Not the way Tyler’s breathing increased as they kissed, the need for air becoming more critical as he refused to give up her mouth.

Or the way her hands slid up and down his arms. Soft at first, as if he were fragile, then with more pressure until she couldn’t seem to get enough of touching him.

The contact revved his heartbeat until he thought it would pound out of his chest.

He couldn’t have cared less.

Her lips moved under his with a sinuous grace, drawing him deeper into the world they were creating between them.

That world shrank to encompass only the three of them, with Kate as the bright star in the center.

He soaked in her heat, one hand wrapped around her hair, the other wrapped around her throat. Her pulse beat strong beneath his thumb, and he stroked her fine skin until he felt goose bumps rise.

Shifting beneath him, she sighed into his mouth, encouraging him to take more.

His tongue sank deeper, became more forceful. And instead of letting him set the pace, she answered it. Her tongue stroked along his, refused to let him dominate her.

For now, he let her, knowing soon enough he’d be totally in charge. And that she would love it.

He stroked up her arm again, letting his knuckles brush against the curve of her breast. She breathed a moan into his mouth and shifted until her breast pressed more fully against the back of his hand.

Pulling back, he gazed down, seeing her taut nipple poking into the black satin.

“You have beautiful breasts.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her roll her eyes. “They’re small.”

“They’re fucking perfect. I want to rub my cock against them.”

She swallowed hard and took in a shuddering breath. “You have a dirty mouth. I never thought I’d like that about a man. I guess it just depends on the man.”

That’s right. He was her man.

To prove it to her, he cupped one breast, molding it with his palm. She arched her back, pressing more of herself against him.

“What do you want, Kate?”

“I want your mouth on my breast.”

“Isn’t my hand enough?”

“No. I need more. Give me more.”

He grinned as she clutched at his shoulders, demand in her voice. “I’ll give you what you want, Kate. I’ll give you everything and more. Trust me.”

Again, that eye roll. “I trust you more than I’ve trusted any other man I’ve let in my bed.”

He wanted to pump his fist in the air, barely restrained himself from leaning down and biting her neck, marking her so everyone knew she was taken.

His emotions for her ranged from primal to absolute Neanderthal and he wasn’t sure if he liked it. He only knew he wanted her to be screaming his name very soon.

Leaning close, he whispered in her ear, pitching his voice low enough that Greg couldn’t hear. What he had to say was for her ears only. “And I never thought I’d fall this hard for another woman in my life.”

When he drew away, the look in her eyes had softened to something very close to sweet.

And while he appreciated it, right now he wanted her to burn.

There’d be more than enough time later to tell her he loved her. When they were alone.

Tightening his hand on her breast for a few seconds, he pulled down the bodice until he could see her nipples peeking out.

He bent to put his lips around one hard tip, pulled hard on her pebbled flesh. Sucking her into his mouth and drawing on her until he swore he couldn’t get any more in his mouth. Then he drew back until he could lap at her with his tongue. Her skin tasted of heat and salt and smelled like vanilla. Sweet.

He wanted to bite so he gave into the desire, his teeth sinking into her flesh. Her gasp didn’t hold any pain and her fingers clenched in his hair as if afraid he might try to leave.

No way was he leaving. Not when this was exactly where he wanted to be.

Without moving his mouth, his tongue distracting them both in wicked ways, he repositioned himself on the chaise. Now he kneeled between her thighs, her legs spread on either side of his.

Her slip had risen up her thighs to allow her legs to part but still managed to cover the most interesting areas.

Even so, he swore he felt the heat emanating from her core against his knees.

And he knew he smelled the scent of her arousal. It made him want to desert her breast for other, softer parts of her body.

Soon enough.

Lowering his other hand to her neglected breast, he cupped that one, rubbing the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Again, she squirmed. Her back arched, grinding his mouth even harder against her breast.

That little hint of pain made her moan and he tweaked her nipple with his fingers until she did it again.

He would never hurt her, but he knew the threshold between pain and pleasure was a thin one. It was all in the execution. And the level of trust.

Biting down a fraction of a second longer, he let that pain settle in before he soothed it with his tongue.

She cried out when he released her and tried to hold his head to her breast. Looking up at her, he saw her eyes were closed, the lids scrunched tight. Absorbing the sensations.

Okay for now. Mindlessness would come later. For both of them.

Lowering his mouth back to her body, he kissed his way across her chest, sucking on her skin and leaving tiny marks. The bite he left on the plump curve of her other breast showed as a bright red mark.


Instead of pulling her nipple into his mouth this time, he circled it with his tongue, flicking the tip before using his teeth on the opposite side.

Her entire body shook when he released her, her chest rising and falling and making her breasts quiver.

Turning his head, he brushed his beard-shadowed cheek against one nipple and elicited another moan from her.

He loved the sounds she made. They sank deep into his psyche and stroked parts of himself he’d thought frozen into oblivion.

Lifting his head, he claimed her mouth again, whipping his tongue against hers, fucking her with it.

When she caught it between her teeth and sucked hard on him, he had to fight back the orgasm threatening to explode from his cock.

He didn’t realize she’d started to unbutton his shirt until it gaped open. His nipples stood at attention as the room’s cooler air brushed against them. When she’d done away with the rest of the buttons, her hands spread the fabric wide and she just stared up at him for several seconds.

“I love your body.” Her words held a power that whipped against him like a lash. “So strong, so masculine. So touchable.”

“Then go ahead and touch me. I’m all yours.”

“Take the shirt off for me. I want full access.”

He swallowed hard as he did what she wanted, knowing the time was coming when he’d be the ones making the demands. And his demands would require so much more of her than she asked from him.

Shrugging his shoulders, he dropped his arms to his sides and let the shirt fall to his wrists before he dropped it to the floor at his side. Her hands had already returned and settled on his pecs. She stroked him with delicate fingers, barely touching his skin. The hair on his chest felt as if he’d been electrified. It stood on end, adding to his sensitivity.

His eyes narrowed to slits as he absorbed her touch. He forced them to stay open because he wanted to watch her, see her reaction.

It was worth the effort. She looked mesmerized, fascinated. Her fingers swirled through the hair to his nipples, which she pinched and pulled.

Not nearly enough. “Harder, Kate. Use your nails.”

She immediately complied, sinking her nails into his nipples and sending waves of sharp shock straight to his groin.

His breath hissed between his teeth only seconds later when she soothed that pain by stroking her fingertips over the nail marks.

“Lick them,” he growled.

“I can do that.”

Sliding one hand behind her back, he lifted her to him, cradling her head and bringing her mouth where he wanted her to be.

He felt the wet swipe of her tongue across one nipple then the other, her hands curving around his ribs then stroking down to his hips. Her teeth nipped at him a second later, biting each nipple in turn.

God, yes. Even harder.

As if she’d read his mind, she sucked on one tip before mimicking his earlier action and biting the muscle of his pec.

His entire body jerked in reaction and a growl rumbled in his chest. He felt her shiver, hands clenching around his biceps.

After several long seconds, she began to work her way up his body, placing kisses along his collarbone and neck. Her warm lips left a trail of zinging sensation that threatened his control. When she nipped at his earlobe, he groaned as his body absorbed the pleasure.

He had the almost overpowering urge to strip her naked and fuck her until they couldn’t move. And then he’d flip her onto her stomach and start all over again.

He felt almost out of control and, for once, that might not be a bad thing. She wanted him to loosen his reins, trust her to know what she wanted and to tell him if he did something she didn’t like.

She wanted him to trust her to know how far to go, to stop him if she felt uncomfortable.

He was about to take her at her word.

* * *

Kate felt the exact moment Tyler’s mood shifted.

Until that point, he’d been almost . . . restrained. That’s the only way she could describe the feeling she got from him. As if he’d leashed all that dominance she knew he held inside but now he’d snapped the chains.