I glared at him in the light from the street lamp. “What about my photos?”

“You’re a great photographer,” Tommy admitted. “But like Mr. Bird said, you’re better at taking pictures of other people than you are of anything else. I think it’s because you understand people…and you don’t judge them. It’syourself you don’t seem to understand…or be totally honest with.”

“What are you talking about?” I shook my head. “I may lie a lot…that’s true. But to other people. Not myself.”

“Oh, yeah?” He looked amused about something. “Pelicans, Katie?”

“So what?” I shrugged. “So what if I like to take pictures of pelicans? What does that prove?”

“That you’re just trying to give people what you think they want. It’s not whatyou want.”

Why did I get the feeling he wasn’t actually talking about pelicans? The thing was, I didn’t know what the heck hewas talking about. Worse, I didn’t even really care. Because all I wanted to do was kiss him some more.

“People like pelicans,” I stammered. Because it was the only thing I could think of to say.

“Yeah,” Tommy said. “People do. Just like people like quahogs. Butyou don’t. People love Seth Turner. But you don’t. I think the problem with you, Katie, is that you’ve been so busy for these past few years, giving people what you think they want, you haven’t stopped to think about whatyou want.”

I looked at his lips. I had no idea what he was talking about. Itotally knew what I wanted. At least, right then.

“Or maybe you have,” Tommy said with a smile, apparently noting the direction of my gaze. “And it scares you.”

“I’m not scared,” I assured him. And for once, I wasn’t lying.

And then, much to my satisfaction, he was kissing me again. I’m not at all sure how long we’d have stayed in that parking lot, kissing — or maybe even more than kissing, considering the way things were rapidly seeming to develop — if I hadn’t noticed, on the backs of my closed eyelids, a light that was much brighter than the streetlight we were under.

And then when I opened my eyes, I noticed the car that just pulled into the Gull ’n Gulp’s parking lot.

The car with a very surprised-looking Sidney van der Hoff behind the wheel.


My parents were still awake when I got home. Apparently, they’d waited up especially for me.

“Hi, honey,” Mom said, lowering the copy ofRealtor Magazine she was reading in bed, while my dad flipped around the various ESPN channels, looking for the scores to the golf game. “How was your day?”

“Um.” I wasn’t exactly sure how to answer that question. Also, I was still in a sort of daze from Tommy Sullivan’s kisses. And what had happened right after he’d kissed me. “Fine.”

Well, what else was I going to say?Not so good, Mom. I broke up with the guy I’ve been seeing secretly behind my boyfriend’s back and started making out with another guy — one the whole town hates and who I think is trying to ruin my life.

Only my best friend caught me, so now he doesn’t have to bother.

“Sidney called,” my dad said, not taking his gaze from the television screen. “Twice.”

“Oh,” I said. “Thanks.”

“Why is she calling on the house phone?” Dad wanted to know. “Did you forget to charge your cell phone again?”

“Um,” I said. “Yeah.” No point in telling him the truth — that I’d been sending all of Sidney’s calls straight to voice mail ever since she’d started phoning, approximately three seconds after she’d bugged out in the parking lot, after seeing Tommy Sullivan and me making out on top of his car.

Seriously, she hadn’t even said a word. She’d just thrown her Cabriolet into reverse, then peeled out at top speed.

Then immediately started calling me.

But if Sidney thought I was actually going to pick up, she had another thing coming, that was for sure. Not because I’d gone back to making out with Tommy, but because I’d immediately realized the folly of what I’d been doing and had pushed him away, leaped from the hood of his car, and raced for my bike.

“Katie,” he’d said, coming after me.

“Go away!” I’d yelled, fumbling with my bike lock. It’s hard to work a combination when your fingers are shaking as hard as mine were.

“Katie.” Tommy leaned against the emergency generator, looking down at me. “Come on. We’ve got to talk.”

“No way,” I’d said. I was furious to note my voice was shaking, too. What was wrong with me? I mean, I know I like kissing boys and all. ButTommy Sullivan? “Do you have any idea who that was? Any idea at all?”

“It was Sidney van der Hoff,” Tommy said. “I know, I saw her yesterday on the beach with you over at The Point, remember?”

“Right.” I’d finally gotten the chain off. “And in about five seconds flat, the entire town is going to know that I was making out with you in the parking lot at the Gull ’n Gulp.”

“Well, maybe it’s all for the best,” Tommy had had the nerve to say. “I mean, it’s not as if you and Seth were about to win any couple-of-the-year awards, anyway.”

“But I didn’t want him to find outthis way!” I’d raged.

“Maybe Sidney will keep it to herself,” Tommy had said.

“Oh, right! What are youtalking about? She’s Sidney van der Hoff!”

“Yeah, but isn’t she your best friend?” Tommy had looked insufferably calm about the whole thing. “I thought best friends had each other’s back.”

“She’sSidney van der Hoff!” I’d yelled again. Did he notget it? We were dead.

Correction: I was dead. Nobody was going to think anything about him kissing me. The fact thatI ’d been kissinghim, though? Everyone was going to hate me. I wouldn’t have a single friend left in the whole town.

What a way to start my senior year.

“This is what you wanted all along, wasn’t it?” I’d snarled at him as I’d yanked my bike out of the rack. “Thisis why you came back. To get back at me, by ruining my life!”

“What?” He’d had the nerve to let out an incredulous laugh. “Are you serious?”

“Of course I’m serious! And now you’re just going to leave, aren’t you? You never intended to stick around, once you’d done your damage, did you? Don’t even try to deny it, Tommy.”

He’d just shaken his head. “Katie, what are youtalking about?”

“Youknow what I’m talking about!” I’d jammed my bike helmet onto my head. “God, I can’t believe I was so stupid. I can’t believe I let you do that to me!”

“Dowhat to you?” Tommy had demanded, starting to look angry. “I don’t recall doing anythingto you. You were kissing me back. And pretty enthusiastically, I might add.”

I’d been so furious, I hadn’t even been able to reply. I’d just started pedaling. I’d nearly skidded on the gravel going past him, but recovered myself at the last second and tore off, with Tommy yelling, “Katie! Wait!” after me.

I’d thought I’d lost him. I mean, I pedaledhard.

But at the stop sign just before Post Road, I realized he was following me.Following me. Ostensibly to make sure I got home all right, the way he had the night before.

But who knows if that had even been his motivation? Maybe he’d just ridden along behind me to make sure what he’d done to me had really sunk in. Maybe he’d just wanted to make sure his humiliation of me was complete.

It had certainly seemed like it when I’d skidded into my driveway and he’d pulled up alongside the yard and actually gotten out of the Jeep, saying, in an impatient voice, “Katie. This is stupid. You’re overreacting. Katie, wait—”

But I’d just dropped the bike — instead of dragging it into the garage — and gone, “Leave me alone!” in a voice I hoped was dramatic enough to wake up Mrs. Hall from next door. Hopefully she’d call the police. Getting arrested was the least that Tommy deserved.

Then I’d run inside the house.

Where I’d found my parents calmly reading and watching television.

“How did Quahog Princess rehearsal go?” Mom asked brightly.

“Fine,” I said. Was Tommy still outside? Or had he driven away? What did he want from me, anyway? I mean,really?

And where had he learned to kiss like that?

“Honey,” Mom said curiously. “Are you all right?”

I tore my gaze from the television screen I’d been staring unseeingly at. “What? Yeah, I’m fine. I said I was fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” Mom said. “You’re flushed. Doesn’t she look flushed, Steve?”

My dad looked at me. “She looks flushed.” Then he looked back at the TV, where Tiger Woods was accepting an award for something.

“I’m not flushed,” I said. “I’m fine. I’m just tired. I’m going to bed. I have a big day tomorrow.”

“Don’t we all,” Mom said, shaking her head. “You with the pageant, Liam with Quahog tryouts. And Daddy and I have three showings! It’s going to be quite a day!”

She had no idea. Especially when news got out about who I’d been macking with in the Gull ’n Gulp’s parking lot.

I just hoped Mom and Dad’s business wouldn’t suffer. I mean, the real estate bubble has pretty much burst, even in resort towns like Eastport. If word gets out that the only daughter of the owners of Ellison Properties was seen consorting with Tommy Sullivan, their listings will only drop off even more.

Sleep that night was impossible, of course. The one time I really needed it, too, in order to look good for the pageant. I just couldn’t nod off. I laid there all night, unable to stop thinking about what had happened. Not even so much the part where I’d seen Sidney’s face, looking so surprised behind her steering wheel, either. But the part where I’d made out with Tommy Sullivan.