I am pleased to inform you that on 6 Nov 1942 your husband, Corp. William L. Parker, 37 773 785, was evacuated to zone of noncombat and underwent surgery on wound, left thigh. Is making normal improvement.
Virgil A. Saylor, 1st Lt.,
MAC Registrar
U.S. War Department
Official Business
20 Nov 1942
Dear Mrs. Parker,
As commanding officer of your husband, Corporal William L. Parker who was injured in action 1 Nov 1942 on the Island of Guadalcanal I felt it imperative to reassure you that his condition is no longer life threatening and that eventual recovery can be fully expected. On 6 November he was transferred by air to the Navy hospital at Melbourne, Australia where he underwent successful surgery and awaits transfer to the United States.
Corporal Parker is a credit to his company and to the United States Marines. He fought well and without complaint. On 14 Sept 1942, while engaging the enemy in action on Guadalcanal, Corporal Parker displayed conspicuous gallantry in attempting to rescue Private Otis D. Luttrell by dragging him to a foxhole under heavy enemy fire. On 25 October Corporal Parker again proved himself a leader by singlehandedly knocking out a Japanese dugout emplacement which was holding up our advance. The enemy hole-up was situated in a cave made inaccessible by severe enemy fire from inside. Corporal Parker voluntarily crawled to the cave from its blind side, attempted to knock a hole in the roof and when unable to do so, attempted to kick the rocks away at the foot of the cave. Four times he threw hand grenades inside only to have them promptly returned by the Japanese. Next Corporal Parker tried holding the grenades for three seconds before delivering them. When these were also returned, Parker reportedly "got mad" and made a dynamite bomb which he thrust into the breach killing eight Japanese soldiers but receiving injuries to himself from an enemy fragmentation grenade which simultaneously detonated at the mouth of the cave.
Because of Corporal Parker’s determination and bravery the 1st Raider Bn. won a decisive victory over the Japanese at the mouth of the Ilu River, rendering them a loss of 12 tanks and some 600 troops in the 1st Marine sector.
It is with pride and pleasure that for heroism above and beyond the call of duty I am recommending to the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces that Corporal William L. Parker, USMC 1st Raider Battalion, be awarded the medal of valor of the Order of the Purple Heart.
Yours truly,
Col. Merritt A. Edson
Commander, 1st Marine Raiders
Balboa Naval Hospital
San Diego, California
Dear Mrs. Parker,
I am pleased to inform you that on 6 Dec 1942 your husband, Corp. William L. Parker, 37 773 785, was transferred to Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego U.S.A. for further medical treatment.
Balboa Naval Hospital
San Diego
7 Dec. 1942
Dear Elly,
I’m home again and you don’t need to worry any more. A Red Cross nurse is writing this for me because the doc won’t let me sit up yet. I finally got all your letters. They caught up with me in a hospital in Melbourne. Elly honey it was so good to read all those words from you, all about Donald Wade going to school and Lizzy P. saying her first words and how they taught her to say Daddy. I wish I was there with you all now but it looks like that’ll be a while yet. My leg isn’t so good but at least I’ve still got it and it might be stiff but I’ll be able to walk, they say. The docs here say I’m still carrying a piece of metal in my left leg and I may have to have surgery again. But what the heck, at least I’m alive.
I’m sorry they didn’t tell you more right after I got hit so you wouldnt have worried so much. I would have done so myself but I guess I wasn’t in much shape for writing. But don’t you worry now. I’m okay and I mean it.
By now you know I got hit by a Jap grenade while I was trying to flush eight of them out of a holeup near the airfield on the Canal which it’s okay now to tell you where I was, on Guadalcanal. The Canal was rough and we lost a lot there but we set them back and the airstrip is ours now. If we hadn’t the Pacific would still be theirs and I’m damn proud of what we did. I might as well tell you now my buddy Red didn’t make it and thats all I can say about it at the moment because its hard for me to think about it. So as I was saying it doesn’t seem much to put up with a few chunks of steel in your leg. But I have to confess I never was so glad to see anything as I was to see Old Glory waving over the Navy Hospital on good old American soil when I debarked here. Damn, Elly, I wish I could see you but this leg will have to mend first so I’ll be here a while but I’ll sure be looking for your letters. It seems like since I joined the Marines Ive lived for mail call. Now that I’m in one place your letters will get to me so write often, okay green eyes? Please don’t worry about me. Now that I’m back things’ll be just fine. Kiss the kids for me and tell Miss Beasley to write, too.
All my love,
Dec. 9, 1942
Dear Will,
Oh Will your home at last. Your letter just came and I cryed when I read it I was so happy. They won’t send you back will they? Is your leg healing any better? I’m so worried about it and what you must be going through with the operations and the pain. If you weren’t so far away I’d come to you again like I did in Augusta, but I just don’t see how I can come clear to California. But would’t it be something if we could be together for Christmas?…
24 Dec. 1942
Dear Elly,
The nurses strung colored lights across the foot of our beds but looking at them gives me that choky feeling again. I’m layin here thinking of last Christmas eve when you and me filled the stockings for the boys. I want to be home so bad.
Jan 29, 1943
Dear Will,
Happy birthday…
5 Feb. 1943
Dear Elly,
They got me up on crutches today…
Chapter 19
Calvin Purdy dropped Will at the end of his driveway.
"Thanks a million, Mr. Purdy."
"No thanks necessary, Will, not from a GI. You sure you don’t want me to take you the rest o’ the way on up’t the house?"
"No, sir, I was always partial to this little stretch of woods. Sounds good to walk through the quiet alone, if you know what I mean."
"Sure do, son. Ain’t no place prettier’n Georgia in May. You need any help with them crutches?"
"No, sir. I can manage." Leading with both feet, Will worked his way out of Calvin Purdy’s ’31 Chevrolet while Purdy retrieved Will’s duffel bag and brought it around, then laced it over Will’s shoulder.
"Be more’n happy to take your duffel up," Purdy repeated accommodatingly.
"’Preciate it, Mr. Purdy, but I kinda wanted to surprise Elly."
"You mean she doesn’t know you’re comin’?"
"Not yet."
"We-e-e-ll, then I understand why you want to go up alone… Corporal Parker." Grinning, Purdy extended his hand and gripped Will’s tightly. "Anytime I can give you a lift or be of any he’p, just holler. And welcome home."
After Purdy pulled away, Will stood for a moment, listening to the silence. No cannonade in the distance, no bullets thuppinginto the earth beside him, no mosquitos buzzing, no men screaming. All was silence, blessed May silence. The woods were in deep leaf, heavy green weighting down the branches. Beside the road a patch of wild chicory created a cloud of blue stars. Nearby a clump of wild clover startled, livid in the heat of its summer blush. Some creature had feasted on a smilax vine, spreading a scent like root beer in the air. A yellow warbler did a flight dance, landed on a branch and sang its seven clear, sweet notes, eyeing Will with head atilt.
Home again.
He moved up the driveway beneath the arch of branches that allowed the azure sky entry. He tipped his head and admired it, marveling that he need not cock an ear for the sound of distant engines, nor squint an eye in an effort to identify a wing shape or a rising red sun painted on a fuselage.
Forget it, Parker, you’re home now.
The driveway was soft, the air warm, his crutches poked holes in the red earth. They must’ve had rain recently. Rain. He’d never much cared for rain, not in his early life when he’d lived mostly in the open, certainly not on the Canal, where the damned rain was ceaseless, where it filled foxholes, turned tent camps to fetid quagmires, rotted the soles off sturdy leather boots and fostered mosquitos, malaria and a host of creeping fungi that grew between toes, inside ears and anyplace two skin surfaces touched.
I said, forget it, Parker!
The odd thing was, though he’d been Stateside for six months he still couldn’t acclimate to it. He still scanned the skies. Still listened for stealthy movement behind him. Still expected the telltale clack of two bamboo stalks rubbing. Still flinched at sudden noises. He closed his eyes and breathed deep. The air here had no mildewy smell, instead it held a tang of wild tansy which seemed familiar and welcoming and very native. During his drifting years whenever he’d caught a cold he’d brewed himself a cup of tansy tea, and once when he’d gashed his hand on a piece of rusty barbed wire he’d made a compress of it that cured the infection.
Walking up his own road amid the smells of tansy and smilax, he let the fact sink in: he was home for good.
At the sourwood tree he stopped, let his canvas duffel bag slip down and lowered his left foot to the ground. Real, solid ground, a little moist maybe, but American. Safe. Ground he’d shaped himself with a mule named Madam while a little boy sat and watched, and the boy’s mother brought red nectar and a baby brother down the lane in a faded red wagon.
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