“FetLife.” He frowned. “You don’t know any of this?”

She shook her head.

He slowly nodded before continuing. “Shay and I, jointly, gave you a collar of protection.” He shrugged. “Again, just a formality. You didn’t answer to me like a submissive, but it was an easy out for you to blow off people who gave you the creeps in real life. And it gave you a sense of safety.”

Her hand once again went to her throat. He noticed.

He pulled out his phone, tapped and swiped through it, then held it up so she could see it.

It was a picture of her, Shayla, Loren, Leah, Tilly, and Clarisse. All of them wore bright, happy smiles, and they were dressed in corsets.

And they all wore collars.

Her hand went to her throat again as he took the phone back.

“I played with you a little. Nonsexual play,” he quickly added. “No orgasm play. Landry did a little of that with you, but that was only at our private parties, not at the club. Panties on,” he amended. “Fairly tame stuff. I did shibari on you, because you really enjoyed rope. Landry, Tilly, and Ross played with you some, impact play. You asked Seth and Leah to use a singletail on you.”

Her hand stayed at her throat, her fingers wrapping around and resting there, a poor imitation for the ghostly feel of the collar she knew with certainty had been burned into her soul.

“After about six months, Rob started coming to the club with a friend of a friend. The two of you met. Even though all of us were cautious at first, we knew you’d met someone special. Rob was new to the scene but eager to learn. Responsibly. He took every class he could fit into his schedule. If work interfered with him going to a class, Ross, Seth, Landry, and I included him in some private parties at my house where we could work with him, and you, together.”


He smiled. “Shay said it best. Said she got the good kind of chills watching the two of you figure this out together. And even better, he didn’t resent you deferring to me and wearing my collar of protection. He didn’t ask me to hand you over, he didn’t pressure you to say something to me. He just…”

He rubbed his goatee and moustache with his hand, apparently pondering his next words. “You two did start dating. I waited a couple of weeks after that to have Shay invite the two of you over to our house for dinner. Just the four of us. While you and Shay were in the kitchen, I took Rob out to the playroom on the pretense of wanting to show him some techniques. And he and I had a talk.”

He took another swallow of water. The day was warm despite their shaded spot and the cool breeze. She watched as a small bead of sweat trickled down his temple.

“I cut right to the chase and asked him what he wanted to do with you. His answer was that he was willing to wait as long as it took for me to decide he was worthy of you. That he wasn’t going to ask me, or you, to uncollar you. That he wanted to know you wanted him, and that I felt sure he was safe enough of a player to not to harm you.”

A soft laugh escaped him. “In other words, he wanted you badly and was afraid of screwing it up. So I called you and Shay into the playroom and had you kneel in front of me and I point-blank asked you what you thought about Rob.”

Another laugh, this one a little louder. He met her gaze. “Your face turned the deepest shade of red I’ve ever seen. Your voice got really soft and you said you were attracted to him. When I asked you why you hadn’t told me before, you said—”

“I didn’t want to make a mistake,” she whispered. The words had magically appeared in her brain, even though she wasn’t sure yet if she was truly remembering the night or just reliving it through Tony.

He cocked his head at her. “Yes. Go on.”

She didn’t think about it. She opened her mouth and let the words surprise her. “I wanted to wait until you said something to me about him because I was so attracted to him that it scared me.”

He nodded but didn’t interrupt.

The words continued. She didn’t want to stop them in case the memories ceased. “I feel safe with you, and Landry, and Ross, and Seth. But I can’t be with any of you and I know that. There’s something in me that doesn’t want to leave Rob’s side after we play.”

She closed her eyes, reliving it, looking up even as she’d looked up at Tony that night. “I was scared to ask you because of how right it always feels being with him. I was afraid he didn’t feel like that about me. Or that I was mistaking sub frenzy for real feelings.”

“Tell me what he said to you.”

Tears squeezed out from under her closed lids and rolled down her cheeks. “It was a question. ‘Do you think you can trust a noob who still isn’t sure he knows what he’s doing?’”

“And your response?”

“I trust Tony.”

His voice sounded like it came from down a long tunnel. “Then what?”

She was no longer sitting on the bench. She was kneeling on the floor of a room she’d never seen, yet knew was Tony and Shayla’s private playroom. “You reached down and uncollared me and said you felt perfectly safe entrusting me to his protection, if that was what I wanted. But that if I ever didn’t feel safe, I was to come back to you, or Seth or Ross or Landry or Cris or Sully or Mac, any of you. I was to come to whoever I could get to first and tell one of you. That if you found out I wasn’t safe and didn’t say anything or come to one of you, that you would personally ensure that I would definitely regret it.”

“Then what happened?”

“You turned to Rob and told him he had your full blessings and permissions.” She laughed, finally opening her eyes. “You also told him they’d never find his body if he harmed me.” She looked at him as she wiped at her eyes.

He wore a gentle smile. “And then?”

She started crying again. “He held out his hand to me and asked if I’d please consider being his submissive. And I said yes.”

The large, gaping void of her memory was still there. Now, however, it felt like a safe, sturdy outcropping had suddenly appeared, holding the treasured memories safely in place, no longer swirling and lost in the abyss with so much else.

He opened his arms to her and she collapsed against him, sobbing again. “I said yes,” she whispered. “I said yes and he pulled the necklace from his pocket and put it on me right then. He’d bought it a few days earlier to have it in case he ever got the chance to be with me.”

Tony gently stroked her back. “Go on,” he urged.

“We…” She stumbled, the memory a little blurry for a moment until locking firmly in place. “You and Shay stepped out for a few minutes,” she said. “He promised to own up to mistakes, that he’d never violate a safeword, and he’d never lie to me. Then he admitted he thought he was falling in love with me.”

She closed her eyes. “We hadn’t had sex yet. And he promised to wait as long as it took, that he wouldn’t pressure me to do anything I didn’t want to do, and that he wouldn’t control who I could or couldn’t see or talk to, as long as I never lied to him.”

Her eyes flew open. “Oh, shit!”

He laughed. “Yeees?”

She sat up, feeling heat fill her cheeks. Her hand flew to her mouth as she stared at Tony. His green eyes twinkled with devilish amusement.

“You came in to tell us dinner was ready and caught me giving him a blow job. I’d pushed him onto one of the spanking benches and yanked his zipper down.”

He nodded, roaring with laughter. “Yes, you definitely weren’t in a mood to wait. Lucky for you, he’s perfectly happy with having a sexually aggressive submissive.”

Her hand didn’t move from her mouth. “Holy crap.”

He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sweetie, in the past couple of years, believe me, that’s one of the tamest things I’ve seen the two of you do at our private parties.”

She finally dropped her hand. “That’s what Shay meant.” She realized she was calling her Shay now.

“Meant by what?”

“In the hospital, after the chaplain had left, I asked her if I was religious. She made a comment about…” She laughed. “Now I understand.”

Tony smirked. “I’ve heard a lot of, ‘Oh, gods!’ come from you group of ladies. And some of the men.”

She nodded, still laughing. “Yeah. I get it now. And now I get why she looked freaked out. Like she’d spilled the beans.”

“Please don’t be angry at Rob. Or Shay. Just like with the poly stuff, he didn’t want to overwhelm you. I told her to handle this however Rob thought was best. That’s what we all did.”

Laura felt tears close again. It still surprised her that her moods could swing so wildly. “I’m not upset. I get it.”

He glanced at his phone. “Speaking of, wait here.” He got up and walked a few yards away before answering his phone and talking. After a few minutes, he ended the call and returned. He held out a hand to her. “Come on.”

She let him help her up. “Where to?”

“Home. My home. Rob gets off at six and he’s going to come straight to my house for dinner after he walks Doogie.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

A few more memories piggybacked on top of what she’d just rediscovered. As she looked out the passenger window while Tony drove, she considered all of it.

It all felt right.

It didn’t tell her who attacked her, and it didn’t give her back the bulk of her relationship with Rob, but it did make a few things flip into a different perspective that felt right. That had felt desperately missing in a way she hadn’t been able to put her finger on before that moment.