“Are you having second thoughts?”
He pitched the question in a low voice, low enough that Greg wouldn’t hear.
Although, looking over Tyler’s shoulder, she saw Greg watching them intently, his smile gone.
Her thighs clenched and an ache started in her gut. Now was the time to back out, if she had any doubts at all.
Her gaze reconnected with Tyler’s. “No. I’m not.”
She spoke loudly enough that Greg could hear her. Though she didn’t see his response, she did see Tyler’s. And the scorching intensity in his gaze was enough to make her sex tighten and moisten.
And when he bent down to kiss her, she almost wasn’t prepared for the sensation of drowning. She felt like she was going under and she’d be damned if she cared to resurface.
He tasted hot, felt hot, and made her want to melt beneath him. Her hands rose to cling to his shoulders, her body doing a full press against his. In her bare feet, she barely came up to his chin, so she rose onto her toes to get a better angle at his mouth.
Before she realized it, he’d wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet. She floated, weightless, even though she ached with a lust so hot, it felt like molten lead rushing through her veins.
She wasn’t ready to release him when he broke away and set her on her feet. She curved one hand around his neck so she could take one more kiss before drawing away.
The flush on his cheeks had deepened and his eyes glinted with promise.
“Did you eat yet?”
She shook her head. “I’m not really all that hungry.”
“Humor me. I haven’t eaten all day. I’m going to order some steaks up to the Salon. Okay?”
Nodding, he turned to Greg. “You?”
“Yeah, I could eat.”
And again, that sarcastic little devil that hid in her brain and only emerged in intense sexual situations popped its head out again. “I guess you need to keep your strength up, being almost forty and all.”
There was that smile again.
Had something happened to her to make her sex-crazy? She never had been before. Sex with Arnie had been nice. Sweet. Comforting.
She’d never once considered inviting another man into their bed. Arnie would have been scandalized. And hurt.
Tyler wanted to share her with Greg. Almost as if he were showing off a favorite toy.
Was that why?
Was she merely a possession he could show off, like one of Annabelle’s prized paintings or—
“Kate, are you okay?”
And then he spoke to her in that tone of voice, as if she were the most important thing in his world, and she knew that wasn’t it for him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why don’t you order some food, and maybe we can have a drink. I have an urge to curl up in front of that fireplace in the Salon.”
The food tray had been returned to the kitchen via the old-fashioned dumbwaiter when Kate crooked her finger at Tyler and summoned him to her as she lay on the chaise by the fireplace.
She practically glowed in the warm light coming from the blaze and the few lights he’d lit around the room.
For the past hour, he’d been watching her, couldn’t take his eyes off her. She and Greg had kept the conversation flowing through the meal of steaks and baked potatoes. The chef had also sent up a cheesecake because he knew Tyler had a sweet tooth, but no one had touched it yet.
The three of them had polished off a bottle of wine while they ate, and only seconds ago, Tyler’d handed Kate a glass of champagne before giving Greg a seven and seven.
He’d wondered if she’d be nervous, but the look on her face as he crossed the floor didn’t seem like nerves.
She looked like sex incarnate, lying on the chaise in that black satin slip, watching him as he crossed the room to her.
Greg sat on the wing chair at the far end of the seating group. He knew from experience that position would give him the best viewing angle—far enough away that he wouldn’t interfere yet close enough to see everything.
Kate hadn’t asked him to come closer so she must have figured out why he’d sat there.
And it hadn’t seemed to upset her.
In fact, her excitement seemed to grow by the minute.
“Kate . . .”
She held up one finger. “You’re not going to ask the forbidden question, are you? Because if you do, I’m walking out.”
“Whatever the hell the forbidden question is, don’t ask it, man.”
Greg’s amused tone barely made a dent in the sexual tension that filled the air between the three of them. It’d been building all through dinner but none of them had let the tone get too serious. Now . . .
Tyler hadn’t been about to ask her anything. He’d been going to give her an excuse to leave, an out if she had any second thoughts.
But now . . . Now he was going to take her at her word.
Because he’d had more than enough foreplay. Watching her talk was foreplay. Watching her sip wine was foreplay, for Christ’s sake, especially when her tongue slid out to lick her lips.
“No more questions,” he said. “Take a sip of your champagne then set the glass on the table.”
“Only one sip?”
It took her a few seconds to comply, her gaze on squarely on his. He saw no hesitation, only a sexual heat that threatened to blow apart his tenuous control.
“You can have more later.”
Then again, he was fucking sick of reining himself in.
With Kate, maybe he’d found a complete match.
Putting one knee on the cushion next to her, he bent over her, fusing their lips together. He didn’t hold anything back, forcing her lips open so he could plunder her mouth with his tongue.
One hand reached for her breast while the other went for her thigh. He felt her draw in a deep breath as he fucked her mouth with his tongue, felt her stiffen beneath him, as if in shock.
But he wasn’t about to let her seize up now.
He wanted her burning and writhing beneath him, wanted her to be so wet with wanting him that her thighs got slick with it. He wanted to coat his cock in her wetness and then . . .
Then he wanted to fuck her ass. Just the thought of taking her in a way he was pretty sure no one else ever had made his balls tighten.
Running his hand up her thigh, he absorbed the sensation of her skin against his, the heat that sank into his blood and pushed him closer and closer to the edge of insanity.
Her hands clasped his shoulders but quickly moved up to sink into his hair, tugging at the too-long strands. He really needed a haircut but he’d been putting it off. There just hadn’t been time. And if he had, well, then, Kate couldn’t run her fingers through it and tug on it.
He loved the feel of her hands in his hair, mostly because he realized she liked it.
And he wanted to give her whatever she wanted.
That meant making her come until she didn’t have the energy to move.
Behind him, he heard Greg shift in his seat. Kate must have heard him as well, because her eyes opened and she stared up into his. Again, he saw no hesitation, no shyness. Only heat.
“So how is this going to work?”
Her voice was pitched low but he didn’t think she was trying to keep Greg from hearing. Just that she was hyperaroused.
Shifting around so he could sit on the chaise next to her, he wove one hand into her hair, smooth and silky between his fingers. God, he wanted to rub it all over his body. Against his chest, his thighs. Wrap it around his cock.
His cock throbbed at the thought, pressing against the zipper of his pants.
“How do you want it to work?”
She got that look on her face, the one that said he was testing her patience. He was coming to love that look.
“Considering this is my first time having sex with two men, I’m not quite sure.”
His gaze narrowed on hers. “The deal was for Greg to watch. Are you saying you want Greg to join us?”
Her gaze flicked toward Greg for a brief second. “Are you saying you don’t have a problem with Greg touching me?”
“No, I wouldn’t. Do you want to know why?”
“Because you’re not possessive?”
“I’d break any other man’s hand if they tried to touch you. Greg is the only man I would trust in this room with you and me.”
“Why do you trust Annabelle?”
She blinked up at him. “Because she’s my best friend. But I’ve never had the urge to share a man with her.”
“But she’s the only person you would ever consider talking to about this. Because she’s the one person you know who would understand why you did it.”
She nodded, her gaze clearing. “Yes. I understand.” She paused, her expression softening, the corners of her lips tilting up at the slightest angle. “Will you kiss me now?”
Didn’t she already know there was nothing he’d rather do more?
He leaned down and sealed their mouths together. He’d kept a tight lid on his lust for the past hour, not wanting to overwhelm her. But now, he released his control and let every last bit of passion bleed out onto her.
She opened to him immediately, their tongues tangling. He savored her taste, drinking in her passion, letting it stoke the building heat in his blood. It energized him, electrified him.
Made him want to rush to take her.
No. This was going to be slow. He was taking his own sweet time and drowning himself in her. Drowning her. Showing her how it could be between them. If she stayed with him.
How good it could be.
And what pleasure he could offer her.
In his peripheral vision, he saw Greg sink deeper into the chair, his glass in one hand. He looked deceptively lazy but Tyler knew him well enough to know he missed nothing.
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