They talked about what was going on with Ethan and Liz and how Kent had been offered the job teaching math at Fool’s Gold High School.

“Is Montana still seeing that doctor guy?” Nevada asked. “She hasn’t said anything to me when we talk and I don’t want to bring it up.”

“I think so,” Denise answered. “Although I’m not sure what’s going on there. She mentioned she was showing Simon around town as a favor for Mayor Marsha. Do you think it’s more than that?”

Her daughters exchanged a look. “He’s pretty appealing,” Nevada said. “Handsome and scarred. Which I guess makes him both beauty and the beast. Montana seems to be spending a lot of time with him.”

“I suppose the best plan would be to simply ask her,” Denise murmured. “Any volunteers?”

“I’ll do it,” Dakota said. “Finn is up in Alaska, finalizing his sale of his business, so Hannah and I are on our own. We’re going to the Summer Festival tonight. I’m sure Montana will be there. We can talk then.”

“Be sure to tell her we’re not prying. We’re concerned.”

Her daughters laughed.

“It’s a thin line, Mom,” Nevada reminded her.

“But an important one.”

MONTANA LOVED THE QUIRKINESS of her town. Most places held Summer Festivals during the day. Not Fool’s Gold. While the celebration would continue all weekend, it started Friday evening, with live music, dozens of stands selling food, and a fireworks display when it was dark.

She moved through the growing crowd, greeting people she knew. There were a lot of tourists who came every year for the Summer Festival, filling local hotels and motels. Always a good thing. The restaurants would be crowded and there would be too many bikes on the path around the lake, but the residents were used to that. As the various festivals drew mostly families, there were rarely any problems.

She bought a carnitas taco from a stand and ate it standing up, then tasted a couple of types of wine at a different booth. Searching for dessert, she found herself in front of the place that sold elephant ears. Although she usually enjoyed the treat, tonight it made her think of Simon.

Silliness, she told herself. The man was a complication she didn’t need in her life. Not that telling herself that helped.

Even as she ordered an elephant ear, she found herself glancing back toward the main part of town. It would be easy to go to his hotel room on the pretext of inviting him to the festival.

She didn’t for two reasons. First, she wasn’t sure she could act normally around him. Knowing about his past made her even more curious about him. She wanted to talk about it, hear what he’d gone through, learn how he’d figured out how to be so strong. The second reason she didn’t go to his room was because she wasn’t that interested in bringing him to the festival. And she’d never once gone uninvited to a man’s bed.

Wanting to be with him that way wasn’t new, but the feeling was more intense. She knew she was reacting emotionally to new information. But from his perspective, nothing had changed. That made her vulnerable. She wasn’t sure that was particularly safe for her.

After finishing her elephant ear, she walked around, looking at the different booths. There were people selling everything from handmade jewelry to CDs. A guy offered samples of local wild honey. A woman in a turban told fortunes. One band replaced another and the music continued.

Around eight, she ran into her sister. Dakota had Hannah in a stroller. The little girl grinned with excitement and waved at everyone she saw.

“Having fun?” Montana asked.

“Sure. This is one of my favorite festivals.”

“Is Finn still in Alaska?”

“Yes. He comes back tomorrow. I can’t wait to see him.”

“I’m sure he’s thinking the same thing.”

Dakota grinned. “That’s what he tells me. I have to say, I really like that quality in a man.”

“I would, too.”

They started walking together. Their progress was slow, as most of the residents of the town knew them and Hannah, and wanted to stop and talk about how the little girl was doing.

“Do you think we got this much attention when we were her age?” Montana asked as Eddie Carberry, Josh Golden’s seventy-something assistant, paused to play “where’s the baby” with Hannah.

“We were triplets in a small town,” Dakota said with a laugh. “We probably got a parade.”

“I wish I could remember it.”

“You could try past regression therapy.”

Montana shook her head. “I’m not that interested, but thanks.”

“Anytime. So what’s new?”

One of the advantages of being a triplet was understanding how the others thought. To anyone else, the question would have been casual. Practically a throwaway. But Montana knew better. “What’s up?”

Dakota widened her eyes. “Nothing. Why do you ask?”

Montana moved her off the path and onto the grass where there were less people. “You want to talk about something specific. I can tell. What is it?”

Dakota drew in a breath. “There is some concern about what’s happening with Simon.”

Montana wasn’t even surprised. “Did you volunteer or lose the bet?”

“I offered to talk to you.”

Which was just like her family. Love came with worry and snooping. “There’s not much to say. I’m trying to convince him to stay because Mayor Marsha asked me to.”

“We know that part. But what about the rest of it?” Dakota studied her. “He’s an intriguing man.”

“Don’t let Finn hear you say that.”

“I’m not the one in love with Simon.”

“I’m not either.”

“Are you sure?”

Montana thought about the question. There was no point in lying—Dakota would be able to tell. “He’s a really good guy who’s overcome some scary stuff. I’ve seen him with his patients. He cares. He gives them all he has, but still manages to hold back, emotionally. He’s unreachable.”

“A handsome, scarred stranger who heals children and can’t be touched emotionally,” Dakota said lightly. “He’s like catnip.”

Something she’d thought herself. Great minds and all that. “I’ve never been a fan of catnip.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I’m doing okay. I’m not in love with him.”

“Could you be?”

Montana didn’t want to think about that. “He needs me.”

“He doesn’t sound like he needs anyone. You can’t save him.”

“Someone has to.”

Dakota’s expression turned serious. “No. They don’t. Montana, you give your whole self in relationships. That’s not always the best way to keep yourself from getting hurt.”

“He’s lonely.”

“He’s leaving.”

“I know that.” Simon had been completely honest about that. She knew that getting involved was dangerous, that given her history, falling for a guy like him could be a disaster.

“Do you?”

“Of course. He’s made that very clear. He’s going to Peru when he leaves here. I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“It comes with the job,” Dakota reminded her. “We want you to protect yourself. Just a little.”

Because the reality was, Simon could break her heart. She could fall in love with him, only to watch him walk away.

“I want to help him. But you’re right—I have to be smart about it. And I am. I know how this is going to end.”

Dakota looked like she was going to say more, then sighed. “That’s all we can ask.”

“There’s my precious baby girl.” Bella Gionni, a local hairdresser in town, walked toward them. She crouched down to smile at Hannah.

“You’re ignoring us,” Montana pointed out, grateful for the interruption.

“I’ll get to you next,” Bella promised, cooing over Hannah. “She’s growing so fast. Is that a tooth?”

“She has a couple now,” Dakota said. “But even though she’s teething, she’s hardly ever fussy.”

“I’m going to go walk around,” Montana murmured.

“Are we okay?”

She smiled. “Of course. I know you love me. Sometimes it’s annoying, but mostly it’s nice.”

“Gee, thanks.”

Montana walked away. As she got lost in the crowd, she thought about Simon. Her need to see him had only increased. Now, what was she willing to do about it?

SIMON HADN’T INTENDED to come to the Summer Festival. He’d seen it on his way back to the hotel, where he’d planned to order room service and then read. But instead he’d found himself changing his clothes and heading out.

The night was warm and the sounds of live music drifted to him. The sidewalks were crowded and he could see where the streets had been blocked to car traffic so those attending could spread out.

He’d lived in cities where people walked or used public transportation, but he’d never been anywhere like Fool’s Gold. The small town feel appealed to him, which he never would have expected.

Despite the short time he’d been there, he recognized several people. When they greeted him, he responded. It was almost as if he’d lived there forever. An illusion, but a nice one.

He ate ribs and a corn dog, washing both down with a beer, then walked around some more. He told himself he was simply exploring, but he knew the truth. Montana would be here and he wanted to find her.

“Hello, Dr. Bradley.”

He turned and recognized one of the nurses from the hospital. She was with a man and two small children. Her family, she confirmed, as she made introductions.

“Are you enjoying the festival?” she asked.

“Very much.”

“In the early fall we have an artist series. I haven’t heard who all is coming, but it’s fun to guess. A few years ago we had Wyland come. He’s the one who does those huge murals of undersea life? So beautiful. I love his work.”