They really didn’t know one another well enough for him to start down that road. At least not yet. But later . . . All bets would be off.

And there would be a later. He already knew one night wasn’t going to be enough to sate this lust.

Her small hands petted along his shoulders, teasing, tantalizing. Making him want more. Harder.

He realized he’d tightened his grip on her and forced himself to relax.

They had all night.

Suddenly, she straightened, pulling back to look at him.

“You do know I won’t break, don’t you? I can tell you’re trying to hold back, and that’s not what I want, Tyler. You don’t frighten me.”

His mouth twisted in a hard grin. “Glad to hear it. Then stand up and strip.”

Her eyebrows lifted in perfect arches and her lips parted on a silent little gasp. But after a deep, unsteady breath, she twisted on his lap until her ass pressed against his cock. Then she made sure she wiggled just a little, making him nearly swallow his tongue before she rose to her feet and turned to face him.

The dress was already on its way to the floor as she turned and, when she finally faced him fully, it lay in a pale cloud at her feet.

And was instantly forgotten when he let his gaze travel upward.

Slim legs, slim hips. Her mound covered by a tiny triangle of nude silk. Did she wax? His mouth practically watered to think about sliding his tongue between smooth, plump lips.

He gripped the edge of the chaise and held on as his gaze worked its way back to her breasts. They quivered with each breath, the tips tight, flushed a beautiful pink.

As he finally caught her gaze again, he saw no apprehension or hesitation. Just plain and simple desire.

Then her lips curved. “Lie down,” she said.

His heart practically thumped out of his chest.

* * *

Kate watched Tyler’s expression carefully, wondering if she’d pushed the man with admitted dominance issues too far.

She wanted him so badly her sex ached, muscles in her stomach tightening almost painfully as her thighs clenched, trying to ease some of that distress.

For several seconds, he simply stared at her, the heat of his gaze an almost physical caress against her body.

She wanted to hold that gaze but the sheer beauty of his naked chest was like a siren’s call. She had to look.

The sudden urge to burn all of his clothing so he would have to walk around naked made her smile.

Tyler had the body of a swimmer. Broad shoulders. Wide, muscled chest. Six-pack abs and corded arms. She swore just the sight of all that leashed strength was making her dizzy.

Or it could be all the blood rushing to other parts of her body. Her breasts felt full and tingly and her sex lips puffy. And so slick. She could smell her arousal and he had to be able to, as well.

Embarrassment at her overt reaction should’ve caused her to shy away. Or, at the very least, not stare at him so openly.

But she’d be damned if she’d come this far only to chicken out now. Her hands practically shook with the need to touch him.

She didn’t know how long it took him to comply with her demand. She only knew that when he lowered himself back onto the chaise, settling one arm behind his head and laying the other on all that lovely muscle on his abdomen, she nearly swallowed her tongue.

“Well? Are you going to stare all night?”

His voice had dropped a full octave, she swore. And it acted like gasoline on fire.

She took a step closer, bringing her within touching distance.

Holding out her hand, she didn’t know what to touch first.

That chest. Those abs.

Or maybe . . .

His belt. She reached for it, managing to get the strap through the first obstacle of the buckle but needing both hands to finish the job.

Her knuckles brushed against his erection and his stomach muscles tightened as he sucked in a sharp breath.

She did it again, deliberately this time, as she released the belt then went to work on the button. That required a little more concentration, getting the small button through the hole without pinching anything . . . vital.

When she finally had it undone, his zipper began to part on its own accord.


His husky tone held a thinly veiled demand. And a plea.

Reaching for the zipper, she gripped the tab before glancing up at him.


She asked the question but didn’t really expect him to say no. She stood almost completely naked beside him, so aroused she could barely speak. His erection nearly split his pants, the outline so thick she could barely restrain herself from ripping them away to get a good look.

The hand on his stomach reached for the one hovering over him. With a gentle but firm grip, he helped her release the zipper the rest of the way.

His erection pressed through the opening, straining beneath the plain gray cotton briefs.

She loved men in briefs, either boxers or classic. Arnie had always worn cotton boxers that bagged in the ass. So not sexy. She had a feeling anything Tyler wore would be sexy. Tyler in nothing was going to be sexy as all hell.

She wanted to reach for his pants to pull them down but he still had hold of her hand. She tugged, but he held on.

His thumb rubbed over her knuckles then pressed against them as he drew her hand down until her palm settled on his erect shaft. The heat of him branded her through the thin cotton and she reflexively closed her fingers around him.

Tyler sucked in a breath between clenched teeth and his hand tightened around hers for a second before he released her.

And again, she had the feeling he was holding back in some way.

So instead of doing what he obviously wanted, she set out to tease him into releasing those chains.

She’d had her nails manicured earlier today, a sleek deep purple. Putting them to good use, she traced them over his abs and back to his peaked nipples. Flicking at them, she felt the tight, little nubs rise and fall with his rapid breathing.

With her thighs spread on either side of his, her pussy felt painfully exposed, even though she still wore her thong, the tiny string between her ass cheeks an arousing annoyance. Her juices drenched the miniscule patch of satin at the front and it took everything she had not to lower herself so she could rub against his cock.

Not yet. She wanted to play some more.

Without warning, she drew her nails down his stomach, letting them dig just the tiniest bit deeper than they had on the way up, leaving faint red lines on his dark gold skin.


His voice held a command this time, one she had every intention of obeying. On her own timetable.

When she reached the waistband of his pants, she slid her fingers beneath then started to tug.

He helped by lifting his hips, his abs flexing in fascinating motions. But even they couldn’t hold her attention as she dragged his pants and underwear down, revealing the thick column of his cock.

Ruddy and smooth, the warm flesh rose toward her as she released it from the confines of his clothing.

When his pants hit his thighs, she abandoned them there, putting one hand flat on his chest so he wouldn’t move and wrapping the other around that enticing shaft.

“Fuck, Kate. That feels amazing.”

The obscenity, spoken in that rough tone of voice, sent shivers through her body. Her hand tightened around his cock before she could temper her response and she realized her fingers didn’t meet around the circumference.

Oh. My.

Scooting farther down the chaise, she kept her grip on him as she bent to taste him.

Just a lick at first. One swipe of her tongue up the exposed side of his cock. She swore she heard him groan. Wanted to hear it again.

This time, she concentrated on swirling her tongue around the head. Keeping her hand at the base, she played with him, flicking at the slit then sliding her lips around the head. Just the head.

He groaned again and, in her peripheral vision, she saw his neck arch, his head digging into the cushion.

Though she noticed he didn’t thrust into her mouth.

So much control. She wanted to break it.

She worked her way down the shaft in tiny increments, using her tongue to torment every centimeter she covered. At first, she only sank halfway before lifting back up to the head. Minutes passed as she concentrated only on those few inches and deliberately avoided taking him in totally.

And still he didn’t ask her for more, didn’t beg her to take it all.

A challenge. She’d been so careful to avoid them for so long.

Now she started to take more.

In. Out. Wetting him with her tongue. Letting her teeth scrape gently against the shaft.

He made a deep, guttural sound and his hand tightened in her hair. Not so calm anymore.

She drew back until the head popped out of her mouth then looked up at him, found him staring down at her. Deliberately, she smiled, just a slight curve of her lips that made his gaze narrow.

Then she opened her mouth and slid down his shaft until she had his entire length engulfed.

And then she got serious.

She sucked on him like he was her favorite lollipop, making her cheeks hollow, his taste an aphrodisiac.

And finally, he lost his grip on all that control.

Both hands rose to cup her head, urging her without words to take him as deep as she could. He didn’t hold her down or force her in the direction he wanted. Instead, he stroked his fingers along her scalp, sending sensation pulsing through her body.