Jules spun her, then brought her back against his chest. Suddenly Mark felt tired and old. He set the beer on an empty tray and moved toward the door. It was ironic as hell that the one person on the planet who filled him up, reminded him that he was empty.
* * *
Chelsea glanced over Jules’s shoulder as the band sang a decent version of “Harder to Breathe.” She felt the weight of his hand on her waist and the warmth of his palm against hers. She liked Jules. He was a good-looking guy with an impressive body, but it was another good-looking guy with an impressive body she looked for in the dark ballroom. A few moments ago, she’d spotted Mark at the bar. He wasn’t there now.
“John Kowalsky was inducted into the Hall of Fame a few years back,” Jules told her. “He was one of those guys, like Bressler and Savage, who dominated with size but whose slap shot was clocked at over a hundred miles an hour.”
“Where’s he?”
“I just told you. We’re you listening?”
No. “Sorry. The music’s loud.”
“He’s the big guy dancing with the tall brunette to your left. This room is filled with hockey legends.”
Jules sounded really excited, like he was about ready to bust an important vessel. Like he just might start spouting statistics. “So, are you ever going to ask my sister out on a real date?” she asked before he made her endure that particular snorefest.
Jules paused in mid-step. “We argue too much.”
“That’s because you guys are sexually frustrated.” Chelsea stopped and looked up into his green eyes. “You’re like cats yowling and scratching at each other. For God’s sake, go find my sister and just do it already.” Jules opene ~d his mouth to say something and closed it. The music stopped, and Chelsea moved to one of the round tables and grabbed her purse. She headed out into the foyer and glanced around for the restroom sign. She spotted Mark standing in a group of men and several women a few feet away. His head was bent to one side while he listened intently to Faith Duffy. He’d brushed back one side of his charcoal suit jacket and shoved a hand into the front pocket of his wool pants. As if sensing her presence across the foyer, he lifted his gaze and looked at Chelsea over the woman’s shoulder. His brown eyes stared into hers, then lowered to her mouth. He smiled and said something to the owner of the team, but his gaze slid down Chelsea’s throat to her chest. A hot shiver ran down her spine, and her footsteps slowed. She forced herself to keep walking. One foot in front of the other, moving farther and farther away. Down the long foyer until she was inside the cool bathroom stall. Of all the available men on the planet, why did she have to feel something for the one man off limits to her?
She used the bathroom, then set her purse on the counter next to the sink while she washed her hands. Of all the men on the planet, why did her body have to respond to him? She didn’t fool herself that what she felt was love. She didn’t love him any more than he loved her. What they had between them was nothing more than lust. The intense kind that burned hot and furious but ultimately burned out quickly.
She dried her hands and opened her purse. A tube of pink lipstick lay in the silky bottom and she bushed it across her mouth. She didn’t need that kind of complication in her life. She knew what she wanted. She had a plan, and he was the one person who could ruin it all. Best to take a page from his book and avoid him. Which of course wasn’t going to be possible. Especially when he stood in the hall across from the bathroom, leaning his back against the fire escape door. The door to the bathroom swung shut behind her, and his intense gaze reached across the distance and pinned her feet to the floor.
“Are you looking for the men’s restroom?”
He shook his head. “I’m looking for you.”
“Oh. Do you need something?”
His gaze lowered to her throat. “Yeh.”
A tight little ball of nerves tickled her stomach, and she forced herself to walk toward him. “What?”
He blinked and looked back up into her face. Instead of answering, he asked, “Are you having a good time dancing with the guys?”
“They’re nice.” She’d have a better time with him. “I saw you talking to Ty Savage. Did you mean what you said about being grateful to him?”
“Maybe. He’s not too bad a guy.” One corner of his mouth lifted. “For an asshole.”
Her nervous laugh came out sounding a little breathy. “Did you see the ring he gave Faith Duffy?”
“Hard to miss that ring. It’s like he thought that if he bought it big enough, she’d have to say yes.”
“It’d be hard to say no to a ring like that.”
“A big ring doesn’t mean you’ll stay married.” He leaned his head back against the door and gazed at her from benƒat eath lowered lids. “Believe me. I know.”
He looked tired, his face a little drawn “Should I call the car service to come and pick you up?”
“It’s not a problem.”
“Stop. I’m not helpless.”
“I know.” She opened her purse and pulled out her cell. “But if—”
“I drove.”
She looked up at him. “What?”
He raised one shoulder. “I drove.”
“Your car?”
“What else?”
She dropped the phone back into her bag. “If you couldn’t get a service to pick you up, you should have called me.”
“Chelsea… ” He scrubbed his face with his hands. “I’ve been driving for a month now.”
“But… ” She’d taken him to a doctor’s appointment the afternoon before. “But I drove you yesterday.”
“I know.” He dropped his arms to his sides.
“I don’t understand.” Either she was crazy or he was. She chose to believe the latter. “You hate my driving.”
“True, but I love the way your skirts slide up your thighs when you drive.” He reached for her hand and pulled her close. “What are you wearing under your dress?”
Maybe it was her, because she answered, “Nothing,” and she knew better. Knew exactly that it would make his gaze all hot and intense as he stared down at her.
It did too. “Don’t fuck with me.”
“I’m not. I put on a thong but I could see the strap on my hip. So I had to take it off and go commando.”
With his free hand, he opened the door behind him and pulled her into the stairwell.
“Do you really think that you can tell me something like that, and I’ll let you go off with Sam?” He backed her against the door and put his hands on both sides of her head. “That’s not going to happen.”
Her hands grasped his lapels and she looked up into his face. “I wasn’t going to go anywhere with Sam or anyone.”
“That’s right.” He lowered one hand and slid the strap of her dress down her arm. “You’re coming with me.”
Her palms slipped beneath his jacket and slid up his chest. “To do what?”
“Have sex. All night.”
She liked to have sex all night. “You know that’s a really bad idea. I work for you.”
He shook his head and ran his hand up her arm to the side of her face. “No, you don’t. I don’t pay you.”
“I get paid to work for you.”
“And it’s Saturday. You’re not at work.”
In her lust-filled head, that was good enough logic for her, and she rose onto the balls of her feet and kissed the side of his neck. “So, technically I’m not getting paid to do this.”
A deep groan vibrated his throat as he slid a hand to the small of her back and lower to palm her behind. She sucked his warm, salty skin into her mouth and pulled the knot from his tie until the ends hung down both sides of his chest. “Or this.” Her fingers worked the buttons at his neck until the top three lay open and exposed the hollow of his throat. “I want you, Mark Bressler.” She ran her tongue up his neck. “I want to kiss you all over.”
His fingers tangled in her hair, and he brought his mouth down onto hers. “Not until I kiss you first,” he said through a hot breath. He kissed her hard and spread hot, aching passion across her flesh. It tightened her breasts and warmed her thighs. Instantly, the kiss turned into a ferocious feeding frenzy of need and greed and dominance. His hands were everywhere at once, pushing at the top of her dress until her breasts spilled out and her nipples grazed the front of his shirt. She felt every fibrous thread against the sensitive tips. One arm wrapped around her back, holding her up as she pressed into him. Into his hard chest and harder penis. She ground against him, feeling the length of his erection from her pelvis to her belly.
Mark shoved his warm hand beneath her dress and cupped her between her thighs. Heat spread to the core of her body, and her knees buckled. His arm tightened around her to keep her from falling. “You’re wet.”
“You’re hard.”
He rested his forehead against hers. “Let’s do something about it.”
He shook his head and took his hand from between her legs. “Meet me out front in five minutes.”
She licked the corners of her mouth. “Where are we going?” Not that it mattered. She’d follow him anywhere he chose to take her.
“Home. My house.”
She lowered her arms and shoved her skirt down her thighs. She supposed that made better sense than sex in a stairwell. “I came with my sister.”
“You’re leaving with me.”
She bit her lip as she pulled her dress up over her breasts. “How do I look?”
One corner of his mouth lifted. “Turned on. Like you were about to get laid.”
She smoothed her hair. “Better?”
“No.” He tugged at the top of her dress, then put his hands on her breasts and adjusted her cleavage. He leaned back and looked at her. “You can’t go out there like that.”
She looked down at her nipples making two very obvious points in the front of her dress. She placed her palms over each and pressed inward.
Mark tugƒ="1ged the tie from around his neck and shoved it into his jacket pocket. “That’s not going to help.” He took off the jacket and hung it across her shoulders. “Five minutes.” He grabbed the lapels and pulled them over her chest. “If you’re not out front in five minutes, I’ll come back to get you.”
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