At once both appalled and envious, Darcy wondered if his Elizabeth might be receptive to an amorous kiss. He was quite confident she also had a passionate nature but was uncertain if she would be willing to allow him a taste of it before their wedding.

“Well, once again, please accept my congratulations, Fitz. I obviously do not need to tell you Miss Bennet is a lovely woman. In fact, I am not sure you deserve such a treasure. Although it is certainly none of my business, do you regret being forced to marry her?”

“Good God, man! No, of course not! I was first attracted to her beauty and gentle nature at Pemberley. Back then I assumed Bingley and Miss Bennet had fallen in love at first sight. Since I, being a second son and soldier, had less to offer her than our infatuated friend, I stepped aside. When I later came to realize she admired me, I feared it might only be the uniform that attracted her regard. I was wrong. We are not being forced to wed. We are in l-l-l- … ” The fearless soldier gulped and turned red. “ … in l-l-l … We are, in l-l-light of the situation, very fortunate to feel as we do for one another; and the engagement is very much to our mutual satisfaction.”

Darcy smirked and said, “Yes, well, thank you for (ahem) en-l-l-lightening me. Now, eat something. I wish to be underway as soon as possible, and I will suggest a walk in the park. As much as I enjoy their company, I also look forward to some time with Elizabeth away from the rest of her family. Being with her is, well, a walk in the park, a piece of cake, easy as pie … ”

“Enough! I am hungry and suddenly crave something sweet.”

“Shall we have the carriage brought ’round, then?”

Fitz nodded. The two young men grabbed some pastries and scarfed them down on their way to visit two sweet ladies at the Bennet townhouse.

Because of the lateness of the hour – or earliness, depending on how you looked at it, as dawn had been fast approaching when Mr. and Mrs. Bennet escorted their two eldest daughters home from Matlock Manor – there had not been much discussion in the carriage. That would come later, especially for Jane. The four rang for their servants to help them undress, tumbled into bed, and slept fitfully for about five hours. The day of reckoning dawned for Jane before breakfast when she was summoned to her mother’s private sitting room.

“Jane, come have a seat here.” The woman patted the settee beside her. “I wish to speak with you regarding your unbecoming conduct last night.”

The young woman sighed, bowed her head, and contritely said, “Yes, Mama. Again, I am truly sorry for causing so much turmoil.”

When Jane sat next to her, Mrs. Bennet reached for her hand and held it for the duration of their conversation. “It is all water under the bridge now, my dear. Still, I want to discuss how you feel about the consequences of your reckless actions. You know your father and I always wished for you to enter into marriage only for the right reason. So tell me, have you actually formed an attachment with Colonel Fitzwilliam so quickly?”

Jane raised her head and smiled brightly. “Oh, yes, Mama! I have admired his character and appearance for some time now. But last night, Richard and I felt an immediate attachment.”

Her mother frowned, but her tone was mildly teasing. “Yes, I heard about your attachment … at the lips and several other points of contact, I believe.”

Jane coloured and said, “I apologize for such abandoned behaviour. As was earlier explained to Lord Matlock, Papa, and you … Richard and I simply … collided. Once I was in his arms, oh Mama, I never wanted to leave. I cannot explain the way he makes me feel.”

“Believe me, Jane, I understand completely. Your father and I were young once, you know; and it appears the apple does not fall far from the tree.”


“Just be careful, my dear. Your handsome Colonel has spent time on the Continent, you know.”

Jane knitted her brows. “What in the world are you implying?”

“Well, Richard Cosmo Fitzwilliam is … cosmopolitan.” She leaned in and whispered, “He is a man of the world and may have Roman hands and Russian fingers. You may be tempted to anticipate your vows.”

“Oh, Mama, really!”

“Very well, I will say no more at present. We will have a further talk before the wedding. In the meantime, I just need to know if you have agreed to enter into this marriage willingly.”

“I truly do love Richard; and, despite his career, we will be very happy together. Please do not worry about me. I have every reason to believe he and I will have a loving relationship like you and Papa share, which is everything I have ever wanted.”

Mrs. Bennet kissed her daughter’s cheek and smiled. “Then I am very happy for you, indeed. Your father and I were very fortunate to have found one another.” She patted Jane’s hand, still held in her own. “I shall not worry. Worry causes falling hair; and when the going gets tough, the tufts get going. Now, are you ready to get going and face your father and siblings at the breakfast table?”

When the two women joined the others, Mr. Bennet lowered his newspaper, looked over the top of his spectacles, raised his eyebrows, and said, “Ah, there you are, Mrs. Fitzwilliam-to-be. You, my dear, are marrying into quite a family. Come have a seat and prepare to be diverted by some gossip in an article on the society page. Listen to this: ‘Marriage Mania, Midnight Madness & Immoral Missteps at Mayhem Manor ~ The town is in an absolute uproar the day after a ball given by a member of the Peerage; and the Marriage Mart has suddenly been deprived of three of the country’s most eligible bachelors as well as three very beautiful, young, and nubile women..’


“Yes, Lydia?”

“What does new-bile mean?”

“Nubile means … ah … ask your mother.”


Mrs. Bennet scowled at her husband and replied, “It means marriageable … among other things. That definition will suffice for now. Continue, my dear Mr. Bennet. You read uncommonly well. Still and all, perhaps you could censor further descriptive words deemed inappropriate for young ears.”

“Thank you, Fanny. I suppose I deserve such praise as well as such censure. Where was I? Ah, yes. ‘Parents of le bon ton are bemoaning the significant loss of six desirable matches for their sons and daughters after the announcement of a trio of upcoming weddings. One very disgruntled matron complained the few families involved were being rather selfish by snatching up so many desirable young partners.’


“Yes, Lydia?”

“If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?”