And Saturday night, maybe . . .
Well, he’d worry about that later.
Right now, he had her right where he wanted her.
He ran his hand from her waist to her thigh, stroking her soft skin, making her squirm.
Right before he smacked her ass with a stinging slap.
He expected another yelp. Instead, she moaned.
“Tyler. What—”
He smacked her again, the slight jolt traveling up his arm and straight to his cock.
Already stiff as a board, it ached to sink deep in her pussy.
And he couldn’t wait any longer.
Twisting her around again, he set her on her knees on the bed then got behind her and pushed on her back until her chest lay on the bed with her ass raised high.
She started when he put one hand on her hip but didn’t move. He felt her tremble, but she didn’t tell him to stop. Or shy away from him.
She waited, breathing so hard he could hear her.
Instead of putting his knees between hers, he put one on the outside then put his bent leg on the side.
Leverage. It was all about leverage.
He dipped his fingers between her legs, making sure she was wet enough to take him, and found her slick and hot. He fucked her with his fingers for several seconds, stroking her sex high inside, making her writhe and clench around him.
When she moaned out his name a second time, he couldn’t wait any longer.
He grabbed his cock in one hand—
And realized he didn’t have a condom.
“Kate. I need—”
With a groan, she reached for the bedside table, opened the drawer, and fumbled around for a few minutes before practically throwing a little foil square at him.
They were exchanging medical info as soon as possible. He was growing to hate condoms.
Once he had it in place, he guided his cock to her entrance and slammed home in one, smooth motion.
God damn, she was so fucking tight like this. His cock pulsed a warning and he froze, not wanting to move and set off his orgasm.
But Kate couldn’t stay still. She pressed back against him.
So he spanked her again. The way she clenched around him made him bite back another groan.
Bending over her, he let his cheek rest against her back, felt the wild pattern of her breathing.
“Move, God damn it.”
Her demand made him want to spank her again, so he did. Twice.
Then he fucked her. Hard and fast and with everything he had.
And she let him.
He realized his eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness and he could see her hands clenched in the sheets, holding on as she pressed her ass against him with his every thrust.
His rhythm increased, dragging her along with him, their mating a primitive force that unleashed his usually suppressed wildness.
He fucked her with brute force until he felt her tighten around him, her moan signaling her release. Seconds later, he came so hard, he swore he saw stars behind his eyelids.
With a groan, he took them both to their sides, his cock still deep in her body, her pussy still clenching around him.
She was breathing so fast, he was almost worried she was hyperventilating until she finally began to calm down.
He had his arms wrapped so tight around her, he had to make a conscious effort to loosen them. Which she didn’t seem to like, because her fingernails dug into his forearms, stopping him.
“I want you to come back to Haven with me tomorrow,” he said. “Call in sick. I’ve got a meeting I must attend and then I want you to join me at the Salon.”
He felt her breathing hitch as she shook her head. “I can’t call in sick, and I have a meeting I can’t reschedule Saturday morning. But I’ll be there as early as I can Saturday.”
It was on the tip of his tongue to demand she drop everything for him but he knew that’d be a major mistake.
Still, the frustration wanted to eat away at him.
“Is there something special going on at the Salon?”
She sounded curious but tentative and he knew if he said yes, he wanted to fuck her while another man watched, she’d be shocked.
He wanted her to agree to it. Needed her to agree to it until it was a gnawing ache in his gut.
And he wanted her to want it as much as he did.
So just tell her what you want.
She’d been game for everything else he’d asked her to do. Why would this be different?
Because he’d be bringing another man into the mix. And he was pretty damn sure she’d never done anything like that before.
For all of Mia’s instinctual reserve, the voyeuristic aspect of their sexual relationship had excited her. She’d become a different person while having sex with him in front of another man. Almost as if she had permission to be someone different.
But, as he had reminded himself many times before, Kate wasn’t Mia.
“No. Only Greg will be there to watch.”
She lay still for several seconds before turning in his arms to look at him. She stared at him for several seconds, her cheeks flushing a bright pink. “Are you expecting me to have sex with him?”
Her voice sounded steady and she continued to hold his gaze. He couldn’t tell if she was angry, shocked, appalled . . .
Or turned on.
“I don’t expect you to. Do you want to have sex with Greg?”
It wouldn’t be the first time he and Greg shared a woman, though Greg had never had sex with Mia. But with Kate . . .
After almost a half-minute silence, Kate finally said, “I’m not sure.”
She hadn’t said no, but it wasn’t a definite yes either. Would this be the point at which she said stop?
She took a deep breath. “I can be there around eight, depending on traffic into the city.”
Yes. Instead of grunting out his triumph, he kissed her. Hard. Probably harder than he should have. But she didn’t push him away. She let him push up onto his elbows and loom over her.
His cock began to rouse again, brushing against her thigh. Bending her knee, she used that thigh to rub her soft skin against his, winding him up again.
Her tongue slid into his mouth, playing and teasing. Drowning out the tiny seed of doubt that he was pushing her too far, too fast.
“So I’m going to Haven again Saturday.”
Kate and Annabelle sat in a quiet corner in the antiques shop around noon on Friday. Kate had needed to talk and Annabelle had been tied up with customers, so Kate had brought lunch to her.
The customers had finally left, purchases loaded into the back of their van, a few minutes ago.
Kate had so far been able to keep from blurting out the fact that Tyler wanted her to have sex with him while another man watched—and possibly joined in—but she knew she wouldn’t be able to for long.
“And?” Annabelle raised a brow at her. “What does Tyler have planned?”
Kate blushed. She couldn’t help it. But not all of it was embarrassment. A lot of it was heat.
She wasn’t a prude. And she wasn’t worried about what Annabelle would think.
Annabelle had told her about her experiences at the Salon and the few times she’d spent with Jared and his friend, Dane.
Sure, she’d been shocked, at first. But her shock had quickly turned to curiosity.
And wonder. What would she do if she found herself in the same situation?
“He wants us to make use of the Salon.”
Annabelle’s eyes widened as she put her sandwich down without taking a bite. “Oh really. And what use does he want to make of the Salon?”
“He wants to have sex with me in front of another man.”
Annabelle didn’t look surprised. Only curious. “And what did you say?”
“I said yes.”
Annabelle nodded, as if she’d expected her to. “And are you sure it’s something you want to do?”
“I wouldn’t have said yes if it wasn’t.”
“Are you sure, Kate?”
It was on the tip of her tongue to say yes immediately but she took a bite of her sandwich before she did. And thought, really thought, about her answer. Annabelle didn’t push her to respond and they sat in silence for several seconds.
“Can I ask you a really personal question?”
Annabelle wrinkled her nose at her. “Of course you can. You know that. Anything you want to know.”
“Do you think I’m rushing into a relationship with Tyler too soon after breaking up with Arnie?”
Annabelle began to shake her head even before she’d finished asking her question. “No. Because you didn’t really love Arnie. You know that.”
“I know that I strung along a nice guy I knew I didn’t love for years before I came to my senses.”
Scowling, Annabelle waved her sandwich at her. “Now you’re just being too hard on yourself. I know you cared for Arnie. But I also know you think you’re at fault for everything that was wrong with your relationship. But you’re not. Do you think Arnie didn’t know you didn’t love him the same way he loved you? And do you really think if he loved you more than life itself, he wouldn’t have fought harder to keep you?”
Kate’s mouth dropped open for a second before she snapped it shut. She’d never looked at it like that before.
“Seriously, Kate, the only problem you’re going to have is getting addicted to how much fun you can have at the Salon.”
“So wanting to have sex in front of another man doesn’t make me a pervert?”
Annabelle rolled her eyes. “If it does, then welcome to the club. I’m going to be a charter member soon.”
“So Jared . . . and Dane . . .”
Annabelle’s smile told a story of its own. “Do you want details? I’ve actually been dying to talk to you about everything but you’ve been so preoccupied, I didn’t want to burden you. Or make you think I’m sex-crazed.”
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