Denise laughed. “You make it sound so unpleasant. I happen to like gardening.”

“I get that. What isn’t clear is why.”

“It relaxes me. And I have something to show for my labor. I can stand back and look at what I’ve accomplished. I don’t get the same satisfaction from things like doing laundry. There will just be more tomorrow.”

“There’ll be more weeds tomorrow, too.”

“You’re missing the spirit of the work,” Denise scolded her.

Denise had been surprised when Nevada had shown up a few minutes ago, claiming to want to spend a little time with her. While she had close relationships with all her children, they seldom stopped by just to catch up. Usually they invited her out to lunch and dinner for that. When one of her children came home, it usually meant there was a problem.

What Denise didn’t know was what Nevada wanted to talk about, but many years of being a mother had taught her patience. Her daughter would tell her when she was ready. Which turned out to be sooner than she had expected.

“I’ve been thinking about my job,” Nevada said a few minutes later. “Ethan’s doing more with his windmills and less construction.”

Ethan had inherited the family business when his father had died. Although the company had focused entirely on home construction and renovation, he’d branched out into wind energy, building windmills in a facility outside of town.

“Are you interested in taking over the building part of the company?” Denise asked. Nevada had studied engineering in college and, when she’d finished her degree, she’d gone to work for her brother.

“Not exactly.” Nevada shifted until she was sitting on the grass. “I need to tell you something, Mom, and I don’t want you to get upset.”

Not words designed to make her relax, Denise thought, also sitting on the grass and taking off her gardening gloves.

“I can’t promise what I’ll feel, but I will do my best not to shriek so loud the neighbors hear.”

Nevada smiled. “I’ll take that.” She drew in a breath. “I’m thinking of changing jobs.”

“You want to do something else at the company?”

Her daughter stared at the grass, then back at her. “No. I want to go work somewhere else.”


“There are a lot of reasons.”

Denise didn’t know what to think. Nevada had worked for her brother for six years. As far as she knew, they got along fine. Ethan always talked about what a great job his sister did. But instead of asking, Denise once again waited.

“I never had to do anything to get the job,” Nevada told her. “It was understood I would join the company when I graduated, and I did. I didn’t have to think about what I wanted to do or where I was going to work. Mom, except for summer jobs, I’ve never been on an interview. I want to figure out how good I am.”

“Doesn’t that come from within, rather than from an external source?”

“I’m not talking about self-respect or self-esteem. I mean I want to know how good I am at my job.”

“Your brother thinks you’re great.”

“Does he have a choice? Could Ethan actually fire me?”

“Do you want him to?”

“No. But I do want the chance to prove myself.”

Denise studied her beautiful daughter and thought about how different their lives were. Denise had been nineteen when she’d met Ralph. While she’d been taking classes at Fool’s Gold Community College, she hadn’t had any serious plans for getting a degree.

Within six months, Ralph had proposed and she’d accepted. Her sole work experience had been a series of part-time jobs. Three months later, they’d been married and a couple of months after that, she’d gotten pregnant. She’d had the three boys in just over three years, had waited a couple of years, then gotten pregnant with the triplets. By the time she was Nevada’s age, she had six kids. Working had never been an issue.

The family business had provided enough money for them to live relatively comfortably. They’d bought this house just before the triplets were born and had paid for it in fifteen years. Saving for college for six kids had been a real challenge, but they’d managed.

When Ralph died, she discovered he’d left her a generous life insurance policy that would take care of her for the rest of her life. Ethan had taken over the family business and was bringing it to new heights. Each of the other children got a quarterly check from their share of the business.

Denise’s biggest problem was how to fill her day. After a lifetime of taking care of others, her house seemed empty and sometimes her days did, too. Maybe it was time to explore other options. She could always go back to school—start some kind of career. Whatever she chose would sure be a lot less work than being a stay-at-home mom.

But that was for another day. Right now, Nevada needed advice.

“Have you talked to your brother?” she asked.

“Not yet. I want to make up my mind first. I don’t want to leave him dangling.”

“Do you have another job in mind?” A horrifying thought occurred to Denise, although she was careful not to let her worry show. “Do you think you need to leave Fool’s Gold to prove yourself?”

“For a while I did, but maybe not. There’s a big job starting nearby. You’ve probably read about it in the paper. Janack Construction is building a casino-resort complex northeast of town. I thought I would see what I could do there.”

“Janack. Why is that name familiar?”

“Ethan was friends with Tucker Janack years ago. They were at cycling camp together.”

“Oh, right.” She remembered a skinny, dark-haired boy. His family had been extremely wealthy. Tucker’s father had picked up his son in a private jet. “They do big projects all over the world, don’t they?”

Nevada nodded. “They just finished that huge theme park in Rio. The land here has been held in trust for descendants of the Máa-zib tribe. His mother had Máa-zib blood in her.”

“You’ve done your homework,” Denise said, realizing this wasn’t an idle conversation. Nevada had already made up her mind.

“I think it’s important to know as much as I can about the company. This is going to be a good deal for Fool’s Gold. Part of the construction plans include widening the road into town. We’ll get the benefit of more tourists now that they’ll have an easier way to get here. Despite being on Máa-zib land, the facility will have to pay some local taxes.”

“Mayor Marsha is probably doing the happy dance as we speak.”

Nevada laughed. “I’m sure she is.”

“So you’re going to go to work for them, aren’t you?”

“I’m going to apply. If you’re okay with that.”

Denise took her hand and squeezed. “I’ve only ever wanted you to be happy. You know that, right?”

“I do, Mom.”

“Then be happy. You’re right—Ethan isn’t growing the construction side of the business very much. If you were interested in taking it on, he would be happy to let you. It would be a chance to put your mark on things. But if that isn’t what you want to do, better to get out now. What was it you said? Test yourself.”

Nevada could always go back, Denise thought. Not that she would suggest that. Hinting at failure rarely helped anyone.

“I need to know what I can do,” her daughter told her.

“Then go find out.”

Nevada pulled her hand free, then leaned in and hugged her mother. “You’re the best.”

Denise hugged her back. She’d been blessed with wonderful children. “I know. You six were very lucky that I’m your mother.”

Her daughter laughed. “It’s your modesty we admire most.”

“As you should.”

“There you are!”

They both turned to see Dakota walking around the side of the house, Hannah in her arms.

“I’ve been wandering through the house. I saw your car, Nevada, and couldn’t figure out why neither of you were anywhere. I actually went to the thought of alien abductions. Then I realized you must be in back.”

Denise rose and crossed to her. “Nevada came to help me weed.” She turned her gaze to the baby. Hannah grinned broadly and waved her arms, wanting to get to her grandmother.

“Look at you,” she said, taking the baby and cuddling her. “All pretty and happy. How’s my girl?”

Her granddaughter snuggled close, obviously loving the attention.

Dakota had adopted the six-month-old girl in early June. While the adoption itself wouldn’t be final for a bit longer, the whole family had bonded with Hannah. She was affectionate, curious and growing like crazy.

Dakota plopped on the grass next to her sister. “This grandmother thing is pretty fabulous. I get free advice and a built-in babysitter.”

“It seems to work for Grandma, as well.”

“It does,” Denise said happily, then nuzzled Hannah’s neck. “Let’s go inside. It’s getting warm out here and I don’t want her getting too much sun.”

“Of course you don’t,” Nevada teased. “Meanwhile, we could fall over from heatstroke and that would be fine.”

“Probably not fine,” Denise told her. “I’d be worried. I’d probably turn the hose on you at the very least.”

They went into the kitchen. Nevada got out glasses and plates. Dakota collected the pitcher of iced tea, and cookies from the jar on the counter. In a matter of a minute or so, they were in their familiar places at the big kitchen table.

“How is it having Kent and Reese in the house?” Nevada asked before biting into a homemade chocolate chip cookie.

“Wonderful. This is too much house for me. I like having family around.”

Dakota looked at her. “You’re not thinking of selling, are you?”

“No. All of you live in town, except for Ford. We need the space for our celebrations.” With luck, her youngest son would also move back when he finally left the military.