But he was sure as hell going to ask.

With a slight smile and a nod, Kate agreed. They took the elevator in silence to the fourth floor.

He could tell she knew something was bothering him, but so far she hadn’t pushed.

Growing up with his mom, never knowing what kind of mood she’d be in, had taught him to always expect the unexpected. He’d managed to hold it together most days, but there were some he couldn’t. It hadn’t been until he’d been older that he’d found a way to cope.

And a woman who allowed him to use her to cope.

Damn, that made him sound like a total asshole.

But Mia had understood, he thought as he opened the door to the Salon and ushered Kate inside. Mia had known about his innermost fears. The ones he’d been able to conquer with her help.

You mean with her submission.

“Would you like another drink?”

“I could do with some water.” Kate’s voice sounded a little rough, a little deeper than normal. “I don’t think I’ve made as much small talk in the past year as I did tonight.”

At the bar, he shot her a glance over his shoulder as he put ice in a glass then poured water into it. “I have to say, I think you might have turned a few people into investors who might not have been. You’re extremely compelling.”

“When I believe in something, I have no problem promoting it. And Greg’s idea for the documentary is impressive. I really like the way he wants to use the proceeds to fund the foundation to get more arts education into schools. It’s something that’s sorely lacking.”

He should’ve known she’d find Greg’s proposal worthwhile. And he would have if he didn’t have all this other shit clogging his brain.

Christ, how self-absorbed was he?

Since he’d already had enough alcohol, he got a 7UP for himself and then returned to Kate, sitting by the fireplace on the love seat. Since the fireplace burned actual wood, he squatted down to light a match to the kindling and paper already set beneath the logs and watched until he was sure it’d caught.

When he looked up, he found her watching him, an intent expression on her face.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you? If you don’t want me to know then say that. But don’t lie and tell me nothing’s wrong.”

Her straightforward approach made his lips curve in a slight smile as he sat next to her on the love seat. He didn’t reach for her and drag her onto his lap like he wanted. Instead, he turned so he could rest his back against the armrest and look directly at her.

“My father is considering selling his shares in the GoldenStar chain to Vasser’s company. The deal would include the original hotel my grandfather built here in the city. Dad told me if Jared or I don’t take over his seat on the board, he has no reason to keep it. I thought he was beyond playing these games.”

And there was the fury he couldn’t keep contained. It rose up like bile, threatening to choke him.

“Maybe he wants to retire.” Kate’s eyes had narrowed, watching him closely. “I’ve never heard you mention any cousins or aunts or uncles. Isn’t there anyone else to take over?”

“No. My parents were only children. No cousins, no aunts, no uncles.”

“So you and Jared are his only heirs?”

When she put it like that, he saw how it looked from her side. That Glen Golden wasn’t really manipulating his sons into doing what he wanted. That this could be the only logical solution to a problem that didn’t have an easy answer.

But his father was only in his midfifties. He still had at least ten years to go before he even thought about retirement.

But Mom’s health hasn’t been great lately, has it?

“Yeah, we are,” he answered. “And my mom’s had some complications with her medication recently.”

Or was there something else going on that neither of his parents wanted to tell them? Either way, Glen Golden was playing an angle. He had to be. There’s no way he would have ever sold the chain out of the family.

“Is her condition life-threatening?”

Kate’s quiet question had his spine straightening, but he didn’t hear avarice in her voice. Many women in Philadelphia society would love to get their greedy nails into whatever gossip they could uncover and spread through their circles. Some women prided themselves on how much pain they could cause.

Kate’s tone held genuine compassion.

“It depends on the day.” He took a deep breath and allowed her into one of his deepest-held secrets. “She’s bipolar. Has been as long as I can remember. Growing up, it’d get so bad, she’d be confined to her bedroom for weeks. Then she’d go months without an episode. And then she’d break again and be out of touch for a month.”

“I’m sorry.” Two simple words, but they eased something inside him. “But she’s doing well now?”

“As far as I know. Which is why this move of my dad’s seems like a ploy. He’s always wanted me to take over the chairmanship. Hell, I was groomed for it for years. And then Jared came up with the idea for Haven and we knew this is what we wanted to do.”

“But you don’t want to lose your grandfather’s legacy, do you?”

“Granddad left Jared and I enough money to build this place. We own the majority of the stock, although we do have a few investors. But no one can take it away from us. It’s ours. Still . . .”

He’d never considered that his dad would sell the chain. It’d never even occurred to him.

“You don’t want to see the chain get sold off, but you have your life, your own properties.”

“The spa is a huge undertaking. I don’t even think Jared knows how big. In this economy, we could lose every cent we stick into it.”

“Or it could be a huge success as people begin to spend again. You and Jared made a success of this hotel in one of the worst economic climates. I have no doubt you can do the same with the spa.”

His lips curved in an unexpected smile. He never really thought of Kate as having an optimistic streak. Her snarky attitude had led him to believe she was a pessimist.

And yet, here she was, trying to lift his spirits.

And making his cock stiff.

“Do you want to be chairman of the board, Tyler?”

He thought about his answer for several seconds, not really sure he wanted to talk business right now. He wanted to strip her naked, bend her over the double-sided, black leather horse in the far corner of the room, and fuck her until he couldn’t think straight.

But that wasn’t all he wanted to do with her.

He wanted to talk to her, have her listen to what he said, and hear her opinions. He and Jed had way too much history with their father to see this situation clearly. And as much as he appreciated Greg’s advice, his opinion would be colored by his knowledge of the situation.

The horse wasn’t going anywhere and they still had hours before daylight.

“It was all I wanted as a teenager. It was why I got straight As in high school and college so I could go to Wharton.”

Her smile had a mischievous curve to it. “Wow, I knew you were smart but . . .” She shook her head. “All you need is a cape and a pair of black-rimmed glasses to complete the image. And little red tights.”

He snorted in amusement. “I’m no one’s image of Superman.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Clark. You know, I do have some red and blue silk at my apartment. I could whip you up a nice little costume—”

His laughter cut her short, the sound bouncing off the walls. “Thanks, but I don’t think you’d ever be able to look at me without laughing after you see me in tights.”

Her eyebrows curved and there was that smart-ass grin again. “Oh, I don’t know about that. Those tights don’t leave much to the imagination and, trust me, you’d fill them out. Nicely.”

Damn, she managed to crank his lust even higher. His cock felt as stiff as a bat and his balls ached for release. But he wasn’t finished with their conversation yet. And he refused to be rushed.

It’s what made him a damn good businessman. Patience really was a virtue. In business and pleasure.

“I don’t think there are many board chairmen who wear red tights under their suits.”

“But I think you’d fit right in on that board, Tyler. I guess what it comes down to is this—do you really want the GoldenStar to go to someone who isn’t family? Could you live with yourself? And if you can’t, can you find a way to do it all?”

That was the million-dollar question, wasn’t it?

Could he manage Haven and the spa and a multinational company comprising ten hotels?

Yes, he had Jared, and together they made a great team.

But the board had six other members, men his father had butted heads with over the years. The chairman position came with more than its fair share of headaches.

And did he really want to add more responsibilities to his plate right now, when his attention was fractured enough as it was? A lot of that due to the woman sitting close enough that he could reach out and touch her.

“Right now, I only want to do you.”

Color rushed into her cheeks but she didn’t drop his gaze. “And how do you want to do me?”

He watched her color deepen as he stared at her. “There’s a black leather bench in the corner. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it before. You might not have. Jared had it specially made to fit in with the rest of the room. If you don’t know what you’re looking at, you wouldn’t realize what it’s used for.”

“And what is it used for?”

“Are you willing to let me show you?”

She didn’t answer right away. Instead, she continued to stare at him, as if searching for answers. Before, when he’d asked her to trust him, she’d almost immediately agreed.