“I was in the forest,” he said, ‘when two men came up to me. They had masks on their faces. One of them came on either side of me and they got hold of my horse’s bridle. I wasn’`t frightened. I said: “Who are you? I’ll kill you if you touch me.” So I drew my sword . “

“Now, Dagobert,” said Frau Graben, ‘no stories please. We want to know what really happened. “

“It was a sort of sword.

“You know it was nothing of the sort. Now tell us what really happened.”

“They made me get off my horse and I lost my hat, and I said I must find my hat.

“Your father will’ want to know what really happened,” said Frau Graben, ‘so you’d better try to remember. And no stories about swords because you haven’t got one. “

Dagobert regarded us soberly.

“They led my horse away right into the forest where the trees were thick it was near the lake and I think they were going to kill me, honestly, Miss, honestly, Frau Graben. And I was frightened because I’d lost the hat and the magic wouldn’`t be there without it ..”

I said: “You were wearing Fritz’s hat?”

“Well, I thought he wouldn’`t mind just once and I said, ” I’ve lost Fritz’s hat. Miss bought it for him. I must find it because it’s not mine. I only borrowed it. ” And they said:

“You are Fritz and it’s your hat.” And I said “No, I’m Dagobert ..”

Then they whispered together and after a long while let me go. “

“My goodness,” said Frau Graben, ‘it must have been someone playing a sort of game. There are people who think that kind of thing funny. I’d flay them alive. Frightening the life out of people. “

“Oh, I wasn’`t frightened,” said Dagobert.

“I would have killed them both. I soon escaped. It was only because I lost my way in the mist that I was late.”

We let him go on boasting of what he would have done. I was silent, so was Frau Graben.

A sudden fear had taken possession of me.

When the children were in bed I went down to Frau Graben’s sitting-room.

She was sitting thoughtfully staring into the fire.

“Oh, Miss Trant,” she said, with that little smirk which always appeared when she used my name, “I was just thinking of coming up to you.”

“What do you make of it?” I asked.

“You never know with Dagobert. He might have decided not to come in, have forgotten the time and then try to make excuses about masked men.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.”

“You believe two masked men really took him away. For what purpose?”

“Because they thought he was Fritz.”

She stared at me in blank amazement.

“But why Fritz?”

“I don’t know. But he was wearing Fritz’s hat. Now Fritz has rarely been seen without that hat since I gave it to him. It’s possible that, seeing Dagobert riding in the forest wearing it, these men thought he was Fritz.”

That’s very likely true, but why should they want to take Fritz away?


“I don’t understand it. Frau Graben, will you come to my room. I want to show you something.”

When we were there I took the arrow out of a drawer and laid it on the bed.

“What’s this, dear?”

“It’s an arrow which was aimed at Fritz. The hat I bought for him stopped its penetrating his skin.”

“It’s one of the arrows they use for their practice.”

“Yes, and it was aimed at Fritz while they were doing their practice in the courtyard.”

“Who aimed it?”

“I don’t know. I wish I did.”

“They wouldn’`t do much harm, surely.”

“In certain circumstances they could.”

“You’re being a bit mysterious. Miss Trant.”

“Look closely at the tip. That’s the part that penetrated Fritz’s hat.

Do you notice the tip? “

She bent over it and when she raised her eyes to mine her expression had lost its habitual cosiness.

“Why,” she said, ‘it’s been dipped in something. “

“Do you know what?”

“I’ve an idea. I remember in the old days they used to hunt the wild boars and stags with arrows. They dipped the tips in some sort of solution.

“Poison,” I said.

She nodded.

“I’ve seen them. It leaves a stain like this.”

I felt rather uneasy.

“If someone deliberately aimed a poisoned arrow at Fritz; if two men tried to kidnap him, what does it mean?”

“You tell me. Miss Trant, for I can’t say.”

“I wish I knew.”

“Perhaps we’re mistaken about that stain. It could have been something else. The children do aim rather wildly now and then. Someone might have hit Fritz unintentionally.”

“And then tried to kidnap him?”

“But it was Dagobert.”

“Dagobert in mistake for Fritz.”

“Well, Miss, it does sound a bit like romancing to me.”

“I think these two things happening together make it too much of a coincidence.”

“What can we do about it?”

“We must watch over Fritz. We must make sure that any other attempt does not succeed. That. hat I bought for him has saved him twice. It’s been a warning to us or so it seems. And if we are wrong if the arrow was just a stray shot and the discoloration was not made by poison, if it was merely two bandits who decided to kidnap one of the Count’s sons and then thought better of it well then, no harm wil] be done.”

“I can see that you are really concerned, Miss Trant. You can rest assured that I will do everything I can to help you watch over Fritz.”

A letter came from Maximilian. He wanted to see me at the royal schloss and Frau Graben was to come with me. He thought it would be less conspicuous if we came together.

Frau Graben was beaming with satisfaction when she came to my room.

“A command from the Duke,” she chuckled.

“I thought that wouldn’`t be long in coming. We’ll leave in half an hour. Pastor Kratz will stay here with the children for the morning and Frieda’s a good girl. I’ve told her to keep her eyes on them. You can trust Frieda. It’s always a good thing to have wives and husbands working for the same household.

It makes a certain stability . or that’s my experience. “

She went on to tell me how Prinzstein the coachman had asked if there was a place for his wife Frieda and how she had decided that there was work enough to the fortress for her because Ella had developed an unexpected talent for the concocting of wine and cordials and she could make use of that.

I believed she was talking just to tease me. She knew how impatient I was to prepare for the journey.

We skirted the town and took the road up to the ducal schloss. I had never been so near it before, having seen it only from the windows of Klocksburg and from the town.

As we approached I was aware of its magnificence. It seemed to rise out of a wooded park and one wall seemed like a continuation of the mountainside. Above us loomed the great towers and turrets; impregnable in grey stone which had stood against time for hundreds of years. I looked up at the Katzenturm and imagined the boiling oil tumbling down on any invaders.

At the gates of the castle soldiers in their uniforms stood on duty.

They glared at us as our carriage approached and when Frau Graben called out “Hello, Sergeant!” I saw them visibly relax.

“We’re here on orders,” she cried with a chuckle, and we were allowed to pass through the gates and into a courtyard.

“My goodness,” chuckled Frau Graben, ‘this reminds me of old times.

You see that window? That’s where my nurseries were. “

I thought: There is a child up there now. His child! Perhaps he is watching us. He in his turn has become the heir to all this.

Frau Graben walked with the confidence of one who knows her way. More soldiers stood at attention at the great oak door. They looked at us intently. Frau Graben grinned at them and I saw the answering response. Her position at the schloss in the old days must have given her special privileges.

“We’ve had orders to come here,” she announced happily.

A soldier came forward. I remembered Sergeant Franck who had been present when I first saw the Processional Cross.

He bowed to us both.

“Will you come this way, ladies,” he asked.

Frau Graben nodded.

“And how are the children?” she asked.

“And the new baby?”

“Everything well.”

And Frau Franck? “

“Very well, thank you.”

“Was it a good confinement?”

“Fairly comfortable. It was because she was not so much afraid this time.”

Frau Graben nodded.

“This is the hunting room,” she said.

I realized that. There were implements on the wall-guns and spears and the heads of stuffed animals. The hunting room in the Randhausburg at Klocksburg was a replica of this one. We went through another room and another. The ceilings were lofty; each had the old Gothic panelling and circular windows some with window-seats looking over the town and beyond the valley to Klocksburg.

In the Rittersaal there was a huge pillar round which had been painted a tree so lifelike that it looked like a real one. I noticed that lettering in red and green had been added.

Seeing me look at it, Frau Graben explained.

“It’s the family tree.

The male line is in scarlet, the female in green. “

Had I not been so eager to see Maximilian I should have enjoyed examining that tree. I told myself that in the near future I should have an opportunity of doing so, and that my name would be added to it.

We mounted a staircase and facing us was a door on which was painted the royal arms and the flag of the country.