Daisy let out a burst of explosive laughter. ” What, her! Sorry, Miss, but that do make me laugh, that do.”

I went to the table and, sitting down, began to eat my dinner. Daisy was about to go when there was a knock on the door and Kitty entered.

She grimaced at her sister and grinned rather familiarly at me. ” Oh, Miss,” she said, ” Mrs. Polgrey says that when you’m finished will you go down to the punch room. Miss Nansellock be there and her would like to see you. Miss Alvean have come home. They’d like ‘ee to come down as soon as you can. Tis time Miss Alvean were in her own room.”

” I will come when I have finished my dinner,” I said.

” Then would you pull the bell when you’m ready. Miss, and me or Daisy’ll show you the way.”

“Thank you.” I sat down and, in a leisurely fashion, finished my meal.

I rose and went to the mirror which stood on my dressing table. I saw that I was unusually flushed and that this suited me; it made my eyes look deddedly the colour of amber. It was fifteen minutes since Daisy and Kitty had left me and I imagined that Mrs. Polgrey, Alvean and Miss Nansellock would be impatiently awaiting my coming. But I had no intention of becoming the poor little drudge that so many governesses were. If Alvean was what I believed her to be, she needed to be shown, right at the start, that I was in charge and must be treated with respect.

I rang the bell and Daisy appeared.

“They’m waiting for you in the punch room,” she said. ” It’s well past Miss Alvean’s supper time.”

” Then it is a pity that she did not return before,” I replied serenely.

When Daisy giggled, her plump breasts, which seemed to be bursting out of her cotton bodice, shook. Daisy enjoyed laughing, I could see. I judged her to be as lighthearted as her sister.

She led the way to the punch room through which I had passed with Mrs. Polgrey on my way to my own quarters. She drew aside the curtains and with a dramatic gesture cried:

” Here be Miss!”

Mrs. Polgrey was seated in one of the tapestry-backed chairs, and Celestine Nansellock was in another. Alvean was standing, her hands clasped behind her back. She looked, I thought, dangerously demure.

” Ah,” said Mrs. Polgrey, rising, ” here is Miss Leigh. Miss Nansellock have been waiting to see you.” There was a faint reproach in her voice. I knew what it meant. I, a mere governess, had kept a lady waiting while I finished my dinner.

” How do you do?” I asked.

They looked surprised. I suppose I should have curtsied or made some gesture to show that I was conscious of my menial position. I was aware of the blue eyes of the child fixed upon me; indeed I was aware of little but Alvean in those first few seconds. Her eyes were startlingly blue. I thought, she will be a beauty when she grows up.

And I wondered whether she was like her father or mother.

Celestine Nansellock was standing by Alvean, and she laid a hand on her shoulder.

” Miss Alvean came over to see us,” she said. ” We’re great friends.

I’m Miss Nansellock of Mount Widden. You may have seen the house. “

” I did so on my journey from the station.”

” I trust you will not be cross with Alvean.”

I answered, looking straight into those defiant blue eyes:

” I could hardly scold for what happened before my arrival, could I?”

” She looks on me … on us … as part of her own family,” went on Celestine Nansellock. ” We’ve always lived so close to each other.”

” I am sure it is a great comfort to her,” I replied; and for the first time I gave my attention solely to Celestine Nansellock.

She was taller than I, but by no standards a beauty. Her hair was of a nondescript brown and her eyes were hazel. There was little colour in her face and an air of intense quietness about her. I decided she had little personality, but perhaps she was overshadowed by the defiance of Alvean and the conventional dignity of Mrs. Polgrey.

” I do hope,” she said, ” that if you need my advice about anything. Miss Leigh, you won’t hesitate to call on me. You see, I am quite a near neighbour, and I think I am looked on here as one of the family. ”

” You are very kind.”

Her mild eyes looked into mine. ” We want you to be happy here. Miss Leigh. We all want that.”

” Thank you. I suppose,” I went on, ” the first thing to do is to get Alvean to bed. It must be past her bedtime.”

Celestine smiled. ” You are right. Indeed it is. She usually has her milk and biscuits in the schoolroom at half past seven. It is now well past eight. But tonight I will look after her. I suggest that you return to your room, Miss Leigh. You must be weary after your journey.”

Before I could speak Alvean cried out: “No, Celestine. I want her to.

She’s my governess. She should, shouldn’t she? “

A hurt look immediately appeared in Celestine’s face, and Alvean could not repress the triumph in hers. I felt I understood. The child wanted to feel her own power; she wanted to prevent Celestine from superintending her retirement simply because Celestine wished so much to do it.

” Oh, very well,” said Celestine. ” Then there’s no further need for me to stay.”

She stood looking at Alvean as though she wanted her to beg her to stay, but Alvean’s curious gaze was all for me.

” Good night,” she said flippantly. And to me: ” Come on. I’m hungry.”

” You’ve forgotten to thank Miss Nansellock for bringing you back,” I told her.

” I didn’t forget,” she retorted. ” I never forget anything.”

” Then your memory is a great deal better than your manners,” I said.

They were astonished—all of them. Perhaps I was a little astonished myself. But I knew that if I were going to assume control of this child I should have to be firm.

Her face flushed and her eyes grew hard. She was about to retort, but, not knowing how to do so, she ran out of the room.

“There!” said Mrs. Polgrey.

“Why, Miss Nansellock, it was good of you” — ” Nonsense, Mrs. Polgrey,” said Celestine. ” Of course I brought her back.”

” She will thank you later,” I assured her.

” Miss Leigh,” said Celestine earnestly, ” it will be necessary for you to go carefully with that child. She has lost her mother … quite recently.” Celestine’s lips trembled. She smiled at me. ” It is such a short time ago and the tragedy seems near. She was a dear friend of mine.”

” I understand,” I replied. ” I shall not be harsh with the child, but I can see she needs discipline.”

” Be careful, Miss Leigh.” Celestine had taken a step closer and laid a hand on my arm. ” Children are delicate creatures.”

” I shall do my best for Alvean,” I answered.

” I wish you good luck.” She smiled and then turned to Mrs. Polgrey. “I’ll be going back now. I want to get back before dark.”

Mrs. Polgrey rang the bell and Daisy appeared.

” Take Miss to her room, Daisy,” she commanded. ” And has Miss Alvean got her milk and biscuits?”

” Yes, M’am,” was the answer.

I said good night to Celestine Nansellock, who inclined her head. Then I left with Daisy.

I went into the schoolroom where Alvean sat at a table drinking milk and eating biscuits. She deliberately ignored me as I went to the table and sat beside her.

” Alvean,” I said, ” if we’re going to get along together, we’d better come to an understanding. Don’t you think that would be advisable?”

” Why should I care?” she replied curtly.

” But of course you’ll care. We shall all be happier if we do.”

Alvean shrugged her shoulders. ” If we don’t,” she told me brusquely, “you’ll have to go. I’ll have another governess. It’s of no account to me.”

She looked at me triumphantly and I knew that she was telling me I was merely a paid servant and that it was for her to call the tune. I felt myself shiver involuntarily. For the first time I understood the feelings of those who depended on the goodwill of others for their bread and butter.

Her eyes were malicious and I wanted to slap her.

“It should be of the greatest account,” I answered, ” because it is far more pleasant to live in harmony than in discord with those about us.”

” What does it matter, if they’re not about us … if we can have them sent away?”

” Kindness matters more than anything in the world.”

She smiled into her milk and finished it.

” Now,” I said, ” to bed.”

I rose with her and she said : ” I go to bed by myself. I am not a baby, you know.”

” Perhaps I thought you were younger than you are because you have so much to learn.”

She considered that. Then she gave that shrug of her shoulders’ which I was to discover was characteristic.

” Good night,” she said, dismissing me.

” I’ll come and say good night when you are in bed.”

” There’s no need.”

” Nevertheless, I’ll come.”

She opened the door which led to her room from the school room. I turned and went into mine.

I felt very depressed because I was realising the size of the problem before me. I had no experience of handling children, and in the past when I thought of them I had visualised docile and affectionate little creatures whom it would be a joy to care for. Here I was with a difficult child on my hands. And what would happen to me if it were decided that I was unfit to undertake her care? What did happen to penurious gentle women who failed to please their employers?

I could go to PhiUida. I could be one of those old aunts who were at the beck and call of all and lived out their miserable lives dependent on others. I was not the sort of person to take dependence lightly. I should have to find other posts.