With his legs between hers, she couldn’t move. “Come on, Kate.” He tightened his fingers then released. And repeated until she was gasping for breath, squirming against him.
Her every move inflamed him and he gave her clit one last pinch, which set her off.
She practically screamed his name, her sex clenching around him, squeezing.
He tried to hold off, tried to ride it out so he could continue to fuck her, but she was too much.
He thrust one more time then held himself deep inside her as he came.
“So, Tyler, are you ever going to loosen up enough to ask me if I want to be tied down?”
Kate felt Tyler start beside her.
They’d made it to her bed a few minutes ago, and she still felt slightly drunk from the amount of champagne she’d consumed at the wedding after finally loosening up enough to have some.
She hadn’t eaten much, though Tyler had made sure she had just enough not to get sloppy stupid on the alcohol.
Now, she still felt pleasantly buzzed and totally triumphant.
The dress had held together. And she’d gotten a damn nice bonus check from Senator Shanahan.
Still riding the high of the day and the alcohol, she figured she might as well say what was on her mind while she felt uninhibited enough to do it.
Hell, she’d just had sex on her dining room table. What was a little baring of the souls between them?
“Are you sure you’re not too drunk to want to know the answer to that question?”
She wanted to laugh at the totally tight-assed way Tyler said that.
Lifting her head, she propped her hands on his chest then rested her chin on them so she could stare up at him.
With his hair mussed and his five-o’clock shadow even darker than it had been earlier, he took her breath away. The phrase stunningly masculine didn’t do him justice, she decided.
And his body . . . She wanted to lick him from head to toe and tie him to her bed so he couldn’t leave.
But that wasn’t what he’d said he liked.
No, he’d told her he was into dominance, and right now, her inhibitions were low enough for her to try just about anything. Or at least entertain the possibility of trying anything.
“I’m not drunk enough not to know what I want.”
His mouth quirked into a devastatingly sexy grin. “I think I understood that. And I didn’t have near as much alcohol as you did.”
“Are you avoiding the question, Mr. Golden?”
The grin disappeared into an intense stare. “Not avoiding. Just wondering what your answer would be if I told you exactly what I wanted to do.”
Ooh, that sounded naughty. She shivered even as her sex clenched.
Jeez, a little decent sex and she turned into a deviant.
And now she sounded like her dad. Shit. She quickly shoved away that thought. It had no place here.
“Why don’t you try me?”
He paused again and she could tell he was debating just how much he wanted to say. Just how kinky was this guy?
“Have you ever been tied down?”
The question, asked in that whiskey-dark tone of his, made her sex go even wetter.
She felt a blush creep onto her cheeks but refused to drop his gaze. “No. But I’ve thought about it.”
“What else have you thought about?”
Hmm, where to start? How much to reveal?
It felt like a delicate dance. Say too little and he’d be afraid he’d scare her off. Say too much and possibly bite off more than she could chew.
Not that she’d mind taking a bite out of him like he’d done to her.
“Tell me your fantasies, Kate. You can trust me with them.”
Oh, it wasn’t that she didn’t trust him. Tyler seemed nothing if not trustworthy. Stable. Steady.
All the things she’d wanted in a man. All the things she’d thought she’d found with Arnie.
And yet with Tyler, it all felt different. Maybe because she sensed the darker side he typically kept hidden.
Could she deal with that side? Did she have it in her?
“I’ve thought about having my hands and feet tied to the bedposts. Of being blindfolded. Of being taken and having no control over what happens to me. Of being forced to accept pleasure.”
She watched his expression tighten with each word, felt his body tense beneath her.
When he didn’t say anything right away, she thought maybe she’d said too much. Damn her mouth. It almost always got her in trouble.
She closed her eyes, but when he cupped her face and rubbed his thumb along her cheek, she opened them again to find him looking at her with undisguised lust.
“Will you let me tie you up?”
“Do you want to?”
“I’ve wanted to tie you to my bed since the moment I met you.”
It made her even wetter to hear him say that. If she hadn’t been sure she wanted to at least try it up until that moment, she certainly was now.
“I’m willing to give it a shot.”
He didn’t move right away, just stared at her until she thought maybe he’d changed his mind.
“Can I borrow a few things from your workshop?”
He slid out from beneath her and headed out the door. She got a quick glimpse of his very fine, naked ass before he disappeared down the hall. God, the man was gorgeous coming and going.
She tried not to let her brain run wild while she waited for his return. Tried not to let her nerves get the best of her. She wasn’t frightened. She knew Tyler wouldn’t do anything to harm her.
So why did she have such a knot in her stomach?
She didn’t have enough time to think about it because Tyler returned, his hands filled with various colors and fabrics.
She saw black and red silk she used for underwear, black lace she’d used to overlay a satin corset, and some purple velvet she had plans to use in a peignoir set.
“On your back, Kate.”
Oh, baby. The command in his tone made it hard for her to breathe, but she obeyed.
And that little kernel of doubt pinged in her brain again. That one word—obey—hit a sore spot she wasn’t sure she understood.
But she pushed that aside and concentrated only on Tyler.
The man was built like a piece of art. He didn’t have a typical businessman’s body.
A light coat of fine, dark hair covered his muscled chest and arrowed down to his groin. His erection bobbed almost flat against his rippled abdomen, the tip nearly reaching his belly button.
Her mouth watered and she thought about sitting up and taking him in her mouth, but she didn’t want him to think she didn’t want to play this game.
If this even was a game.
He stopped by the side of her bed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Arms out. Spread your legs. And don’t move.”
“Am I allowed to speak?”
“Only to tell me no or to tell me how much you like it.”
Okay, this was going to require a lot of tongue-biting because usually her mouth ran nonstop.
But she nodded and did as he’d said.
The urge to pull her arms back in and close her legs hit her almost immediately but she swallowed hard and kept her eyes on him.
“Perfect.” He lifted his hand to run his fingers down her cheek, along her neck and to her breasts, where he rubbed his thumb over a nipple. The sensation was so sharp, it made her gasp.
“I’m going to tie your wrists to the posts,” he said as he dropped the pile of material next to her on the bed. The piece of velvet rubbed against the outside of her thigh, the roughness enticing.
She bit her lip against the urge to squirm.
“Good. Control the need to move as much as possible. Part of this process is trust, Kate. You need to trust that I won’t hurt you. That I only want to bring you pleasure.”
She did trust him, even on their short acquaintance.
Nodding, she let her gaze drop to his hands as he fingered the pile of cloth.
He picked up the red silk, ran it through his hands, then looped it around her closest wrist.
The material felt cool against her skin but heated fast when he tied it securely around her wrist. Her shoulder bent as he tugged her arm up closer to the bedpost, the sensation of being vulnerable increasing.
Still, she managed to keep her mouth closed even though she wanted to say something, anything, to relieve just a little bit of the tension building in the room.
Although, why she wanted to do that . . .
Just call her contrary.
And a little out of her comfort zone.
But isn’t that what she wanted? To step out of her comfort zone?
Tyler moved to her ankle, pulling a length of peach satin from the pile. This time he gave a little tug as he tied the piece to the post, stretching her body just a little farther.
More air evaporated from the room, and now she knew she wouldn’t be able to take her eyes off of him, even if she tried.
On the other side of the bed, he picked a matching piece of peach satin to tie off her other foot. His fingers lingered on her ankle for a few seconds before he began to drag them up her shin. Light enough to raise goose bumps. Her legs instinctively tried to close, and the fact that she couldn’t increased her desire.
Her sex, still sensitive from earlier, felt almost painfully so now. She needed something to fill it, whether it was his finger or his tongue or his cock.
“Tyler, I need—Oh!”
He did exactly what she wanted, stuffed two fingers inside her sheath. No warning. No hesitation.
“No speaking, Kate.”
He removed his fingers just as quickly, leaving her panting with lust. And when he continued to trail those two fingers up her body, she felt her own moisture, wet against her skin.
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