Just as she felt Greg’s hand slide down her back.

She moaned, her body thrown into shock. Tyler’s hands went to her shoulders to hold her steady as she shook, her mouth still wrapped around his cock.

While Greg’s hands began a slow, steady exploration of her body.

As she adjusted to the fact that two men had their hands on her, Tyler took over their rhythm.

So many competing sensations bombarded her, her brain short-circuited trying to keep track of what each man was doing to her.

Tyler’s hands gripped her shoulder and cupped a breast, while Greg’s hands smoothed down her back to her ass.

His hands were bigger than Tyler’s, and rougher. He didn’t treat her roughly but he had a distinctly different way of caressing her.

Tyler touched her as if he wanted to memorize every inch of her. Greg . . . Greg touched her as if he wanted to fuck her.

God, could she actually pass out from the lust beating through her veins?

“Breathe, Kate. Through your nose. Your mouth is fucking heaven. I’m not ready to give it up yet.”

Tyler’s voice calmed her even as Greg’s confident hands continued to discover her body.

Her attention splintered. Tyler continued with slow, steady strokes in her mouth, rubbing over her tongue and lips. Greg stroked her back, as if to gentle her. Getting her used to his touch.

She didn’t think that’d be possible. The reality of what they were engaged in was so much more intense than she’d ever thought possible. She wanted to drown in it. Wallow in it.

Let it take her out of her head.

Because she heard the murmurs, the doubts. She’d had no trouble keeping them at bay until Greg had touched her.

And even though she loved what they were doing to her, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she shouldn’t be allowing this.


Tyler’s voice made her pull back, his cock sliding from her mouth so she could look up at him. Behind her, Greg stilled, though he didn’t release her, his hands holding steady on her hips.

“Kate. Do you want to stop?”

How had he read her mind so easily? How had she betrayed her thoughts?

“I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do,” he continued when she stayed silent. “You want to stop, all you have to do is say the word and that’s it.”

Except she didn’t want to stop. She wanted this. So why was she faltering?

Her attack of nerves seemed pretty damn ridiculous when she was mostly naked and staring directly at Tyler’s straining erection only inches from her mouth.

She knew it was Greg’s presence, knew her upbringing hadn’t prepared her for anything like the situation she found herself in now.

But she didn’t want him to leave. She wanted this. Wanted Tyler. Wanted Greg to be here with them.

Damn it, she wasn’t going to let her insecurities get in the way of what she wanted. Not now.

“I want this.”

The corners of his mouth lifted and he stroked his fingers along her chin. “So do I. But we don’t want you to regret this. Not any of it.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Greg’s voice made her start. “I’m not going to lie and tell you I don’t want to stay. I do.” He stroked one hand up her back, making her shiver in response. “You’re beautiful and sexy as hell, and we will make this night amazing for you. But if you’re in the least uncomfortable, I’ll go. No hard feelings.”

Over her shoulder, she saw Greg watching her, no hint of recrimination on his face. If she said no, he’d walk out.


Greg smiled, lazy and satisfied. Like a predator who’d just spotted easy prey. “You won’t regret this.”

His hands began to move again, one up her torso, the other down the back of her thigh, returning her to the most amazing sensual experience.

Her eyes wanted to shut but Tyler gripped her chin. “Turn around.”

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak, then took a deep breath as she maneuvered until she was facing the opposite direction. Staring at Greg.

He caught her gaze but stayed silent as she knelt there, so turned on she couldn’t think, much less breathe.

Behind her, Tyler leaned into her, his chest to her back, his cock nestled into the crease of her ass. She blinked, feeling a moan begin to build in her chest. When his teeth nipped at her earlobe, she shook.

“I’m going to take you just like this,” he said. “And Greg is going to suck on your nipples and play with your clit until you come so hard, you won’t know where you are.”

Her moan escaped, a deep, guttural sound that made Greg smile as he reached out to pluck at a nipple. “I think she likes when you talk dirty. Don’t you, Kate?”

She wanted to answer but couldn’t find the words because Tyler had shifted, one hand positioning his cock between her legs.

He didn’t enter her yet, just rubbed his shaft between her legs, against her labia. Already overstimulated, her sex clenched and unclenched around nothing. She wriggled, trying to get him to pierce her and fill that aching void.

Tyler grabbed her hips to hold her steady as he increased his pace.

“So wet. Think how good it will feel when I get inside. Not yet, though. The anticipation is half the fun, isn’t it?”

Greg chose that moment to use both hands to pinch at her nipples as he molded his palms to her breasts.

Her mouth parted but no sound emerged. She was too caught up in the sensations rioting through her.

“Take Greg’s clothes off now, Kate.” Tyler’s voice held an edge that hadn’t been there before. “When you’re done, then I’ll fuck you.”

Without thought, she reached for the hem of Greg’s long-sleeved T-shirt, pushing her hands beneath to touch his skin.

Her fingers played over his abdomen, ridged with muscle. She hadn’t expected him to be so cut. It made her want to see more.

Greg released her breasts so she could shove his shirt up, pausing for a moment to catch her breath when the head of Tyler’s cock hit her clit. But he stopped moving when she froze.

So she continued to pull Greg’s shirt over his head, and Tyler began to stroke her again.

She was starting to learn the rules and found she really liked this game.

When she had the T-shirt high on his chest, Greg reached behind him and yanked it over his head.

She hadn’t expected the tattoos. An intricate design covered the right half of his torso, so colorful she couldn’t quite make out the design.

Behind her, Tyler stilled his thrusts, his cock poised at the entrance to her body as his hand slid around to her front to lie over her mound.

“What is it?” she asked.

Greg reached for her, weaving his fingers into her hair and pushing it over her shoulder. “It’s a dragon. My first directing job was a fantasy. A dragon, a virgin, and a hero. But it turned out the dragon was the good guy and the hero was the villain, and the virgin saved the dragon in the end.”

She smiled at the wry tone of his voice and pleased smile that seemed to contradict it. “The Virgin and the Terror.”

His expression was equal parts shock and almost childlike glee. “You’ve seen it?”

“I have a thing for cult movies. I always wanted the dragon to shape-shift into a gorgeous guy so they could have mind-blowing sex. Turn around.”

As Greg moved to show her his back, Tyler bent closer, brushing aside her hair so he could put his mouth on the sensitive skin of her nape.

She shivered, her fingers clutching at Greg’s waist as her vision dimmed. But she forced her eyes open. She needed to show she wasn’t the timid, quivering idiot she’d been only seconds ago.

“This is stunning.”

The tattoo had been done by a master and covered his entire back along with his right side.

“Thanks. Took fucking forever to finish, but I was still young enough to think lying on a tattoo table for hours on end while getting shit-faced was fun.”

“Now he’s old enough to know that this is a hell of a lot more fun,” Tyler’s voice whispered against her skin, and the lust roared back with a vengeance.

Her eyes closed, shutting out the brilliant colors as Tyler began to move again. Slow enough to be considered torture.

When Greg’s lips covered hers, she was ready for him. Ready for the shock of the different. The forbidden.

Ready for it to burn her to the core.


Tyler knew surrender when he saw it.

It was in the fall of Kate’s hair down her back as she lifted her face to Greg’s. In the arm she curved around her back to reach for him.

When she flattened her hand on his ass and pulled him tighter against her, he knew he didn’t have to wait any longer.

The tight fit of her thighs around his cock felt great, but he’d feel even better when he pushed inside her. She was so wet, so hot.


He retreated one more time, her thighs clenching around him as if to hold him there, squeezing the tip of his cock.

When he pulled free with a groan, he took a moment to watch her kiss Greg.

She was lost in the sensuality of the moment and he knew exactly how that felt. Like he was coming apart from the inside out. Like the heat roaring through his blood would make him explode.

When he did, he wanted to be buried inside her.

Moving his hands to her thighs, he gripped the sleek muscles just below her ass and spread her legs to make a place for himself between them. She gripped him tighter, her nails digging into the skin. The slight burn made him grin and bend forward to press his lips to her shoulder.