My website is still doing amazing and my mom even sponsored an ad on it for Seduction and Snacks. She’s still a little sad that I won’t be spending the rest of my life working in the family business, but she’s accepted the fact that this is what I want to do and she’s happy for me.
“Will you hold still? I can’t get it out if you’re going to keep flailing all over the place,” I scold Tyler, walking over to him and grabbing his arms.
“I promise I will never, ever ask you for anal again. This is serious business right here and not for amateurs. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to take a proper shit again,” he complains.
Standing up on my tiptoes, I kiss his lips and smile at him. “I love you, but you’re a lying sack of shit. You know you’re going to ask me tomorrow if it’s Anal Friday yet.”
“One of these days, it really will be Anal Friday and you’ll be glad I asked,” he tells me, turning around so I can get to his ass.
“You know, this tail really is quite pretty. I think you should leave it in for a while. I could brush it and maybe put a braid in it.”
Tyler growls at me over his shoulder. “You made your point. From now on, I will think twice before calling you a wuss for not trying out a new toy.”
I kiss the back of his shoulder and move to yank on the tail when the door to the room bursts open and Drew walks in.
“Come on, kid, it’s time for us to play catch!”
After BronyCon, Drew and Tyler had a DNA test done and the results were fairly conclusive. Drew is now the proud father of another bouncing baby boy. Ever since the test results came back, he’s been overcompensating the father thing just a little bit.
Tyler and I freeze and Drew crosses his arms in front of him, tapping his toe in irritation. “Son, I am really disappointed in you right now.”
Tyler quickly reaches down around his ankles for his pants and pulls them up, the tail refusing to be hidden and, instead, drapes outside of his pants.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Tyler tries to explain, swatting at the tail to try and keep it out of sight.
Drew shakes his head at Tyler. “How many times do I have to tell you? When you’re trying new, kinky shit, always get that stuff on camera. It’s like you were raised in a barn or something.”
Drew turns and walks back out of the room, throwing a parting comment over his shoulder. “Shake a tail feather, dick bag, I still need to teach you how to ride a bike!”
The door slams closed behind him and I slide my arms around Gavin’s waist and look up at him. “Uncle Drew is aware that you already know how to ride a bike, right?”
Tyler pulls me in closer. “Who the fuck knows? Yesterday, he gave me the ‘birds and the bees’ talk and it included props and scenes he acted out with your Aunt Jenny. I can never look her in the eyes ever again.”
I laugh, grabbing onto Tyler’s face and pulling him down for a kiss. I’m pretty sure no one has a crazier life than I do, but that’s okay. My closet is filled with couture and My Little Pony costumes, I have a job I’m ecstatic about, I’m in love with a crazy guy and my sister is getting married. It really doesn’t get any better than this - or any stranger.
The door to the room opens up again and all we see is a very large, very creepy looking fist stick through the crack.
“Duke says get your horse’s ass out here. It’s time for cake!”
The fist disappears and the door quickly slams closed.
I look up at Tyler in confusion and he shakes his head at me.
“Don’t ask.”
I take that back. The strange just never ends.
If you or anyone you know might be struggling with an addiction to My Little Pony, you’re not alone. Be proud, be loud and share the magic.
First and foremost, thank you to Janet Burns for being the best assistant a girl could ever ask for. Your love and support means the world to me and I’m so thankful to have you in my life.
Thank you to C.C. Wood for being the light in my life and my inspiration. You are my hero, and the wind beneath my wings.
To Beth Ehemann for telling me I don’t suck and for being a wonderful friend. I’m so glad I met you and found out we were separated at birth, as well as our husbands.
To Stephanie Johnson for being an amazing human being, a great friend and the best cookie whore in the entire world.
Thank you to Robin Stranahan for being the best assistant in NOLA and for all the MLP gifts, especially the Brony documentary. I love your face!
Special thanks to the women from Pure Romance of Cincinnati for giving me a tour of the warehouse, and inspiration for this book…especially turkey giblets.
Thank you to Valerie Potjeau, Christie Silva, Tressa Sager and Jamie Sager Hall for bringing dolphin rape awareness into the public light.
To Rapey the Dolphin for providing the answers to all of life’s questions.
Thank you to the fans all over the world for embracing the craziness of these characters and for allowing me to release the insanity in my brain to the pages of a book.
Thank you to my nephew for not being afraid to be a Brony and for letting me poke just a little bit of fun at you.
Thank you to Donna and Nikki for your amazing support and for not running away in fear when you read my manuscripts. And my texts. And my emails. Mostly my texts.
Last but not least, to my poor family who have five-minute conversations with me before I even realize they’ve been talking. Thank you for loving me even when I forget your names and I start taking notes about stories in the middle of dinner.
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