“I thought you couldn’t stand Ava?” Gavin asks in confusion.
“I can’t. All she does is bitch at me. But man alive, that chick’s got a mouth like a Shop Vac.”
Gavin winces and mimics dry heaving. “Seriously dude, stop. Just stop.”
Gavin and I have been best friends ever since we met our freshman year in college. It’s unfortunate that I was naked during that first meeting, but what can you do? Sometimes the boys just like to dangle while you’re hanging pictures around your dorm room. Anyway, as soon as we got to talking (after I put pants on), I knew this was a guy I wanted in my corner. He’s a good-looking dude, so he’s always had a plethora of hot chicks sniffing around him. Lucky for me, he’s been in love with Charlotte, his childhood sweetheart, since birth and I, therefore got all his castoffs.
Some dudes would probably be offended at being the second-best choice. Those dudes are obviously dumb fucks who don’t know rule number one in the guy handbook - you never, ever turn down pussy. Gavin’s feelings towards Charlotte are obviously not brotherly, but he’s always looked at Ava as a little sister. Needless to say, talk about our sexcapades grosses him the fuck out.
“I guess I shouldn’t let it get to me. I mean, how can I bang a chick that has no appreciation for animals?” I ask in irritation as I kick my feet up on his desk.
“I’m pretty sure Ava loves animals. I think the problem is that she didn’t expect to sleep with one,” Gavin replies with a smirk.
I knew I shouldn’t have told him about that whole horse incident the other night.
“So what’s on the agenda today, dick licker? Are we going to watch some chicks masturbate, maybe construct a mold of my penis for a new sex toy?” I ask, quickly moving the conversation away from my embarrassing evening with Ava.
Gavin has worked in Product Development for Seduction and Snacks ever since graduating from college. Lucky bastard.
Shaking his head at me, he gets up from behind the desk and heads towards the door. “How many times do I have to tell you that no one masturbates inside this building?”
“And how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like it when you lie to me and crush my dreams,” I remind him as I follow him out into the hall.
Luckily, Ava isn’t at her desk right outside Gavin’s office. She works part time as his secretary and I made sure to stop by today when she was on her lunch break. Actually, regardless of what time I stop by, chances of her ass being in that desk were miniscule. That chick is hot as fuck and the best lay I’ve ever had, but working is not her strong suit.
“Our tour guide for the warehouse was in a pretty bad car accident over the weekend, so I’m stuck taking over the tours until we can find a replacement,” Gavin explains as he pushes open the double doors to the warehouse.
I’ve strolled through the warehouse and even participated in a few tours, but each time I walk through those doors is like the first time. I swear as soon as I set foot in this place I can hear a choir of angels singing. As far as the eye can see, row after row, aisle after aisle, box after box – are sex toys. Metal shelving from floor to ceiling filled with boxes of beautifully crafted love machines.
I don’t even realize I’m mumbling until Gavin punches me in the arm.
“Were you just chanting ‘This is my home; this is where I belong’?”
I just shrug and follow him over to the first aisle, where a group of about ten women ranging in ages from twenty-five to sixty-five stand, anxiously awaiting their tour of Mecca.
“No talking, no crying, no sword fights with the dildos and please, for the love of God, do NOT lick the Chocolate Thunders on aisle twelve again,” Gavin warns me under his breath.
Is it my fault they named a sex toy after chocolate? How the fuck was I supposed to know it didn’t taste like chocolate? That’s false advertising, if you ask me.
“Ladies, welcome to Seduction and Snacks! My name is Gavin and I’m the head of Product Development. If you’ll just follow me, we can start the tour.”
“This one has slow pulses along with intense vibrations. It’s got an easy two-button functionality and you’ll be happy to know it’s made from durable, phthalate-free plastic. I would highly recommend this toy for any of you first-timers who just aren’t sure how to start when building your toy collection. It’s one of our most popular models and I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.”
Gavin was called away from the tour a half hour ago for an emergency conference call. I felt bad for all these bitches standing around waiting for him, so I figured I might as well carry on with the tour.
Placing the toy back into its bin on the shelf on aisle fourteen, I look up from the crowd of women surrounding me and see Gavin and his Aunt Liz standing at the edge of the group. Gavin is smiling and Liz has a look of complete shock on her face.
I excuse myself from the group, leaving them to chat amongst themselves as I make my way to Gavin and Liz.
“What the fuck was that?” Liz asks as soon as I reach her.
Awwww shit, now I’m in trouble. I should have just wandered over to the flavored lube on aisle seven and had a snack. The funnel cake flavored lube really is quite filling.
“That was the Eighth Wonder of the World. You know, one of the toys you sell here?” I remind her.
I barely finish my sentence when her hand flies out and smacks me up side the head. “I’m well aware of toy’s name, dick face. I meant, how did you know so much about it? You sounded like you could have written the fucking product description for it.”
Oh, is that all?
“Well, I’m kind of a connoisseur of sex toys, if you will. I like to keep myself informed for the ladies. A happy vagina is a happy life,” I tell her with a smile.
“Eeew, that’s disgusting,” Liz complains. “I can’t believe I was actually thinking about giving you a job.”
Gavin’s face lights up and he turns to face her. “Seriously? Aunt Liz, that would be awesome! Finally, something better than that stupid clothing store.”
I gasp, placing my hand over my heart. “That hurts, Gavin, that really hurts. Have you ever taken off all of your clothes and curled up in a box of cotton blend t-shirts? It’s like floating on a cloud.”
“Forget I said anything,” Liz mutters, turning to walk away from us.
Gavin grabs her arm, forcing her to stop. “Wait, Aunt Liz, just hear me out. Tyler might be an idiot, but he really does know a shit ton about our products. He could recite the specifications for everything we carry in his sleep.”
Liz raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
“It’s true. I’ve been known to talk about twirling beads, rotating shafts and cock rings during a night of peaceful slumber,” I admit.
“Oh my God, this is the worst idea in the history of the world. I must be high,” Liz mutters.
“Hey, what a coincidence, so am I!” I tell her with a smile.
Gavin punches me in the arm and I scowl at him.
“I cannot believe I’m actually considering this,” Liz sighs. “Here’s the deal. I just found out that our guy who usually gives the tours won’t be coming back. He hurt his knee pretty bad in the accident and he’s not going to be able to stand for the long periods of time that tours require. Right now, I just need someone to fill in until we make a more permanent decision. You have to be friendly, informative and you absolutely CANNOT have sex with anyone on the tour.”
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