I laugh. “Let me guess, a cream pie facial?”
Gavin dry heaves and Drew shakes his head at me.
“He lived that long, lonely life for far too long, Tyler. Duke is on to bigger and better things.”
Drew turns to Gavin who is currently pressed up against the far wall of the living room, as away from Duke as possible. “So, I was thinking. We could tie a ribbon around Duke’s neck with the stupid ring you BOUGHT from a store and you could hold him out to Charlotte. We’ve been practicing his ‘serene’ face and I totally think he’s got it down.”
While Drew and Gavin start arguing about Duke being a part of the proposal, I pull my phone out of my pocket and try not to be disappointed that I don’t have any drunk texts from Ava. Drunk texts are the best, especially when she totally forgets her aversion to anal and begs for it.
“Fisting is NOT romantic!” Gavin shouts from across the room, interrupting me from my thoughts.
“Duke is a very romantic person and it’s going to hurt his feelings if he can’t be part of this special day!” Drew yells back.
I pull up a video on my phone and walk over to Gavin. “See? Duke is a star. From the look on that chick’s face, I’d say she’s very happy to have Duke in her...life. And her vagina. Oh, look at that, and her ass!”
Gavin pushes my hand away. “That thing is not coming anywhere near Charlotte.”
I stare at the video on my phone. “You’re right, but I’m pretty sure Charlotte would be coming everywhere near that thing.”
Drew laughs and rushes over to me for a high-five. “It’s like we share a brain or something, dude.”
Gavin groans. “You two are insane. I am getting a puppy and tying the ring on a ribbon around its neck, end of story.”
Drew grabs Duke from the table and points it at Gavin. “You are a pussy. Duke is the most romantic person in the world. I can’t believe you’re saying no to him.”
Gavin looks towards me for some help and I just shrug. “He’s got a point. You are kind of a pussy and Duke is growing on me. I kind of want to take him out for drinks and sit him up in the middle of the table so he can wave at people that walk by.”
“It might have to wait a few days,” Drew informs me. “We were just at a club last night and Duke’s still a little hung-over. He also wasn’t happy that they had to stamp his hand on the way in. That ink was a bitch to scrub off this morning, wasn’t it Duke?”
Gavin finally pushes away from the wall to cross his arms in front of him and glare at me. “If we’re going to talk about pussies, how about we discuss the fact that you are in love with Ava but you’re too chicken shit to tell her.”
Drew stares at me with wide eyes, holding Duke up right in front of my face. “Oooooooh, burn!”
“I am NOT in love with Ava,” I scoff.
Right? I’m not in love with Ava. Why would I be in love with someone who doesn’t even like me?
“You’ve checked your phone fifteen times in the last half hour looking for a missed call or a text from her,” Gavin accuses.
“Dude! I just don’t want to miss out on drunk anal!” I argue. Drew pulls Duke away from me and scratches the top of his head with Duke’s fist. “Good call. Drunk anal is awesome.”
“She told Charlotte you guys talked about your dad and that she opened up to you about how much she hates her job. Ava doesn’t talk to people about shit like that unless she really trusts them and cares about them, and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t talk about your dad issues with just anyone,” Gavin says.
“Awwww, do you have daddy issues?” Drew asks with a laugh.
I punch him in the arm. “Fuck you, I don’t have daddy issues.”
“He found out his dad isn’t his real dad, and that his mom was a slut,” Gavin tells Drew.
“Ahhhh, I love sluts,” Drew muses.
“Why don’t you just admit that you’re in love with Ava?” Gavin questions, both of us ignoring Drew as he uses Duke to scratch his ass.
“Why don’t you use Duke to propose to Charlotte?” I fire back.
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll use Duke in my proposal if you tell Ava you love her.”
The room is silent while Gavin and I stare each other down.
After a few seconds, I hold my hand out to him and he takes it. “Deal.”
Drew places Duke on top of our joined hands and wraps his free arm around Gavin’s shoulder.
Shit, what the fuck have I gotten myself into? I’m scared shitless to even think about the fact that I might be in love with Ava and now I have to come right out and tell her? I have to do it though. I have to get my feelings in check because it is absolutely imperative that Duke is a part of this proposal.
“This is the happiest day of Duke’s life!” Drew announces as he squeezes Gavin’s shoulder in excitement. “FISTING, FOR THE MOTHER FUCKING WIN!”
Duke – 1, Tyler - O
Chapter 21 – All the Feels
- Ava -
“Dude, get a camera.”
“Is this heaven? Did we die?”
“Seriously, get a fucking camera!”
Whispers from across the room bring me awake and I immediately regret opening my eyes when I’m hit with the bright morning light streaming in through the window.
I am never drinking again.
“Don’t make any sudden movements or they’ll scatter like wild animals,” I hear Tyler whisper.
Ignoring the pounding in my head, I squint and look down at myself.
“Why am I naked?” I speak with a raspy, hung-over voice.
Feeling an arm tighten around my waist, I look over my shoulder, watching Charlotte yawn before opening her eyes and staring right at me.
“Are you naked?” she asks in confusion, pulling back and looking between us. “Jesus Christ! Why am I naked too?”
Scooting away from her, I finally notice we’re both curled up on the floor in between the couch and the coffee table. Empty bottles of beer and vodka are spread all around us, including one dead soldier of vanilla vodka shoved into the couch cushions. Memories of last night after we left the restaurant and came back here float through my mind. Charlotte, Rocco and I all got into a cab, stopped at a liquor store and then spent the rest of the night drinking ourselves into oblivion. Well, I was already there and by the state of undress between Charlotte and I, it looks like she followed very quickly. I have a vague recollection of Rocco telling us vaginas were gross and we felt the need to prove him wrong.
Where the fuck is Rocco?
“It’s like porn and Christmas morning, all rolled into one,” Tyler whispers in wonder.
Charlotte, finally realizing where we are and that we’re not alone, screams so loud I have to cover my hands over my ears to stop my head from exploding.
“TYLER! Turn around! Turn around right now and stop staring at me!” she shouts, attempting to cover her boobs and crotch with her hands while she frantically yanks the couch cushions off and holds them in front of her.
“Jesus, could you guys keep it down? I’ve got the worst headache ever,” Rocco complains, stepping out of the kitchen, holding his hand against his head.
Oh, that’s right. Rocco felt left out after Charlotte and I got naked.
Rocco laughs and leans against the doorframe. “Honey, my penis is the same as yours.”
With his hands still shielding his eyes, Tyler shakes his head frantically back and forth. “FALSE! My penis prefers the pink and yours likes the stink. Put that thing away!”
Rocco sighs and goes in search of his pants.
Unlike my sister, I’m not one to shy away from nudity and I couldn’t care less who’s in this living room right now. I need water and aspirin STAT.
Pushing myself up from the floor, I work out the kinks in my neck resulting from a night spent on the floor and head towards the kitchen.
As I walk past Gavin and Tyler, Gavin averts his eyes from me and Tyler smacks him in the arm.
“I told you not to make any sudden movements. Now our chance of seeing real-life sister porn is ruined and filled with gay penis. RUINED!”
Gavin rushes over to Charlotte and helps her up from the floor and down the hall to their bedroom. While I rummage through their cupboards for a bottle of aspirin, Tyler comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
“So, I was thinking-”
“No, Charlotte and I will not recreate that scene for you later tonight,” I interrupt him as I find the bottle, unscrew the top and shake three pills into my hand.
Tyler moves away from me, grabbing a glass from the counter and filling it up with cold tap water. He hands it to me and smiles. “Even though I believe you should seriously reconsider, I was actually going to suggest something else.”
I pop the pills in my mouth, grab the glass from his hand and chug the entire thing. He takes the empty glass from my hands, refills it and hands it back. My heart stutters as he reaches out and slides his hand down the top of my head before cupping my cheek.
“Ava, will you go on a date with me?” he asks softly as he stares into my eyes.
Everything that happened last night with Charlotte and Rocco comes rushing back - the missing shoe, shoveling pasta in my mouth with my hands and the fact that I can’t deny my feelings for Tyler any longer. Standing in the middle of my sister’s kitchen without a stitch of clothing on, I suddenly feel more naked than I ever have in my entire life. I really do love this guy, as crazy as it sounds. I should tell him, I should just blurt it out like it’s no big deal so we can move on and this moment won’t be so uncomfortable anymore.
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