Callie was good enough to show off. Callie was sweet enough to bring home with him. She doubted Stef had told anyone about the night they had shared. Callie might be a fake girlfriend, but Jen doubted it hurt worse than being the dirty little secret.

Stef was talking to his father, his arm firmly around Callie’s waist as she twisted her head around slightly. Her brown eyes were questioning as she looked back at Nate. The sheriff merely gave her a hearty thumbs-up, and she shrugged and turned back around to talk to Sebastian Talbot.

It was at that moment that Jen noticed big, gorgeous Zane walking down the tarmac, two Styrofoam mugs of coffee in his hands. Zane Hollister was roughly six and a half feet tall. His beautiful face bore some scars from his time as a DEA agent, but he was heavenly looking to Jen. She’d always wanted to paint him. It would be a challenge to get his spirit just right. He was an intoxicating mix of rough man and vulnerable boy. But now he looked like an angry bull.

He stopped in the middle of the tarmac, and his mouth dropped open.

Jen followed his line of sight back to where Stef was leaning over, placing a light kiss on Callie’s lips.

Nate sighed, satisfaction plain in his stance. “You see, I can be the good guy in this situation. I can say, sure, use my wife the way you have for years. Don’t worry about me. I don’t mind. I can say all of that, because I know that Zane will do the right thing.” Apparently, in Nate’s mind, the right thing was to toss down his coffees and run toward the man horning in on his wife. Stef turned around just in time to get tackled. Jen rushed toward the fight.

“Zane, you get off of him right now!” Callie shouted at her husband.

“You fucking overgrown ape, stop hitting me!” Stef tried to push Zane off.

“You get off my son, sir!” Sebastian’s back stiffened, and he looked at Callie. “Call the police, dear.”

“The sheriff is standing right over there laughing his ass off, Mr.

Talbot,” Jen said. She looked down at Stef, who was trying to give as good as he got. She had to give him that. For a rich boy, he knew how to fight dirty.

“Zane Hollister, stop beating up my best friend.” Callie’s booted foot stomped in the snow.

Zane got Stef in a choke hold. “Not on your life, babe. He kissed you. We took sacred vows to never allow another man to get close enough to kiss you. Right, Nate?”

Nate was all smiles now. “That’s right, buddy. You do what you have to do.”

“Asshole,” Stef managed to wheeze out. He pulled his elbow out and caught Zane squarely in the gut. “I won’t forget this when your next contract is up. Don’t think I won’t talk to the mayor about finding a new sheriff.”

“Good luck with that, Stef. No one wants the job except Nell.

She’s threatened to run against me. Other than that, you got nothing.” Callie pulled at her dark-haired husband. “Zane, you get off him right this instant. I’m invoking the note clause in our marriage contract.”

Zane popped up in an instant, his face a storm of pent-up rage.

“Fine. I’ll go bring the car around, but his ass is walking, and if you ever touch my wife with your lips again in a non-brotherly fashion, I’ll kick your ass even harder.”

Zane stomped away, leaving Callie shaking her head as she lent Stef a hand. Jen brushed the snow off his back.

“Note clause?”

Nate frowned. “Yeah, every time we do something she doesn’t like she points to the note we wrote when we left her. She saved it.

She framed it and put it on the wall by the door, and she’s threatened grave bodily harm if we take it down. She uses it like a sledgehammer filled with guilt.”

“I merely remind the boys of the poor choices they once made.” Callie turned to Stef. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” His gray eyes narrowed as he looked at Nate. “You planned that.”

“I have no control over Zane’s actions, man.” Nate turned and followed his partner.

“So, Callie isn’t your girlfriend anymore?” Sebastian was looking between them all as though desperately trying to figure out what was going on.

“I was never really his girlfriend, Sebastian,” Callie said, her voice a sad little sigh. “I’m sorry I misled you. Stef has always been more of a brother to me than anything else.”

“And now that…large, rather brutish fellow is your husband?”

“His name is Zane.” She sighed again, this one a dreamy sound.

“Stef introduced us. He introduced me to Nate, too. They are the best husbands a girl could have. Don’t let their rough exteriors fool you.

They’re sweeties. I should probably go and make sure they don’t leave Stef behind. It’s a long way to Bliss.” Sebastian’s eyes stared at a place right below Stef’s face. “So you hid this from me? Callie got married, and you never told me you broke up?”

“I was never with Callie,” Stef admitted. His whole body was shaking.

Jen got close, and he shoved his arms under hers, wrapping himself under the coat she was wearing and rubbing his body against hers. “Hey!”

“It’s my damn coat. You can share.” His beautiful face was stark, and his lips were turning just a little blue.

Damn him. She couldn’t resist that slightly quivering lip. She pushed her body against his, sharing her warmth. But she wasn’t just going to lie down and give it up for him. She’d done that. Jen wrapped her arms around Stef, but turned to Sebastian. “He’s been lying to you because he didn’t want you to find out the truth.” Stef’s father’s face fell, and a chalky whiteness took over his skin.

“Stefan, you have to know that you’re my son no matter what. I’ll still love you.”

“I never knew you loved me in the first place,” Stef managed to chatter.

A slight flush permeated Sebastian’s skin. “Of course I do. You’re my son. Just because you’re…well, nothing changes that.” There was a long pause. “Is it, well, is it one of those boys?” Stef shivered in her arms, and he planted his face in her shoulder.

“What is he talking about, and can you make him stop?” But Jen had an idea, and it made her giggle. “Which boys are you talking about, Mr. Talbot?”

He pulled his wool peacoat around his slender frame. “Those Harper boys he was always around. I suppose I always knew deep down. He talked about them all the time. I couldn’t get him away. I thought it was about Callie, but now I can see the truth. I just don’t see why he wouldn’t admit it. I’ve never been one to hold a person’s sexuality against them. Talbot Industries offers life partners insurance and benefits. Why would my own son lie? Unless…oh, no, it’s that Max fellow, isn’t it? Oh, my son, you can do better than him.” Stef’s head came up, and he stared down at Jen. His eyes closed briefly as though in terrible pain, and then those gorgeous gray orbs were piercing into her. “Does he think what I think he thinks?” A little bit of glee lit her heart. “I think he thinks you love Max.” Stef turned to his father, his face turning red despite the cold.

“Damn it, Dad! I am not Max’s gay lover. Max is married.” Sebastian sighed, his relief a palpable thing. “Okay. I can handle Rye. He’s a nice young lad.”

“I’m not with Rye, either! He’s married, too. I am not gay.” Jen tried to contain her giggle, but it was hard when his whole body was quivering, and he seemed to be trying to crawl into her. He looked like a little boy arguing with his dad. She’d never seen Stef look so open. “I can vouch for the ‘not gay’ part, Mr. Talbot. I know for a fact that Stef Talbot is one hundred percent capable of sleeping with a girl. He just needs to tie her up and spank her a little bit first.”


She shrugged. “Do you deny it?”

“TMI, Jennifer. TMI.” He frowned down at her before burying his face in her hair. His breath was warm against her ear. “You’re under my authority now, love. I have the papers to prove it. I’ve been indulgent to this point, but now you’re racking up the punishment time.”

Now she didn’t need the coat. Her whole body flushed with the memory of what it felt like to be punished by Master Stefan. Then he shivered again, and the moment was lost.

“Where the hell is Zane with the car?” Sebastian’s mouth was open as he watched his son. “Perhaps I should have come much sooner. We’re going to have to talk about this, Stefan. I didn’t raise you to spank people.” Stef groaned in her ear and burrowed further as though he could escape into her skin.

When Zane pulled the SUV around, Stef pushed her into the back, making sure she was in between him and his father. The two men stared at each other over her head the whole hundred miles from Alamosa to Bliss.

* * *

Two hours later, Stef was back in fighting form, and Jen sort of wished they could go back to that delicious moment when he needed her body heat and her support. The minute Zane turned into the Talbot estate’s drive, he’d sat up and held himself away from her. He’d gone from needy little boy to the distant Dom she’d tried so hard to get to know. He’d neatly and efficiently packed everyone into separate rooms as he and Nate filled Zane in on what was going on with her.

She figured she should have been in on that meeting, but apparently her voice wasn’t required. She heard them in the study talking to someone over the conference phone. It sounded like Finn Taylor explaining what legal maneuvers he was planning. Jen simply let Callie lead her to a big, brightly decorated room that contained all the stuff Stef had packed up from her apartment. There was a suitcase of her clothes and some of her sketchbooks.

“He was really upset when you left,” Callie said as she opened the drapes and let in some of the most beautiful light Jen had ever seen.