I’d hate it if you didn’t too. I don’t think I ever want to move.”

“I wish I didn’t have to. I’ve got the morning shift, though. Another couple hours and I’ll have to get up.”

“I know. Later this morning we’ll be in Trinidad, and the president has meetings with three or four of the state’s biggest donors and then a town meeting. More speeches, more banquet food.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“When we’re all done with this train ride and your article is finished, and everything, what then?”

Viv raised her head, immediately captivated. The night-light in the corner cast just enough faint glow to see by, and she’d never get tired of looking at Dusty naked. She was the perfect image of female strength, sleek and honed and graceful in all the right places. Just now a frown line marred the space between her brows. Viv traced the line of her jaw and kissed her. The immediate surge of desire caught her off guard. She would have sworn she hadn’t an ounce of energy left in that area, but she was wrong. Dusty had taught her more about herself in a few days than she’d learned in a lifetime. “You know, you constantly surprise me.”


“Because you don’t play games, and apparently you’ve never learned to protect yourself. You’re not afraid of being hurt, or you wouldn’t ask questions like that.”

“I’d rather know the truth.”

“Well, I’m going to do my best to be as brave as you are and answer your question, even though it scares me a little bit.”

“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”

“You know, I want to. You make me feel brave.” Viv made sure Dusty could see her face before she answered. She wanted her to know she meant every word, from the heart. “I want to see you when we get back from this trip. I want us to spend time together, and I want us to be together like this again.” She laughed, feeling the desire rise swift and hard. “I want that a lot. And I would be very, very sad if you didn’t want the same thing.”

Dusty tightened her arms around Viv. “I want that too, more than anything. I should’ve told you that first, shouldn’t I? Before I asked?”

Viv kissed her, her heart so full she had trouble finding her voice. “Dusty, honey, you’re doing everything exactly right. Don’t change a thing. Please, not ever.”

“I won’t.” Dusty rolled them over, somehow managing the turn so Viv was on her back without dumping them on the floor. “I think I want to try something else.”

“By all means,” Viv said, gripping Dusty’s ass and pulling her tight between her thighs. Dusty’s weight gently pinning her down ignited tendrils of pleasure between her legs. “Anything you want.”

“I want all of you.”

Dusty kissed her way down between Viv’s breasts and onto her stomach. Viv spread her fingers into Dusty’s hair, needing to be grounded as her body threatened to fly away. She arched as Dusty stroked her hips and along the inner curve of her thighs toward her center. “Dusty, you feel so good.”

“I can’t wait any longer,” Dusty murmured.

“Don’t. I can’t wait either.” Viv tugged Dusty’s head closer, aching for the silky heat of her mouth. “Please.”

Guided by instinct and the memory of how Viv had made her feel, Dusty kissed her lightly. When Viv jerked and pressed closer, she covered her with her mouth, letting Viv’s soft cries set the pace, calling the rhythm.

“Inside me,” Viv gasped suddenly. “Fill me up, and you’ll make me come.”

Dusty obeyed, and Viv came against her mouth. When Viv quieted, she gathered her into her arms again and cradled Viv’s head against her chest.

“Don’t move.” Viv stroked the back of Dusty’s neck. “I love listening to your heart. I’ve never imagined being so close to anyone like this.”

“Neither have I.” Dusty closed her eyes, wanting to capture the rightness of the moment in her memory.

“Give me a min—”

Dusty’s cell rang in the pocket of her cargo pants.

“Sorry,” Dusty said.

“Damn,” Viv echoed.

Dusty grabbed her pants and found her cell. “Nash…Yes, sir. On my way.” She closed the phone and eased Viv to the side. “Sorry. Gotta go.”

Viv stroked her back as she swung out of bed. “I understand. Is everything all right?”

“I don’t know,” Dusty said, jerking on her shirt. “Could be just a change in the schedule.” She paused at the door. “Be careful, okay?”

“Of course. You too,” Viv whispered as the cabin door swung closed.


Hooker hunched in the wind next to the open rear of the Jeep, watching Jane work. The drones didn’t take much to assemble, the pair of them looking like oversized toys. Guess that was because they were. “Can you really direct those things?”

“The electronics are very sophisticated. You can set GPS coordinates and they’ll find their target without any other direction.” Jane carefully taped the payloads in place, balancing the weights so the aeronautics would not be compromised. She’d need to test them to be sure the guide paths were still accurate, but she had time. “Or you can direct fly them visually.”

“As long as they don’t come flying home and blow us up.”

Jane smiled grimly. “Don’t worry. I’ve had plenty of practice with these.” She ignored the cold wind, laced with the tapering snow, blowing through her hair and double-checked all the mechanics. After activating both and checking the camera feeds to her phone, she shut them down to conserve battery power. She’d been flying them in remote areas of the mountains in South Carolina for the past six months, ever since her father had decided these were weapons of opportunity. Opportunity once owned, he always said, was a powerful weapon, and this was a sweet one. She loved flying them.

She packed her rucksack with ammo, food, and backup batteries for her phones, radio, and drones and shouldered the forty-pound load. After sliding her sniper rifle from its case, she turned to Hooker. “There’s a little town twenty miles away. La Veta. Head back to the main road, find a diner in town, and wait for me until twelve hundred hours. If I haven’t checked in by then, you’re on your own.”

“How are you gonna get to me?”

“I’m going to hike.”

“Jesus, they’ll be looking everywhere for you.”

“Not off-road—not right away, and even if they do, they won’t find me.”

“They don’t have any reason to think I’m with you.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about.”

Hooker frowned. “You’re letting me take the Jeep.”

“I can’t use it. You’ll have plenty of time to get there before any roadblocks go up. They don’t know the vehicle. They don’t know my face. Hopefully, they don’t know yours either.”

“What about the money?” Hooker peered into the back of the Jeep. “It’s not in here, is it?”

She smiled. “No.”

“Did you ever plan to pay me?”

“Of course. I just never said when.” Jane shouldered her rifle. “If you want it, you’ll have to wait for me.”

“Good luck,” Hooker muttered.

Jane set off down the slope in the semi-dark. Luck was for gamblers, not soldiers, but today she hoped for a little luck on her side.

Chapter Twenty-four

With Dusty gone, the berth felt cooler even though Viv doubted the temperature had actually changed. Dusty’s presence simply changed everything, heightening every sensation and painting the moments with possibility. She wasn’t sure when she would see her again. The morning press briefing was still a couple of hours away, but she could make use of the time to firm up the article. She hadn’t really been thinking about work much beyond the essentials in the last twenty-four hours. Thinking about anything was hard with thoughts of Dusty intruding at unexpected moments. She hadn’t been so distracted, so completely diverted from everything that usually defined her life, in years. Possibly in forever. She’d always been so grounded, so focused, so goal-directed. Although she supposed she was just as goal-directed now, only her goal was more of Dusty and the incredible excitement of being with her.

Determined to at least earn her daily wages, she stepped into the shower, smiling at the aches in places she didn’t usually ache, reminded that she hadn’t had hours of abandoned sex since she’d been a teenager. And back then, she hadn’t known what she was doing, so the aches didn’t always translate into mind-blowing sex. She knew what she was doing now, though, and so, miraculously, did Dusty. Her instincts were incredible, and her hands and mouth were even more phenomenal. How had she gotten so lucky? Honest, bold, sexy as hell, and incredible in bed. If she didn’t stop thinking about Dusty, she wasn’t going to get out of the shower or the cabin anytime soon.

Turning her face up into the spray, she reveled for another minute in just feeling wonderful. Drying and dressing quickly, she grabbed her shoulder bag, double-checked her equipment, and headed forward toward the dining car. Now that she was moving, she realized she was starving. They’d eaten a few nibbles of the picnic dinner Dusty had brought, but that seemed like a week ago. All of the physical exercise had left her ravenous. The press dining car was empty but the coffee urn was hot and full. She poured a cup and wandered forward to the main communications car in search of the White House press staffers, none of whom ever seemed to sleep. They were great sources of info, and it paid to foster their friendship. The car was empty except for Blair Powell, Lucinda Washburn, and Ian Wilcox, the presidential press secretary, sitting around a table in one corner.