Sabrina couldn’t quite hide her huge grin, and she jumped up from her chair to shake Tyler’s hand. “Hi. I’m Sabrina Rodriguez.”

“Tyler Golden. Nice to meet you.”

Kate put her arm around the girl and hugged her. “Sabrina models for me, but she’s a college student too and works for a caterer. She’s getting a degree in hotel-restaurant management, as a matter of fact.”

Tyler’s smile made Sabrina’s expression go slack. Jared had the reputation for being a lady-killer, but Tyler had just as much charm to spare.

“So which half of that major are you more interested in?” he asked.

Sabrina’s bubbly personality leaped at the question. “Oh, definitely the hotel. I just find there’s more to keep you busy with hotels.”

“Yeah, they can be a definite challenge.”

And there was definite stress in his voice. Kate looked up to search his expression. Nothing showed on his face, but his eyes looked exhausted.

“I don’t know if Kate told you, but my brother and I are opening a spa retreat locally and—”

“Yes! I know. It sounds amazing.” Sabrina’s enthusiastic response made Tyler smile, and Kate’s breath caught.

Wow. She’d never realized how easy it was to fall in love.

Guess it really did just take the right guy.

As Sabrina gushed about how excited she was about the spa and the economic opportunities it would bring to the area, Tyler encouraged her to give his human resources manager a call about a job.

And Kate dealt with the terrifying-electrifying sensation of knowing she could be totally destroyed by emotion.

* * *

Tyler liked Sabrina. He really did.

She was bright, bubbly, and had absolutely no artifice. And no filter. Whatever she was thinking came straight out of her mouth.

But right now, he wished she’d leave. As soon as possible.

He wanted Kate to himself.

It made his chest tight to think how easily he’d fallen for her. It hadn’t taken any effort at all.

Mia had required effort. And he felt like shit admitting that, even if it was only to himself.

But he refused to wallow in it. Mia was gone.

Kate was . . . his.

And he planned to prove it tonight. If he didn’t pass out first.

He hadn’t realized how god-awful tired he felt. He’d only slept about three or four hours a night this past week and it was catching up to him. Which sucked because he’d had big plans for tonight.

“Hey, Sabrina, do you mind if we finish this tomorrow?” Kate cut back into the conversation as Sabrina paused to take a breath.

The other girl didn’t seem at all put off by Kate’s suggestion. “No, of course not.”

And if her grin was anything to go by, Sabrina knew exactly why he and Kate wanted to be alone.

But he couldn’t let her leave without adding, “I was serious about you applying for a job, Sabrina. Can I let the HR guy know you’ll be in contact?”

“That would be awesome! Thank you so much.” With a huge grin and a wave, Sabrina flew out the door, leaving Tyler and Kate staring at each other across the room.

“She’s a bundle of energy,” Kate said to fill the void that opened between them. “You won’t be sorry if you hire her. She’s incredibly loyal and she takes whatever she’s doing as serious as a heart attack and—”

Tyler’s mouth descended, cutting off whatever she’d been planning to say and wiping out everything but the taste of him and the feel of him pressing against her body.

His mouth moved over hers without the typical sense of urgency she usually felt from him. This felt more like comfort, like he needed to kiss her more than he wanted to devour her.

So, instead of throwing herself at him like she normally did, she wrapped herself around him, seeking to give him what he needed.

His arms tightened, and the kiss took on a deeper sense of intimacy. His hands spread across her back as his tongue slipped between her lips to tangle around hers.

She wished their clothes would melt away so they could be skin on skin.

But she swore she could taste the fatigue in his kiss. Not that he wasn’t giving it his all. Just that he didn’t have his all to give.

She pulled away, but he wouldn’t let her go far. “Tyler, you’re exhausted. Have you slept at all this week?”

His lips twisted until he was almost smiling. “If you’re trying to get me into your bed, I’ve gotta say I wouldn’t turn you down.”

She wanted to ask him what he was doing here but Tyler didn’t look like he needed an interrogation. He looked like he needed someone to take care of him. And she wanted to. So badly it was almost a little scary.

Was this why her mom had given up her dream of traveling? Had she loved Kate’s dad so much that she’d been willing to toss over everything else she’d ever wanted?

Refusing to dwell on those thoughts now, she smiled and took his hand to pull him toward her bedroom. He let her.

When she had him next to her bed, she began undressing him. She started with the shirt, unbuttoning it with no hint of a tease. She had to bite her tongue so she didn’t lean forward and bite his broad chest as it came into view but she restrained herself and let his shirt fall to the floor.

His pants proved a tougher challenge to her composure. She wanted to linger as she pushed the button through the hole and unzipped the zipper. But she forced herself to rein in her desire to shove her hands down the front of his black boxer briefs and cup the impressive erection that made her mouth water.

He toed off his oh-so-formal black wingtips before she told him to, and she had to smile when he stepped out of his pants to stand before her in only his boxers and socks.

“I think I might like this look on you.” She looked up at him with a deliberately sexy gleam in her eye and watched him return her smile.

“And I think you’re wearing way too many clothes.”

“Ah, but you need some sleep.”

“I didn’t come here to sleep.”

No, he’d come here to have sex with her. Although having sex with him had become so much more than that for her.

“I know that, Tyler. Humor me. Lie down for a little while. I can see how tired you are.”

“Only if you lie with me.”

“I plan to.”


She heard the command in his voice but refused to give in to it. “If we’re both naked, you know what’s going to happen.” His smile made her thighs clench, but she wasn’t going to be deterred just yet. “Just lie down. I’m not going anywhere.”

His gaze searched hers for several seconds before he nodded and moved to her bed. When he lay on his back with his arms crossed under his head, watching her, she had the almost undeniable urge to do a striptease for him. But then she’d ruin her own good intentions because she wouldn’t be able to justify riling him up then not coming through.

And she’d be just as turned on.

Instead, she pulled her sweatshirt over her head and shoved her yoga pants to the floor seconds before crawling into bed next to him in her panties and camisole.

She pressed against his side, his body fitting against hers like they belonged together.

If they were going to continue this relationship, she really needed to think about getting a bigger bed.

Beneath her cheek, she felt his chest rise and fall on a sigh and his body relaxed almost instantly. She swore he was asleep in seconds, although his arms never lost their grip on her.

She didn’t mind. She didn’t plan on going anywhere.

* * *

Tyler came awake with a start.

He knew exactly where he was. And where Kate’s mouth was.

On his cock.

He groaned, his hands finding her head and sinking into the silky strands trailing along his thighs. “Jesus, Kate.”

One of her hands stroked between his thighs, teasing the sensitive skin before running her nails along his balls. Her lips ringed his cockhead, the tip of her tongue swirling around it like it was a lollipop she couldn’t get enough of.

After a long, deep suck, she let him slip from her mouth to run her lips down his length.

His head kicked back into the pillow, his hands tightening in her hair. He couldn’t let her go, couldn’t loosen his grip, and she didn’t seem to mind at all.

God, he wanted to be back in her mouth.

His eyes opened, but the room was totally dark. He couldn’t make out anything.

He could only feel.

Her teeth nipping at the base of his cock. One hand gripping his thigh, the other wrapped around his balls, massaging them.

He tried not to move as her lips slid back up his shaft just before she sucked him deep. The head nudged at the back of her throat and she swallowed, her throat tightening around him, encouraging him to come.

Not yet. Hell, no. He wanted so much more.

But Kate seemed determined to break his control. Her lips and mouth worked to rile him to a point that he had to give in.

It became a battle of wills. One he was determined to win.

On her next slide up his shaft, he was ready for her. He pulled her hair just hard enough to keep her from descending once again. She tugged, but he held on.

“Are you feeling more rested?”

Her tone held a note of teasing that made him want to smile.

“I think you’re going to be surprised how much energy I have now, sweetheart. But first . . .”

He sat up without warning, eliciting a yelp from Kate. Before she could get oriented, he had her splayed over his lap.

He was going to take her at her word and not ask for permission this time. If they were going to continue this relationship then she truly needed to know what she’d be getting with him. He needed to know she could handle everything about him before he let himself move forward and she decided she couldn’t take certain aspects of his personality.