She took him, enjoying the power to make him groan, loving the sharp ache between her legs.

How long had it been since she’d felt this excitement?

And whose fault is that?

No one’s but her own.

Pushing those thoughts out of her head, she concentrated instead on the feel of him in her mouth, losing herself in the motion, in his scent. In the deep sounds of pleasure he continued to make.

She wasn’t prepared to relinquish her hold on him when he finally eased her away.

“Kate. Stop. I don’t want to come in your mouth.”

The blunt words in that husky tone caused her to suck in a deep breath as she pulled away and looked up into his eyes.

But she didn’t have much of a chance for more than a glimpse because he moved. Suddenly she found herself flat on her back on the chaise, blinking up at the ceiling.

The intricate molding and detail caught her eye but the second his lips fastened on to her nipple, her eyes closed, blocking out everything but him.

He curved one arm around her waist, arching her back, forcing her breasts higher. With his free hand, he cupped one breast while his lips stayed on the other.

Sucking her in, his teeth grazed the tip, sending sparks of heat to her pussy. With her eyes closed, she swore she could see those sparks as bright pinpoints of lights.

She let herself sink into the sensual vortex Tyler created with his hands and mouth. Her fingers dug into his hair, the feeling decadent. So different—

Cutting off that thought, she clutched him closer. He responded by sucking harder, then leaving a trail of stinging kisses from one breast to the other. His teeth sank into the side of her breast for a brief moment before he licked that nipple into his mouth and started the wonderful torture all over again.

She existed in a state of heightened awareness, feeling Tyler all around her. His hands on her breast and hip, his mouth teasing her nipple, his body blanketing hers in heat.

When he released her breasts and began to kiss his way down her body, she sucked in a deep breath, unaware until then that she’d been holding it. She had the vague notion that she didn’t want him to move but he slipped free and continued on.

He stopped at her navel to flick his tongue in the tiny indentation, making her shiver. As he moved lower, her hands fell to his broad shoulders, brushing against the muscles there. Such strength beneath the surface. So much leashed power.

His mouth brushed against the soft, short hair on her mound. She had baby-fine hair there to begin with, so she kept it trimmed to a bare minimum and waxed between her legs. She did it for herself. Arnie had never seemed to care one way or another. At least, he’d never indicated and he’d never gone down on her like Tyler was about to.

Anticipation made her muscles tighten as Tyler pressed his lips to the soft flesh just above her clit. His breath tickled the hair there just before she felt the brush of his tongue. Just a flick against the tiny bundle of nerves and she moaned as electricity flashed through her lower body.

Her legs fell open even wider as he pushed his hands under her butt and tilted her up. So he could get a better angle

The perfect angle.

His mouth closed over her sex in an intimate kiss, sucking at her labia. The sensitive skin tingled, and an orgasm began to gather low in her body.

She’d never come from oral stimulation alone. Usually it took both penetration and clitoral stimulation to get her to the point that she shattered. Otherwise, it was a weak shimmer rather than flood. Now, she could already feel the dam begin to crack under the strain.

Her breathing rasped out in harsh gasps as he worked his tongue inside her, fucking her with it then sucking her clit and nibbling on that with his teeth.

Every move he made seemed calculated to drive her wild while he maintained total control. Forcing her eyes open, she looked down.

Naked, legs spread and a man between them.

She should have been shocked at how wanton she looked.

Instead, she felt . . . free.

A sharp spasm of pleasure caught her unawares and she moaned, trying to curl in on herself to hold the pleasure closer.

One of Tyler’s hands shot to her shoulders to press her back into the chaise while the other tightened on her ass.

Her eyes opened again—she didn’t remember closing them—and found Tyler staring up at her. She could barely breathe as he held her gaze while his lips sucked on her clit.

She came, a longer, sharper sensation than the one only seconds before.

Unable to keep her eyes open, she melted into the cushions and concentrated instead on the stunning feelings bouncing around her body.

Electric and all-consuming, they were almost too much to handle.

So she didn’t try. She let herself ride along on the wave, which Tyler didn’t seem to be close to letting fade.

She didn’t know how long he played with her, licking and sucking. She only knew that when he drew back and flipped her onto her stomach, she barely protested.

She thought about turning back and reaching for him but then he put both hands on her shoulders and ran them in a rough caress down her back then up again.

Moaning at the sheer pleasure, she went boneless, only to suck in a sharp gasp when he gathered her hair in his hand and wrapped it around his fist.

He didn’t tug or pull, just held the mass with a firm hand. Behind her, she felt him moving, heard a drawer open then close. He knelt between her spread legs, his knees brushing the inside of her thighs.

Yes. Hurry.

She didn’t say the words aloud but he had to be able to read her body language. Her hips shifted restlessly, the ache between her legs growing sharper with every second. She reached behind her with the intention of grabbing his leg or any other part of him and urging him on.

He caught her hand and leaned over, putting his mouth right at her ear. “I want you to grab the top of the chaise and I want you to hold on tight. Don’t let go. Okay?”

Swallowing hard, she nodded. Or tried to, at least.

“Kate?” His voice rubbed against her skin, raising the hair all over her body with the rich timbre. “You need to answer so I can hear you.”

“Yes,” she said, though the word came out as little more than a whisper. So she tried again and this time, she made sure he heard. “Yes.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’m going to make you come so damn many times.”

His voice sounded strained but his words held a conviction that made her quiver.

Oh, she was so far out of her league here, but she didn’t care. Only cared that he continued to stroke her.

She held her breath until he began again. This time, his hands fell first on her thighs, kneading the lax muscles there before palming her ass. He molded her nonexistent curves as if she were the most voluptuous woman.

“Absolutely fucking beautiful.”

Almost unbelievably, another orgasm began to build just from the sound of his voice. Her hands curled around the edge of the chaise and she pressed her face against the crushed velvet as his hands continued up her back to her shoulders. She felt him moving again, repositioning. His weight shifted off the cushion and he drew her legs together. She didn’t have time to wonder what he was doing when he put a hand on her hips and said, “Lift up, Kate.”

Obeying without thought, she lifted her hips off the chaise and felt smooth, cool fabric being shoved underneath. A pillow.

Her ass now higher than her head, she sucked in a deep breath and anticipated . . . what?

She had no idea. She only knew she wanted whatever it was.

When Tyler positioned himself behind her, she waited with baited breath for him to spread her legs, settle his knees between hers and finally, finally fill her with that gorgeous cock she’d recently had in her mouth.

She wanted him to just take her already, to give her the friction she needed so badly.

Instead, he put his knees on the outside of hers, bracketing her legs. Then he pushed his hips forward and rubbed his cock in the crease of her ass.

Hot, hard, and thick. If she hadn’t already been flat on her face, she would’ve been then.

“Oh God. Tyler . . .”

One of his hands spread across the small of her back while the other gripped her hip and kept her steady as he rubbed his shaft between her cheeks.

“Your skin is so goddamn soft.” Tyler’s voice held a more pronounced rasp now and it stoked her desire even higher. “No, don’t move or this will be over way too soon.”

She realized she’d been grinding back against him, trying to relieve some of the ache in her pussy.

“Then maybe you should start already.”

Bending closer until she felt the fine hair on his chest brush against her back, he spoke close enough to her ear that she felt his breath brush against it. “When I’m ready, sweetheart. When I’m ready.”

“Then be ready now, because I sure as hell am.”

She swore she heard him laugh, an almost silent exhalation of amusement, before he ran the hand at her back along the curve of her ass.

“Maybe I don’t think you’re ready yet.”

“Then why don’t you check?”

She couldn’t quite believe the words coming out of her mouth but she wasn’t about to swallow them because Tyler didn’t seem at all put off by it. He seemed to get more turned on when she talked.

He petted the back of her thigh before wedging his hand between her legs. There wasn’t much room to maneuver and he didn’t move his legs to accommodate his fingers. He seemed to enjoy the tight fit.